Page 133 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 133
Changes Irompage 1 rate of all the other consortium tton to the changes, in that during my last year," said a schools- 72%. according to re- there are many details that sophomore political science cent ratings. have not been worked out yet. major. "I didn't come here for The extra focus may be what BLARs, or basic liberal arts that" it lakes to keep students in requirements. will need to be Howevcr,tbefarultywishesto school, without lowering the redefined and altered propor- assuage these fears. "We're not quality of the education. tionately, as well as credit re-inventing the wteet, here" said "We're a good school, and equivalences for transfer stu- Dr. Fennel. "It will take a matter we offer a sound education," dents. of looking at other schools, and says Dr. Seidel. professor of Added to this is the question then using our own ingenuity." business administration and act- of how to phase the classes of The changes are not so very dras- ing vice president of Finance. '96- '98 into the new system, tic. "If done right," says Dr. "These changes will offer pro- which has caused numerous Seidel, "this system will anprove fessors the opportunity of look- student reactions. The biggest the one that we have. Although ing at their current programs concern has been whether or the details haven't been worked and see what is working and not graduation time will be af- out, it should happen without what isn't, to look on it with fected. negative impact to the student fresh eyes." ~ "1 didn't come here to have The intent is not to inconve- There has been some opposi- everything suddenly changed nience anyone." Memorial from page 1 morial will be card access, al- Hall are old, "shoddy", and UIl- and cooling system will be in- lowing authorized users to un- comfortable, said Dr. LeRoy stalled, he said. lock the doors during after- Panek, director of corporate and New electronic ballast light hours, Sell said. fixtures will be installed in foundation relations. "The reno- Sell said WMC wants to cost about $300,000, Sell said. Memorial, Sell said. Baltimore was WMC's dining ball until vations will make a big differ- modernize the building, yet pre- A ramp will be built in front ence for students and teachers," Gas & Electric Company will serve as many historical at- Englar Dining Hall was built in of Alumni for handicap access. he said. give WMCarebateon the pur- tributes as they can. Memorial is 1968. In 1969 it was Converted In addition, two wheelchair lifts Most non-science classes are chase of the fixtures, which is a registered as a historic build- to classroom space, the last ma- will be installed in Alumni- held in Memorial, Panek said. based on tbe energy and ing, so the Maryland Historical jar renovation until now, Panek one going down to Elderdice The academic departments in money that will be saved. Trust had to approve the reno- said. tbeater and another one going the building are History, En- A new heating plant will be vation plans. Besides Memorial Hall. the up to the main auditorium. glish, Political Science, Busi- operational by the fall. and air "Our goal is to make every- $5.9 million project includes ness and Economics, Social conditioning, supplemented by thing as historically accurate as work on Peterson Hall. Alumni Levine will have aU its studio Work and Communication. an ice storage system, will be possible," Sell said. Hall, The Studio, and Levine operational by next summer. For example, they looked Hall. In addition. the exterior of and practice rooms sound- Sell said. The cooling system Lewis Recital Hall will be proofed, and will get new light- Another part of the work is througb some old photographs ing, power, heating, and air- will then be connected to other cleaned. making the building more en- of Memorial to approximate the conditioning, Sell said. buildings via underground Work begins the day after fi- ergy efficient. Sell said. All original window style. Also, a ramp will be built on chilled water lines. nal exams end on May 16. The windows and light fixtures will the side of Levine facing be replaced, and a new heating Another new feature in Me- The first floor of Memorial project should be completed by September, 1995, Sell said. Alumni, leading to a new door Panek said the project is be- that will enter into the recital ing funded by a $1.9 million ball. Levine won't have an el- gran! from the state, a $3 million evator, so the disabled will only Conrad Hilberry, the Michigan- low-interest college facility have access to the first floor. based poet and scboler wbose "'" loan from the federal govern- Sell said if money is raised has been the subject of praise for ment, and a $1 million private for another renovation project, nearly three decades, will read se- donation for work on Peterson an elevator might be installed lected poems at Western Maryland Hall. and maybe an addition would College 00 Tuesday, March 22 for The renovation of Alumni built, so Levine would have the eighth annual B. Christopher Hall will cost $250,000, while . room for all of the college's Bothe MemOOal Lecture. The reed- the work on Levine Hall will music classes. ing will take place at 8 p.m. in the college's McDaniel Lounge. It is free and open to the public. Monopoly Pizza Hilbery, a member of the fac- ulty at Kalamazoo CoUege since 1962, isthcauthcrofmocethanhalf a dozen coIlectioo of poems, includ- ing Sorting the Smoke (1990) and The Moon Seen As A Slice of Pine- ~ apple (1984). He has also written several works of non-ncuoe, a $2.00 OFF any large pizza with cbildren's story, and numerous ar- stay at the Virginia Center for the one or more ticles that have been publisbed in Throughout his career as a Mademoiselle, ShenmuJoah, and writer and teacher, Hilbeny bas Perfonning Arts Fellowship last Journal of Higher Education, and received awards and fellowships March. Hebas expessed bis ex- toppings!! other well-known periodicals. from such prestigious institutions citement about COOling to WMC, His poems have been publisbed as the BreadloafWriter'sConfer- and wiu be meeting with sllX1ent in AtlanJic Moruhly. the New enee, The National Endowment writers during his day visit 117 Pennsylvania Avenue Yorker, Ironwood. tbeMissouri Re- for the Am, the Virginia Center Hilberry, A resident of 857-0100 view, and more than IOctherbighly for the Creative Arts. ard others. Kalamazoo, received his respectedjoumals. Hilbeny'smu- In 1989 he received the Iowa bachelor's degree from Oberlin sical, Beggar Moon, co-wduen by' Prize tron the University of Iowa College in 1949,thenwentonto Mervin Lewis, was perfcnnedat the for Sorting the Smoke. earn bis doctorate from the Uni- Sunday - Thursday llAM to Midnight Kalamazoo Festival Playhouse in Hilberry met Or. Kathy versi.ty of Wisconsin in 1953. Friday - Saturday IIAM to lAM August of 1987. Mangan during her sabbatical
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