Page 51 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 51
l.·ette'6XfF Our Mistake: The Phoenis: concerning my or expect to learn from our dif- Dear Editor: profile on Ms. Nita Hill. ferences. We tend to separate Last week a student and sev- First and foremost, I'd like to those who are different from us eral College employees re- apologize for any misinterpreta- been active in fighting it 60 Seconds as bad. and to look at them ported to the Campus Safety de- tions that may have been taken Many of us do not approve of partment that posters had been from my anecdote about Ms. tteharassment, yet we have not glued on buildings throughout Hill's "claim to fame". In it, I the campus. Based on the infor- was merely comparing tbe simi- We are fearful of how we mation provided, the Campus lar physical images and irony of will be labeled if we side with Safety department looked into similar names of two women. It are too busy in our own small g_~_Campus those who are in the minority. the matter and interviewed sev- may have been a little out of Some of us feel like we don't eral students. line. but I definitely did not in- have the energy to fight it. We Unfortunately, in the course tend to be flippant. of the interviews, the incident Instead, in the profile, I was worlds and if it doesn't affect was mtsctasstned as RRE and trying to grasp Ms. Hill's person us, we don't act. vandalism. RRE refers to a as a whole by also alerting the Negative comments and be- Maryland law that protects ra- campus to who she was and her baviors toward people different One hundred years from now, what do you cial, religious, and ethnic achievements. As I had done from the majority often occur groups from harassment. This the first interview last semester because people want to feel su- want to be remembered for? incident certainly was not RRE (prior to her daughter's death), perior and powerful. A person related, nor was it a matter of it was not her tragedy that made often turns to hate and discrimi- serious vandalism. The stu- her newsworthy. nation when they do not feel MelissaLove '94 dents interviewed had not put Rather, I wanted to convey comfortable with their own Communications up the posters. her admirable strength in char- identities. We often fear and at- We have met with the stu- acter, a quality that I'd also rec- tack what we do not understand, "In the eighJh grade, I dents involved and apologized. ognized in Ms. Anita Hill who or do not like about ourselves. designed the flag and Mike Webster, Director of courageously stood up to the Let us work. together to meet our logooflhurmont.Md. " Campus Safety, has written a Supreme Court Justice Thomas. needs for power and control in letter of apology, as well. We While the loss of Tierra was a healthier ways. regret this very unfortunate inci- major point of information in We support critically analyz- dent. the profile, I wanted to shed ing problems, issues, and be- Besides the misunderstand- light onto other subjects as well. haviors which separate us. Let ing regarding the connection to For instance, the expectancy of us all take a step toward listen- RRE, there also arose a percep- a new baby in December was ing to each other. Let us make Clarence Smith '96 tion by some that censorship equally as vital to mention. enougb room here at Western Biology was taking place because of the Finally, I would like to say Maryland to accommodate all content of the posters, which re- that with an interview of such a of the differences we share. "A person who suc- ferred to Christopher Colum- sensitive nature, it was very dif- We would like to take a first ceeded in life, helped bus. We also regret that devel- ficult for Ms. Hill to share ber step toward stopping the nega- opment, and we reaffmn all stu- story with me. In fact, it was the tive comments, discrimination, people, and listened to dents rights to express them- first time that she bad ever harassment, and violence that their problems. " selves about iSSll'CS, however agreed to speak to the press has occurred on our campus. controversial. about the loss of her daughter. We ask that every fraternity, As this incident unfolded, it And. as a single mom myself, I sorority, athletic team, group became clear that we have no have felt for her in the deepest and organization of both faculty written policy on posting signs way. By no means would Iwant and students on this campus outdoors, though guidelines do belittle her tragedy. If I did so, make a public statement among exist for inside Decker Center then I sincerely apologize. its membership that we oppose Arnie Chilcuat '96 and residence halls. We will Sincerely, all acts of negative comments, Comm.lSociology soon establish a small commit- Ranee Deyo discrimination, harassment, and tee to set up such guidelines so Communications Major violence toward each other. "The first person to that misunderstandings are Clo.ssoj 1994 We also ask that every stu- swim to the moon and avoided in the future. Anyone dent and faculty member on climb the tides. " involved with this effort should stop by Oppose Hate: campus confront persons behav- en- interested in becoming gaged in these negative the Student Affairs Office next Dear Editor: iors when they occur, and tell week. On this campus during the them to stop. Sincerely, last year we have had instances If we ALL apply peer pres- Philip R. Sayre of violence against women, ha- sure to stop negative comments Dean oj Student Affairs; rassment against persons who and behaviors toward others, we Robby Dodd Frank.R. Lamas turn this cam- AssociateDeanofStudenJAffairs are homosexual, and negative can very quickly comments about persons of pus into a place where the focus "Iwannohaveaffected varying ethnic and cultural is on support and caring instead nuzny people in a posi- Reporter groups. about of hate. The Social Work Cluh tive way. I want to We are very concerned Responds: the emotional climate of our Jennifer Johnson, president propagate many chil- college. It is not perceived by Dr. Karen Adkins, advisor dren." Dear Editor: most students and faculty to be I would like to respond to the a very supportive, caring envt- More letters on Pg, 8 Douglas Berger Business Administration "One hundred years fromnow.Iwanttohave ananswertoyourques- tion."
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