Page 121 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 121
ReflectiOffiOnThe Jan Tenn 1Jip ToCuba & Puerto Rico We tried to explain the dif- medicine cost $11, and I ferences between a hospital haven't received the bill I never gave much in the U.S. and what we had for the x-rays, yet. Not thought to health insurance seen here, and when the too bad, but not free ei- or the cost of medical care subject of cost came up, ther. Less than a week until I became independent they were shocked. later, I had to go back. I of my parents. I have only been to the was told that I needed to For the last few years, emergency room (in the get a stronger prescription health insurance has been U.S.) once. I just needed a to combat something something that I have con- simple exam for an infec- called the H flu and the in- stantly had to worry about. I tion that I had. I walked out fection in my right ear. was able to afford it when I of the hospital an hour later The prescription would worked full-time (the com- (the doctor only spent five cost about $100. I'd be- pany provided inexpensive minutes with me) with a bill come a regular at Smith health care to full-time em- of $130 - a $60 charge for House last semester and ployees), but not when I use of the room, a $50 phy- the doctor knew that I started working part-time sician fee, and the other $20 couldn't afford that, even if during the school year. on lab tests. My insurance my insurance eventually re- Fortunately, the school first hit, two days before a local doctor (no two didn't cover it because I imbursed me for 80%. They has a policy that requires in- leaving Puerto Rico, I people agreed on the loca- hadn't met the deductible were able to scrounge up surance coverage and pro- thought it was just a simple tion of their family doctor). for the year. samples of a similar medica- vides inexpensive health cold that would go away in a The whole atmosphere at In contrast, my visit to tion that I could have for care for independent stu- few days. the hospital was calm, no the hospital in Havana, free. If I weren't a student, dents not under their About five or six days one was running around Cuba, cost me nothing. I wouldn't have been able parent's policy. The policy, into the Cuba portion of the frantically or even hur- They gave me advice on to obtain the medication. though, only covers up to trip, in a city called Pinar riedly. Patients were taken how to fight tbe cold. more I'd just like to say to all $7,500 a year-not enough del Rio, several of us were care of as soon as they ar- prescriptions, and ruled out the people who have a prob- if a lengthy hospital stay is persuaded by Dr. Isabel rived, the doctors were laid any serious infections (the lem with socialism or com- needed. Valiela to see the local doc- back. but not uninterested results of the blood test munism, there is a lot to be Everyone always told me tor. Three of us were diag- in their patients. Every- said for the ideals that the that if the U.S. tried to over- nosed with bronchitis and thing was taken care of in were normal). system is built upon. The Wben I returned to the haul the health care system, received prescriptions for an efficient, but relaxed college, I went to Smith system may have a lot of the cost would go up and the antibiotics. The visit was manner. They asked me a problems, but only in a coun- quality would go down. free (even thougb they knew few short questions (name, House. The first time, tbey try like Cuba could people gave me more low-dosage Then, I took part in WMC's we were foreigners) and so birthdate, etc.) and then I have no fear of becoming Jan term to Puerto Rico and were the antibiotics-the was seen by two doctors. antibiotics, cough medicine for ill or being in an accident and appointment an Cuba. ones we were able to obtain. They did a quick exam, chest x-rays. The' visit to that could leave them in I didn't begin the trip Several days later, my agreed that I didn't have for the rest of with the idea that I would condition badn' t changed, so brochitis and decided to do Smith House was free, the focus on any specific as- Dr. Valiela and I walked a blood test. pect-it just ended up that through the streets of Ha- While waiting for the re- way. Out of the twenty-one vana in search of a doctor. sults (only a half an hour), days of the trip, I was sick We ended up at the general the doctors chatted with us for thirteen days. When it hospital, after failing to find in between seeing patients. Congratulations to the New Members of Omicron Delta Kappa Melissa Ann Love Sherry Lee Albright Kristen Eileen Purcaro These students are recognized for their outstanding leadership, scholarship and exemplary character.
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