Page 137 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 137
: Local Band Has Debut Performance At Coffee House By S..A. SoMMER plays lead guitar, Myers rhythm inspired by a sign on the doorof Raub, who said before the E4;I..,...;~·CIti·1 guitar, Sanderson percussion, "The guys had known Megan room in Rouzer. .show bow nervous she was, said, Standing room only was the and Raub sings lead vocals. The [Raub 1from church youth group The crowd at the coffee .. All the people I met here were scene last Friday night at the Rays actually originated in activities, buttbey drifted apart. bouse was one of the most di- really great. It's nice to have a Coffee House with the debut of Smilh'sRouzerroom during Jan During January Megan was verse in the coffee house's one confidence rooster." a local band, The Roys. Term. home from SSU and they de- and a half year history. Besides Sanderson agreed with Raub The Rays is a four person Sanderson, a senior history cided to get together. Megan the coffee bouse regulars, there adding ... 1be music was there, band made up of two WMC stu- major, told the story of The and Gary came up to the college were students representing other but the people that came made it dents, Nathan Smith and James Rays' origins. "Irs kind of and we all ended up jamming in partS of the WMC social scene, and that's the way the coffee house should be," Sanderson, and Megan Raub, a strange. Nate [Smith] and Gary Nate's room. I lived next door including the Greeks. Also According to Myers The Salisbury Slate University fresh- [Myers] have been friends for a to Nate in Rouzer. We all present were some students man, and local Westminster long time, since middle scbool, I though starting a band would be from Salisbury. who drove up to Rays plan on playing again soon. All Smith had to say was, "I resident Gary Myers. think," Sanderson explained. a good idea" see their friends perform. had fun." Smith, a chemistry major, The name of the band was Resume HelpAnd Mock InterviewsAvailableAt Smith House Do the words "job inter- conduct a practice inter- over and offer some tips, make Don't forget to check out SIONS, a computerized career view" make your palms sweat view with you and give you an appointment with Career the resources, internships, program, can help you get infor- and your knees tum to jelly? instant feedback with vid- Services! Stop by Smith notebooks, up[coming events mation about occupation from Don't despair-the Career Ser- eotape analysis. To make House, orcall x243 to schedule and job notebooks in the Ca- both national data and Maryland vices Office can help! this experience as realistic an appointment-graduation is reer Library on the second specific data. VISIONS in lo- You can practice your skills as possible, a resume and only three months away! floor of Smith house. VI· cated in the career library. in our mock interview pro- appropriate interview attire gram. Students can schedule are required. appotnnnents for videotaped If you need help getting WMC Community Calendar practice job interviews. You you resume together, or just will meet with a Career Ser- want someone to look it -' . vices staff member who will CorrmunityActivities Students must have completed at .AttentiooGamers least 86 total credit 00urs including The Knights of Ihe ·AttentimPoets: 12 hours in accomting COLUSeS. Sextagonal Table meet Satur- To enter the Natb Amet- can Poetry Contest, send one Rrmcre infonnatioocall (410) day_I2:(x)'S:OOpnmtbe original poem, any subject aOO 2%<)25()",calll-800-782-2036. Freeman Room and 00 Sun- Application _ is April 15, days _ pm in Photography any style, to The Natiooal U- 1994. Gok:I.RcxmB. mIIO'einfCl'- 6:30-11:00 11419 brary Poetry, of malion call Mark Geary at P.O. Box 704- CrooridgeDrivc, YD,OwmgsMills.MD2JJJ7. ~0rgMimIi0ns -sm _ or Sllmce meets -A_AD~ sOOuld be no The poem Editor more than 20 lines, and the tion Coalition (SEAC) Thursdays at every SllIXIay in the Leidy 1beStudentF.n~ntalAc- Rocn at 7:00 pn, f of the page. OIl their meetings appear Room Entry is free and open 10 all. 6:(X\'m in the Freeman Fa-moreiofor- All x8444. <8327. Educational FouOOation will infoonatiOll call againJl'Ovide~1O ·Attentim Christians LaKeisba Rivers at x8()41 CI' Renee Bartley at x8649. meets The Cl!ristian FelDm!tip RAPE MYTH #65 accountingsrudellts. every Wednesday at 8:00 pm in Applicants for schola; musthave a cumulaliveGPAof 9:oopn in the basement of Istsec- To beincludedin theoormnunity MYTH: Rape on college campuses is exaggerated. 3.0, demonstrate financialneOO t.ioo OMC. Fa- more infcnnatioo ca1eodar,piease send all infonna- FACT: Autbotities all agree that rape on campus is far mon andmeetotherspedficrriteria. call Josh Foster at x 8403. tioninchxiinga cootactperso!l 10 prevalent than is generally believed. A recent study revealed The Phoenix. that approximately 20% of tbe female respondenls had been victims of rape or attempted rape by someone that they California Ray's knew, yet only 8% reported it to the police or campus authorities. 330 • 140 Villiage Road Monday. Friday 8:00 am to 9:30 pm For help or more information. call the Rape Crisis (410) 876 - 8318 Saturday 10:00 am . 7:00 pm Intervention Service. Our services are and all inquiries are confidential. SESSION: (10% Discount with Student 10) Sunday 10:00 am . 5:00 pm Hotline: 857-7322 Office: 857-0900 I Walk in Session in Regular Beds _ $4.00 [-------, I Walk in Session in Big Beds _ $5.00 6 Sessions - $2250 ICalifornia Ray's I 12 Sessions - $40.00 J£.MAINST. : $2.00 off: IN DOWNTOWN WfSIJIINS7F.R 18 Sessions - $58.00 24 Sessions· $75.00 Big Beds are an additional $1.00 Each Session I A purchase of I MEMBERSHIP: (5% Discount with Student ID) : Tauning Lotion : I - Months SI5.00 + $2.50 Each Sessions 3 - Months $35.00 + $2.50 Each Session I with coupon I 6 - Months $55.00 + $2.50 Each Session I Exp,May 31st I Big Beds are $3.50 Each Session L _j UNLIMITED: (10% Disc;ount with Student ID) 3 Weeks - S45.00 6 Weeks - $65.00 12 Weeks _$95.00 .7f-JJj4 Big Beds are an additional $1.00 Each Session L- _____
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