Page 45 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 45
Special Studies to Help Poor- See Pg. 3 THE PHOENIX Credit Where Credit is Due By KRISTIN VICK WMC, but even more, be did sto.ffWr;«r not understand why the college Last spring, Dr. David allowed them to do so in first Herlocker was the deputy act- place. ing registrar completing junior Questioning this process, he checks-the normal procedure studied the student handbook of evaluating students on their and found the transfer credit progress in fulfilling require- policy that states: "Courses ments for graduation when they ... offered by the college may reach their junior year. not be taken elsewhere for During the process, he dis- transferable credit by WMC covered something that had the students during either semester potential of drastically chang- ofthe regular academic year ex- ing the academic plans of stu- cept with permission of tbe dents who were organizing Dean of Academic Affairs." their schedules in order to Calling this matter to the at- graduate on time. What he tention of Dean of Academic found was that there were some Affairs David Seligman, action to make Faculty Weighs More students who had taken courses was taken immediately concerning during colleges at community sure that more care was taken in were regular that semesters making decisions Minuses than Pluses comparable to the courses of- requests for transferrable cred- the policy-which meant some He wondered fered by WMC. Grades will not be Weighted why the students did not choose at its were granted for this fall, to simply take those courses See CREDIT, Pg. 12, Col. 1 dards Committee recommended By GRETA POWELL as a student who receives a plus this plus and minus grading sys- Chambers Guests Sra/fWr;u, grade in the same range. Mem- The faculty voted down by a bers of tbe Admissions and tem to the full faculty, because two to one margin on November Standards Committee felt this they felt that it better reflected a on Grant & Reid 5 a proposal by the Admissions was unfair, and believed that the student's performance. Before and Standards Committee to proposed system with its in- recommending the new grading lege, too." adopt a plus and minus grading creased precision would be system, the committee con- By RANEE DEYO Likewise, Chambers was im- s'4ffw,; .. , system, which would have fairer. ducted a significant amount of changed the quality points as- The new system would have research to determine tbe pos- At long last and after re- pressed with the size of the au- signed to specific grades. assigned quality points as fol- sible effects of changing the peated phone calls, President dience and their active partici- The current grading system lows: 4.33 for an "A+," 4.00 for grading system. Chambers finally appeared, in pation. '" thought it was hilari- interesting. awards the same number of an "A," 3.67 for an "A-," 3.33 Tbe committee sought ad- costume, on The Grant and Reid ous and surprisingly of a looser Wing II Live Show for their Hal- me It reminded quality points to students who for a "8+," 3.00 for a "B," 2.67 vice from six other colleges and loween Special program. David Letterman Shaw. I liked perform at significantly differ- (ora "S-," 2.33 fora "C+," 2.00 universities that use the pro- ent levels. A student wbo earns for a "C," 1.67 for a "C-," 1.33 posed system or something very After Chambers revealed his the guy who held up the signs," a minus grade in the "A," "8," for a "0+," 1.00 for a "D," 0.67 close to it. Gettysburg, Franklin identity beneath the concealing. au- Chambers said. mask, the surprised monster "C," or "0" range receives the for a "D-," and 0 for an "P'. & Marshall, Dickinson, dience discovered exactly what mat As far as the loose time for- and of The Reid Grant same number of quality points The Admissions and Stan- Elizabethtown, Juniata, and his job entails, who his bosses Wing it Live Show, Chambers Penn State experienced a small are, and how he feels about free said, "If' were to criticize the decrease in their students' expression through nudity. show for its lack of discipline, it GPAs, according to the Admis- To the last question, Cham- would change the nature of the sions and Standards Committee. bers responded: "Depends on show. r think that they are right However, neither the students who is expressing it." to fight predictability." nor the faculty expressed dissat- However, when asked about In addition, the president felt isfaction with the system. another of the show's motifs, that the format of "winging if' Using student grades from Chamber left the answer to the gave the show its utter charm the 1991-92 academic school question: "Does he really have and vitality, noting his opinion year, the committee determined a tattoo?" to their imaginations. that a lot of imagination and that a majority of WMC stu- Overall, tbe audience were thought went into it. dents would have suffered a re- very receptive to Chamber's Among his favorite seg- duction in their GP As of around good humor during his live in- ments were "Ask a Freshman", .035 quality points if the new terview. the pizza man, and the sudden system had been instituted. The '" thought it was refreshing appearance of Sarah committee attributed this reduc- to see him out of his usual at- Lundberg's parents all the way tion to the fact that the faculty tire-a suit," said sophomore from Sweden during her inter- awarded more minuses than Sally Hall, who was tuned into view. pluses. This was particularly UPLINK at a television nearby '" liked the strange mix of the case in the "A" range. with some friends. "It was nice Grant and Reid," Chambers To partially offset the dispro- to see the other side of him in his said. Whether planned or not, portionate number of "A" mi- ghoulish costume mask and he thought the contrast between nuses, the committee recom- sweater-just laughing along the more vocal Grant, "with that mended an increase the number with the rest of us." hair" and the non-verbal mes- of quality points for an "A+" In a later interview Cham- sages from Reid "in that suit" from 4.00 to 4.33. bers pointed out that "I was was very interesting. "I thought See GRADES, Pg. 3, Col. 1 once a 20 year old kid in 001- it was terrific," be concluded.D
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