Page 44 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 44
WMC Rangers Soon To Shoot In Competition Bv ROB MAGEE SrdjJWrlk. "Rangers Lead the Way" has been the motto of the u.s. Army Rangers since the invasion at Normandy. Today it lives on in the hearts and minds of the Army ROTC Ranger Challenge Team here at Western Maryland College. This weekend the Ranger Cballenge Team will travel to Ft. A.P. Hill, Virginia for the Ranger Challenge Shootout. Western Maryland will com- pete against 33 other schools in events geared to measure tech- nical, physical and mental en- durance. "It keeps me up to par with other cadets and keeps my sol- diering skills honed," says se- nior Jobn Gazzelli, three year member of the Ranger Chal- lenge team. Eacb cadet most compete in different tasks such as, tbe physical fitness test, riffle marksmanship, land navigation and other demanding events. dents from other schools." University. Western Maryland has The scores are then combined Senior team captain Sherry always finished in the top half of for a team score that will deter- Albright wants the team to fin- tbe teams, and a top ten position mine their overall standing. It is ish in tbe top ten of the stand- this year would show the strength important that each individual ings. This would be a major ec- of a small program like ours. does their best, because it is the comphshrnent for a small The Ranger Challenge team is team that is judged. school like Western Maryland made up of cadets from all classes If the team can win the Senior John Faris says "The competing against schools like of the ROTC program. Thisyear's competition, they will then competition is a chance 10 mea- Virginia Military Institute, Vir- team is made up of seniors Sherry get to compete in the Region sure yourself with other stu- ginia Tech and James Madison Albright, lobo Gazzelli, Cbris Cut- Sbootout later in tbe year. The Friendly Face At The Post Office getting a student's mailbox to at it, but sbe gets along very well," work, and helping with the fax said Griffith. to do some last minute work. Think you're busy? Consider machines and copiers at the With all the work that Sickles She said the job conflicted Joan Stickles, the friendly face copy center. The other part of does at WMC, it is hard to believe with ber family too much. at the Western Maryland Col- her job is coordinating the stu- that the Westminster native is just Finally, it got to be too lege post office. When she is dent workers. She puts them as busy at home. Stickles, who is much for her after the death of not directing student workers, where they are needed most, married, has a 12-year-old and a her father. "1 went through a sorting mail, or fixing a copier, said Suckles' assistant Esther 13-year-old who keep her on her hard time when my dad died," she's probably driving her two Griffith. She tells the workers toes. She is constantly driving she said. So she left tne job to teen-agers and their teammates to distribute campus mail, run them and their teammates to soccer have some time for herself to soccer games. Stickles, 36, mail to the academic depart- games, she said. Her family is very and her family. who is support services coordi- ments, and meter mail using a important to her. 'They are very Also, there was another nator, has been working at metering machine, which orga- flexible bere (at WMC) ... they reason she left the job and WMC for the past four years. nizes mail to be sent out. allow me to go take care of my eventually came to WMC. "It Stickles is at the post offtce What is it like for students family," she said. wasn't people-important," she dwing most of the day. Students who work for her? "I give them Stickles said she couldn't do said. "I like the interaction who approach the window are a fair outlook of what it's like that wben she worked at the with people here." greeted by a friendly, outgoing in the real workplace," said Carroll County Times for eight She likes working at WMC person who is ready to help Stickles. "I want things that a years doing paste-up work. She better but she still has to deal them. "I like to think that Imeet real employer would expect." laid out the pages oftbe newspaper with the many problems stu- them with a positive attitude," Griffith, a post office em- and did ad layouts, too. She was dents have with copiers, mail she said. ployee for 14 years, gives under a lot of stress because, she boxes, and the Unitied Parcel Among the many things she Stickles' performance as stu- said, "There was always a Service. "Their emergency is is called upon to do is finding dent coordinator a rating of deadlilne to meet." Sometimes my emergency," she said. answers for mailing questions, eigbt out of 10. "She is still new overtime work was needed and Her onc complaint about her job is the waste. ''There is tremendous waste in the sys- BOCKS FLORAL DESIGN tern," she said. Stickles said CRUISE SHIP 1.0%Discount With College she wants some of the loop- JOBS! Identification. holes fixed. A major loophole Oller expo 1.1./30/93. she mentioned involves bulk Students needed! Earn $2000+ mailing. She said she got a monthly. Summer!holiday! (410) 857-1.447or J.~7 box of a thousand mailings fulltime. World travel. Carib- Located In Wedadnrter Shopping Centu this summer, too much mail to bean. Hawaii. Europe. by woolwortlu. meter. So, it was all sent out to Mexico.Tour Guides. GiftShop Sales, Deek Hands. Casino the Westminster Post Office, Workers, eel. Nc cxpcrience Balloon Boaqaer. FratE ... ket. Fresh t:I SDk FI_er. even though she knew some necessary See Friendly Page 11 602-680-4647. ec. C147
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