Page 15 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 15
eel-slters Improving The S.G. A.'s Image On Here~sthe Campus part ofa Dear Students, Last year the S.G.A. took a sizable amount of heat by some fur coat students who thought that we did not do enough for the stu- dent body. Due to these accusa- tions, the newly elected officers are taking a much more serious mostpeopJe approach toward the efforts of improving the S.G.A.'s image on campus. Once way in which I CeltI could contribute was by never see. creating a section in The Phoe- nix devoted solely to infonning the campus about the issues and Not a pretty sight, is it? This ad makes you problems brought up at OUf \\,11111 10 nu-n YOllr head. There's nothing prcrry about weekly meetings. This semes- ter we will be providing at least till' kind of agony that any animal caught in a steel- two open forum meetings. and jaw trap experiences. we encourage everyone to at- Try to imagine the pain these animals feci when, tend and bring your problems and questions to us. In the mean out of the blue, steel jaws damp so tigll1ly around time, please feel free to contact them that Ihey go beyond the skin and muscle, to the your class president if you pres- hone. The pain and terror sometimes drive animals ently have any problems which to gnaw off their OWII limbs to escape. Others wait, you would l~e to address. Se- sometimes days, for the end to misery that comes niorClassPresident Mark Fur- long (X8685), Junior Class with the death the trapper brings. Traps show no piry President: Jay Hilbert (X8145), undno judgment-they catch whatever walks into Sophomore. Class President tlwll1; even family pets. Michelle Roatche (X8106), and If you ever though. a fur coat or fur uim was Freshman Class President: To be elected on September 21. prell}', think of the animals who died to make thai During our.meeung on Tues- coat, and think of their pain. Then a fur coat will just day, September 14, we dis- look prett), ugly. cussed preparations for Home- The Humane Society of the United Stales is coming, extended library hours, student representation on col- working to end the use of steel-jaw traps in this COUIl- lege committees having vacan- IIY.We're convincing people that, when they choose cies that need to be filled, and 10 wear fur, animals suffer and die, needlessly. We the election of an S.G.A. Vice need your help. Don't buy a fur. And, rho next time For more information on how YOli can save fur President. Remember, the animals and our pels from such cruelty, write: S.G.A is here to help you! someone says fur is pretty, show rhar person this ad The Humane Society of the United Slates Sincerely, 2100 L Street, N\V, Washington,DC 20037. Mark Furlong, Senior Class President Apology For The llumane Societyof the UniledSlates 2100LStreet,NW, Washington,DC20037 Zip Delayed Library Opening a formal statement to Campus Safety, authorizing them to un- Dear Students, lock and admit to the library I am writing to apologize to designated student desk atten- all who were inconvenienced by dants. An updated list of the the delayed library opening on telephone numbers to be called Sunday, September 12. The in case of an emergency has student attendant scheduled 10 been posted at Campus Safety work was punctual but Campus and at the College Switchboard. Safety refused to unlock the Once again I apologize to building for him because I had those of you who wanted to use not instructed them in advance the library before 3:00 on Sep- to do so. The officer attempted tember 12. Please accept my to reach me by telephone but assurances that it was an iso- was unsuccessful. lated incident that will not be repeated. to :~e~n~f!T:t~t~:nO~:i~ Sincerely yours, incident. The library had issued Dave Neikirk, Library Director
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