Page 47 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 47
News November 12, 1992, Page 3 SGA Vote Influenced Faculty WMIHDC Offe(s Housing Terry Dalton and Richard stood the system. to Poor and Special Grades Claycombe, members of the "Nothing in the Admissions committee, presented their find- and Standards Committee's pre- Studies to Students From Page 1 ings to the Studcnt Government sentation to the faculty con- The committee was also con- Assembly on October 14, the vinced me that the advantages cerned with the possible nega- SGA voted unanimously outweighed the disadvantages," tive effects of the new system against the change. SGA Presi- explained Professor Donna on students barely meeting the dent Kourtnay Sweeney said Evergates. "Poverty and ',',' "';", mree"Cteditspe" satisfactory progress standards that the SGA did not support the Professor Thomas Deveny, a cial Studie$ clJU11J6bei[)!!(lff:voo1}y-Dr;J_tobert:Hartman, of 1.0 for one semester and 1.5 proposed system because of the member of the committee, sup- cbairpe.l'$(')tlof ee _pbUos6pbydepattment,IS just tbe begin- for two semesters as well as on projected drop in student GP As. ported the proposed grading students receiving merit-based Although the faculty vote system because he felt it was scholarships. To reduce the was not unanimous, a majority more accurate. "We should negative effects on borderline of the faculty believed that the make the pluses and minuses we students, the committee recom- proposed system was not in the now use mean something," sug- mended that the satisfactory best interest of the students. gested Deveny. progress standards be reduced Professor Ethan Seidel said Professor Terry Dalton, from 1.0 to.8 for one semester, that he did not have strong feel- chairman of the Admissions and and 1.5 to 1.4 for two semesters. ings about the merits of either Standards Committee and onc To accommodate students with system. "I felt it would be pre- of the chief supporters of the merit scholarships, the commit- mature to vote in favor of the proposed grading system, said tee recommended an extension proposed system since the SGA "1 was disappointed tbat tbe of the grace period to two se- was not in favor of it," ex- grading system was not adopted mesters for students falling be- plained Seidel. Seidel also because I feel it is important that low the 3.00 minimum GPA re- thought that a vote on the pro- WMC's grading system be as quirement. posed system should be delayed fair and precise as possible." 0 Even though the committee until the students better under- went to great lengths to mini- mize the negative impact of the proposed grading system, the Read system received little support The Phoenix from students and faculty. I In fact, when Professors Classifieds: muter student. Responsibilities TreBlackSrudelit Ullion will be holding Free Personal Ad include coming to the Commuter workshops this Saturday in the Leidy Student Association meetings! Room. and Gold Rooms A and B • Classifieds are only 7 cents a Three people shouldn't do all the Workshop I is Canflict Managemelll , with Coupon word with pre-payment. 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