Page 49 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 49
A JtsK&N:/int6JtaiRRJ6nt Damn Yankees Opens this Weekend lion as to what is truly important. By KIM OSTROW $,nf!W,ju, The story revolves around Baseball, the All-American Joe Hardy (Chris Patrick) whose By MARK HUGHES Labelle., gave money. and Spike's direction of it, I game, is making a comeback hometown baseball team, the C,,'''ri~Mlin'Wri.. ' Spike was correct when he only say that he/she should on stage and screen. This can Washington Senators, continues Spike Lee is director and ac- pointed out to Warner Brothers make his/her own movie about be seen in the popularity of re- to lose to the "damn Yankees". tor in the new movie, Malcolm that many white filmmakers Malcolm X, if they think that cent movies such as" A League After another such loss, Hardy X, which will be coming out have gone over budget in mak- Spike's portrayal of Malcolm of their Own" and "Mr. Base- states emotionally "I'd sell my next week. His movie has cer- ing movies, and not a word has X is all wrong. I think that ball". Now it has come to soul for the Senators to win the tainly been one of the most been said. Spike should be praised for go- WMC in the theater production pennant!" talked about movies of the Aside from the fact that the ing out, making this movie, and of the Musical Comedy "Damn The devil in the form of year, and of the decade, so far. movie will be entertaining, it is hanging in there when things Yankees." Applegate (Scott Grockf) is Spike has consulted Betty great to see wealthy black got tough. This story highlights the di- happy to oblige. This is the story Shabazz (wife of Malcolm X) people put their money to- Cranberry Cinema decided vision between husbands and of a man who trades 311 that he on the direction of the movie. gether to come up with a black not to show the movie, "be- wives, when six months of the has for the attainment of a Ever since he began casting for movie. cause there are not enough year the husband trades his de- dream, only to realize that his the movie, controversy has fol- This movie will let every- black residents in Carroll votion to his wife for his devo- true happiness is in the life lowedit. one, white Americans as well County" (as one official lion to baseball. This duality is which he left behind. Don't miss There have been complaints as black, see what a fascinating stated). apparent in a scene from Act I this beautifully choreographed that Spike isn't giving the best man Malcolm was. This is a lame excuse. where the wives are hanging and beautifully sung musical portrayal of Malcolm, or that He was not the man that the Last year when Boys -N- the laundry and bemoaning their about a man who makes a deal Spike is making a movie that media would have you believe Hood was shown by fate, while simultaneously the with the Devil, in which there isn't strong enough, and will he was. He didn't say that CAPBoard in Decker Audito- husbands are so intent on base- are always strings attached. The "let middle class blacks sleep blacks should get what is right- rium, the whole place was ball they are unaware of their deceptive actions of the Devil in easier," according to writer fully theirs througb violent packed. The movie was shown wives or anything else. The order to assure that he will not Amiri Baraka. means ONLY. on a Friday night, with students overlapping musical scores re- lose possession of this soul are Spike has persevered One famous picture shows being charged to see it, and on inforce tbe sense of competi- See PLAY, Pg.11, Col. 1 through all of the criticism and Malcolm looking outside a a campus that is over 90% made the movie. However, window, with a rifle in his hand white. there were some financial prob- as if he is going to take some- Though nothing can com- lemswithWamerBrothers, be- one out. This was actually pare to reading The Autobiog- cause Spike went over his bud- taken outside his house shortly raphy of Malcolm X, it would get in making the film. after it had been bombed, and be a great loss if anyonedoesn 't Spike had to ask his friend Malcolm is there looking out of see this movie. If you have read Michael Jordan for some cash a window, protecting himself the book, go and see the movie to belp finance the film. Other as well as his family. anyway. After all, it is being di- black entertainers such as Bill As for those who constantly rected by one of today's best Cosby, Oprah Winfrer, Patti complained about the movie, filmmakers! 0 "Night in the City" is the This starts the movie with the story of Harry Fabian (Robert idea that the conman is smarter Dinero), a New York lawyerl than the criminals, but it is still OPTIC IVY conman who is on the take. unrealistic to put cash into the The story revolves around his money machine. It is also far- 405 North Center St.• Cranberry Sq. dream of becoming a fight pro- fetched to book bis first fight in Westminster, Maryland 2' , 57 moter and making a bundle. a dance hall, but I see that the (410) 857-3734 True to his character, he at- purpose of the movie is not to Next to Giant Food Store tempts to do this by trying to portray an actual fight promoter con his friend Phil out of a in New York City, but to show large sum of money. how a conman gets caught by his 35 Years of 1 Hour He has no morals but the lies. This is really a story of how pursuit of the almighty dollar, the deceptions snowball as the Experience Service this is shown partly in his nu- stakes get higher and higher un- merous affairs with married til there is no way out. women, including Phil's wife Throughout the movie Fabian (Jessica Lange). Fabian's cbar- does not appear slick and in con- acter is based on complete de- trol of things, but instead he is ception, which is also a major rather pathetic. His own actions theme in this story. don't let you feel sorry for him, The background is the ac- even at the end when he realizes tual streets of New York City, he can't con his way out of dy- but this movie also contains 109. The theme song "The some unrealistic scenes. The Great Pretender" sums up opening shot is of Fabian get- Fabian's life as well as that of ting robbed at a money mover every conman. This movie is machine. Seeing that his ac- now playing at Hoyts Cranberry count is overdrawn , the rob- Mall Theater. (J r------------, Rape Myth #40 • With the minimum • FREE!! Myth: Beyond a certain point, a man can't control : purchase of $130 get a pair' sexual desire. With any purchase Fact: The majority of men never commit an act of rape • of Carrera Ski Goggles : of prescription glasses: during their entire lifetime, thus proving that : Free! : men can and do exercise control everyday. To Tinting, Scratch insist otherwise condones sexual violence. 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