Page 136 - ThePhoenix1993-94
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Hill Little Vmnie's IsTops InTattoos By JONA.THAN NELSON though." S"I/fWri. .. , ported tbat, it only took 15 min- Presun, says the most popu- Just up Main St., there is a utes to administer. However, lar location to get a tattoo for a little gold mine where visitors Casalaspro's tattoo is colorless. girl is the ankle, and the most can walkaway with creative art- Eric Reeves a Junior at popular area for a guy is the work that is good enough to en- WMC, chose a skull and cross ann. tice even the worst of skeptics. bone displaying bts three fra- Little Vinnies follows Little vtnmes Tattoos has ternity letters on it. health standards such as using been in business for over three Reeves went 00 to say"l got single-use needles, having all Phi years now and there are almost this tattoo because I am proud areas clean with the work sur- Sigma Sigma as many tattoos out there from of my fraternity:' Reeves's tat- faces being made of formica, or wants to wisb a Vinnies as there are hamburgers too was also the biggest o~e stainless steel and all reusable lHlappy Birthday to served daily at McDonalds. bunch with the dimensions be- equipment has to be auto- Recent trends popularizing tat- ing 4" by 2". claved. Julie Forsythe, toos at WMC are helping to Freshman, Jon Torpy paid a Asked if there are any, Kathy keep Little Vinnies in business. visit to Vinnies on the spur of places where he will not put a Montogomery , Tattoo artist Matt Presun the moment. Torpy had no idea tattoo, Prestin replied. "well in Randi DeFino, what he wanted, he just knew was quite uncertain as to how Maryland it is illegal to tattoo Steph Ross, and be wanted a tattoo. As a result how many tattoos he has admin- of his visit to vlnntes, anywbere on the hands, face Lisa Taneyhill. istered, Slating that the number Torpy and foot." now bas a 2 and a 112 inch buz- was "far into the thousands." On an average day, Vinnies DM, lIB, AND JS zard from Looney toons that is will do 3 to 5 and on a good day Mike Jekogian, a former located on his left thigh. they will do around 5 to to, Jon bas bad bis tattoo for swimmer at WMC, selected' Prestin reported. GET 1F§'!lCllllIEIlJ) FOR SPRING BREAK Vinnies as his tattoo parlor of nearly seven months now and Presun was also asked what PuERro V1LLARTA!!!! choice because of it's reputation he only paid $65.00 for it Jon the most common tattoos are for cleanliness and precision. stated that the outlining of his today. "hearts are pretty com- LOVEKAKA Jekogian chose a mania ray tat- tattoo was very painful but the - mon, and so are dolphins, too on the inside of his right coloring process was only roses, grim reapers and Tasma- ankle because he "wanted to re- mildly uncomfortable. nian devils." Prestin then re- member swimming, there's a Cecil the turtle is what deeper meaning than the deco- sophomore,DelightBuenaflor :r:,!!:,:ec~=c~~ ~:~ ~~ THANKs TO THE BUSINESS ADMINI ration." cbosetc have put on the outside "will not do Tasmanian dev- MAlNnNANCE CREW Jessica Casafaspro got her of ber left ankle. "I wanted one Us." CUSTOMER tattoo about three or four for a while and being away at Little Vinnies has been in FOR ALL TIIElR lIARD SERVICE: months ago at vinntes. She and' school, it was easier to get tb~ tauoo business for a few WORK TIllS WINTER IT IS Full-time swnmer job College ~!~~fr;~n:~ ~;:?mJ:~:: ~~: on;;ben Delight was asked if years now and gets high marks APPRECIATED!! Park. MD. Good organizational has two little black feet 00 her the tattoo hurt having it put on ~=:!I~f~:S~=~:o~~~~~! Luv Pm SIG and phone skills required. Responsible, bardworking applicants wanted. Competitive ;r:;~=:~~~~ik:a:O;::~r~~ ~dno~i ~e~:\7:' :~t::~individuality, stop in and have a look for yourself. EARN MORE IN A Vegetarians Need To Speak Up DAY THAN MOST PEOPLE EARN IN A GREEKS &CLUBS EARN $50-$250 WEEK students needs. "Last year FOR YOURSELF tion come from? The ideas we had a program where we GUARANTEED Everyone complains for the meals generally come PI.IISup to ~500 for your c1ubl about Gtar. It is a universal from three different places. made their meals special INCOME CALL ThIS fundraiser cost nothing and activity on campus. There One is the Student Food Ser- when they came in." Four NOW lasts one week. Call now and recievc a free gift. are always moans and vice Committee. "Last year vegans had their meals pre- 1-800-618-8554 1-800-932-0528, Ext. 65. groans in the front line we had a lot of input because pared this way last year. where the day's menu is a lot of our members were When asked wby this WANTED posted. However, the vegetarians, but they all wasn't being done now ROOM FOR RENT groans from tbe vegetarian graduated," sbe said. "This Roloff replied, "We haven't help on the ADVERTISING members of the campus year we don't have that in- heard a demand for this pro- STAFF of the PHOENIX. Great In a bouse 9 miles from campus $375 a month Utilities included year. We seem to be louder than other put, so it makes it harder." gram this than wtlhngto would Hours &you can get CREDIT'S except phone. I acre wooded lot be more start members tbese days. Tbe second area of input it up again if the need is for your time. bedrooms 2 baths non smoker CALL Sue Farrell at ext.8600 - At each meal, there is one is from the napkin comment there." prefered. male or female. CALL Mark Kaidy vegetarian entree, plus a board in G tar and word of The point that Roloff kept 857-9678 or 410-917-3603 soup at lunch and dinner. mouth suggestions. The stressing is that Glar is will- ADOPTION Often, this entree is some third area is from cook- TUTOR peculiar dish covered with books, like The Enchanted ing to do all that they can. A bappily married, childless cheese. Broccoli Forest, and from However, they can not couple dreams of sharing love lfyou need help in Calculus. Mary Roloff, the Direc- journals like The Vegetar- change what they do not with newborn. Legal and Medical gusiness Math.Physjcs. expenses paid tor of Food Services said ian Times. know needs to be changed. CALL Karen & Mark Chemistry. and many other $14.00 an hcur. subjects. that some of the vegetarian One main complaint of "We rely on the napkin collect ANYTIME CALL Mark 857-9678 meals tbat they make are the vegetarian cuisine at comments to let us know (301)990-1583 very popular like cheese la- Glar by the students is that it what people think of tbe CAMP sagna, broccoli quiche, and is greasy. Another is that ev- meals." New dishes like the NIGHT REPORTER the pasta bar. These dishes erything contains cheese. lentil loaf are appearing as COUNSEWRSI are eaten by everybody. Not only is cheese unhealthy the cbefs try different WTI'R radio in Westminster EQUIPMENT I "Other dishes" she said, in large quantities, vegans things. But tbey still need seeking part time evening news MANAGERS reporter. "aren't as popular." Roloff (wbo do not eat any meat, input. Education and Experience and the bead chef work to- "We really need students \ eggs or dairy products) and to join the Food Committee required. \ get her to come up with people with lactose intoler- No calls. \ meals that they think tbe stu- ance cannot eat these dishes. and let us know what they Send tape or Resume to News dents will like. and will be when asked about this, like and don't like," said Director at: 101 W1TR Lane. WestminsterMD211S8 healthy. Roloff said that Glar is more Roloff. Only tben can tbe Equal Opportunity Employer Where does the inspira- than willing to meet these moans and groans begin to die down.
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