Page 182 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 182
Q:Dmw:lbe:uk:l::LUn!1R1.L:,1!1KJUi'_:: What Causes The End OfSemester " Cram''? have other activities and pres- BY TlMonIY REILLY C",,'rih!di"!Wriu, sures like taking the math pro- Young ladies in bikinis, ficiency test. sports, finding a baseball games, volleyball in summer jobs or internships, the quad, loud music blaring out registering and, of course, try- from open windows. All these ing to continue to do well in I things have one thing in com- their courses," said Disharoon. keeping up in their studies and 1\41 mon-the arrival of summer. She added that seniors, espe- However, there is one thing that cially, are under tremendous signifies the close of the semes- pressure because often they ter - the end of the semester need to make sure all their re- cram. quirements are met, as well as According to Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs Barbara graduation. "If every student Disharoon, it is typical for stu- treated each day as a regular tributed to outside activities, dents to have a lot of work. She work day (nine 10 five) they don't have to cram. All you the communications depart- then you have procrastination, stated that the work load is very wouldn't need to cram, and have to do is review." ment, believes that students of- relaxed before spring break, but they would probably do better Jane Sharp, the cataloging ten wind up digging their own then you have the normal pres- sure of trying to finish papers begins to accelerate as pressures academically," said Disharoon. librarian at Hoover Library, grave. "Everybody wants and get ready for exams." begin to build. These, however, are not the said, "Sometimes you think, things moved back so they have Lightner also stressed that Disharoon stated that after only factors behind "the cram" wby didn't he or she do this more time, however, tbey don't spring break, students may find Assistant Professor of History earlier. But they usually have realize that this leads to cram- weather is often a factor as they want to withdraw from Pat Reed believes study habits more than one paper. You have ming.· Dr. James Lightner, well. Unbelievably enough classes because they aren't do- are key in avoiding the cram. to try not to be judgmental." professor of mathematics, had a stu- ing well. "Other times students "U you study all semester you Rick Dillman, chairman of similar view, "Cramming is at- See Cram, page 12 Dutch Student Scopes WMC For Student Exchange Program the US, since be was willing. itingWMC. popular form of transportation. Be- cence. It was, he says, a very dif- ferent experience, to be in a place Nagel comes to us from a HearrivedatWMCthelastFri- sides this, there are mere sidewalks, where everyone lives together on WMC's connection to Holland scbool in Utrecht, withwhich there day of Spring'Break, and bas been which encourage one to simply onccampus-001,bcsays,hehasen- walk to the comer store. has beccmeabitnnepcrsonafized has been a faculty exchange pro- observing ever since. He has at- When asked if he nas enjoyed joyedthediffcrenccs. in the History, En- with the presence Ben Nagel, a stu- posed However, it needed 10teas- tended classes his visit, he gave a cheerful affuma- But, i.s the school suitable for dent woo has been bere for !be Jest certainedwhetherornotWMCis glish, Education, Foreign Lan- live. "It's very different from Hol- student exchange? "Ireallyappre- few weeks evaluating Western an aprIqXiate schoolfor a student guage, and Political Science de- ciate this college, " be says. "It's MaryIandOlUege toseeifitissuit· exchange. J'll1lIl
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