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WMC Christian Fellowship Continues To Grow But where did this growth come but that it is in an upswing now. get people's attention. Happy Hour has Bv JOSHUA FOSTER from? According to junior Robert The Rev. Mark Lancaster, coordina- something for everyone and is not just C"",,;b .. ;.,Wriu, Bates, one of the group's leaders, tor of religious life on campus, offered for tbe members of our group. We "Jesus! My blessed redeemer, the fellowship only had two other some ideas on the reasons behind the welcome everyone. We sing, have a You are the light of the world!" members when he was a freshman. growth. "Growth will occur because of fun skit or game and have a sings the group of 30 people. No, it Sophomore Brad Miller, another people with leadership ability. Anytime speaker," sbe said. is not church, but rather WMC stu- leader, said, WI think we are starting you have people who are interested in As far as the fellowship's goals, dents Singing at their fellowship to reach out and have better and growing, you will get some people who Bates said, "I think our goal is to en- time. more outreach programs. There are respond," he said. courage Christians on campus to After having only three members a lot of new freshmen this year. We The Christian Fellowship isn't the grow in their faith and to be a wit- as recently as two years ago, the also have strong leadership." only religious group on campus to add ness to those who aren't Christians." Christian Fellowship has emerged as Dr. Alex Ober, a physical educa- one of the larger groups on campus, tion professor and the fellowship's routinely drawing 30 people to their faculty advisor, said, "I think that I THINK OUR GOAL IS TO ENCOURAGE CHRISTIANS weekly meetings. the leaders of the group draw stu- ON CAMPUS TO GROW IN THEIR FAITH AND TO BE A With events such as Happy Hour, dents. They have a maturity and fellowship time, fun activities, think beyond memsetves. They have WITNESS TO THOSE WHO AREN'T CHRISTIANS. prayer time, church, road trips, and a vision to bring people to their ROBERT BATES Bible studies, there is always some- events." He noted that the group has thing going on inside the fellowship. had its ups and downs in the past, new members. Sophomore Chad Advisor Ober sees the objectives McGowan, a member of the Jewish Stu- as twofold, one internal, the other ex- dent Union, said the JSU has added ternal. "An individual's Christian life is three or four new members this year a journey of growth. I think that during and now has about 10 or 12 active a college student's four years they need members. to grow in their walk with the Lord. The According to Amy Sheriff, an- fellowship's role should be external to other leader in the Christian Fellow- campus. The Christians should be am- ship, their group added 10 new mem- bassadors of what they believe to bers this year alone. their fellow students. I think Chris- Are there any dangers of a large reli- tian students can live differently," gious group on campus? "No, I don't he said. think there are any dangers," said The fellowship's beliefs are obvi- Lancaster. "Greek organizations are ously not shared by all students. "Every- certainly larger than the Christian Fel- one comes from a different background, lowship, and it could be said that they but basically we believe that the Bible is follow what they believe religiously. the inspired word of God, that Jesus We don't see them as a threat, why Christ was sent by God the Father to die should we see 25 students as a threat?" for om sins and that the only way to eter- The fellowship obtained a clubroom nallife is to believe in Jesus Christ," said t~~~:~t~bi::';;f~~~O~~:P~l:ti~~~ leaders that are mostly Sheriff. With ~ there on Wednesdays. The fellowship sophomores, it appears tbat the fel- .ialso holds Happy Hour which is held in lowship will only become stronger a Gold Room B on alternating Wednes- over the next few years. Sheriff said, "I'm looking forward to next year ~days at 8:00 p.m. They go to church because I think tbat we can really ~ otf campus and give rides to anyone -===============:====.==:=:= IEinterested in going with them. make an impact on campus if we continue to grow." Sheriff explained what Happy The Christian Fellowship has been growing steadily for the past three years. Hour is. "We picked the name to try and BUY PERSONAL ADS!! HOUSE OF UQUORS Say Happy Birthday to a friend. "Everything in Spirits, PLUS Courtesy & Service" Show how much you care. CARROU PlAZA SIIOPPIIG callER, WESllIIjSTER, II) 211fT Just have fun. 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