Page 48 - ThePhoenix1992-93
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A,f!:ts,&wSntertainment November 12, 1992, Page 4 ""{""'" Focus on Britt Martin .. ~~ .. Kiss Me Kate, andAnyrliing Goes with a By REBECCA KANE C","",,~'~.y£4;,a. group called September Song in 1990, If asked, be may imitate Elvis Presley '91, and '92. The group performs at by singing "But Love Me" or playa few Westminster High School. tunes be wrote himself, such as "Make Presently, Britt is working with The- the Change" or "She's a Dancer" on the atre on the Hill in a play called Damn piano in Decker Center. Yankees. His part of Mr. Welch, a bil- Britt Martin is not only a grounds lionaire who owns a baseball team called keeper at Western Maryland College, but the Wasbington Senators is his biggest he is a man of many unusual talents and role ever. The play will be showing No- interests. vember \3, 14, 15,20,21, and 22. This westminster resident has According to Britt, he had a terrible worked at WMC for five years. He spent time memorizing lines his first play. his first year here in 1987 working for "You know what's really cool about it," campus safely. However, he soon trans- he said with a smile, "It's like magic. ferred to grounds where "the environ- With just a few plays under my belt, it mentis less stressful." comes mucb easier now." Entertainment, one or Britt's main in- Britt has his next play already lined terests, encompasses many of his talents. up. He'll be in Taming of the Shrew at He sings. plays instruments, acts, and Carroll County Community College. It writes stories as well as songs. will be his first experience in a "I've always liked entertainment," Shakespearian play. watching." only does Britt describe his wife as a explains tile blue-eyed42 year old, "even Acting, singing, and playing the gui- Britt misses being at the racetracks kind, thoughtful, sensitive, intelligent, when I was a kid." _ tar weren't always Britt's favorite inter- working with the horses. He has not modest women, but he also says "she's a This lifetime hobby began at age 13 est, be is also a lover of race horses and been back to a racetrack since he moved wonderful person who always has a when he got first guitar. From tben horse racing. to Westminster six years ago. smile." Kari, 20, from Britt has one daughter, on, BriU was forever a song writer/musi- "I guess I've always been interested It was his interest in horse racing that a previous marriage. Presently, she is cian on his free-time. in them," he said with his floppy plaid began his writing career. One ofbis pub- Britt's singing talents have gone way bat which he found on Main Street hang- lished works is "Found memories of studying nursing at York college. His beyond imitating Elvis Presley. In high ing over his ears, "since my rattler owned Delaware Park" in a June 1983 issue of wife, Edna also has a daughter from a school, be was the lead singer in a rock three race horses when I was real the MaryitJnd Horse magazine. previous marriage. This 15 year old is band he and his friends formed. young." Britt's mother, who is a writer, be- named Heather. What would Britt most like to do in "Our band played at dances, parties, Britt soon moved up in the horse rac- lieves that Martin writes because "being clubs, weddings, receptions, and some- ing business to the position of "groom" a writer is in his blood." the future other than publish his book? "My wife and Iwould both like to move times even bars," reminisces Britt. at Pimlico in Baltimore, Md. His most Recently, Britt has moved on to big- Although he has always wanted to exciting day while he was working with ger writing endeavors. He is presently to South Carolina to get away from the add acting to the list of his entertaining horses came on Preakness Day which is working on a fiction novel based on his cold and the snow which we both hate," abilities, this dream was never realized part of a competition in the Triple bigh school years. It will include some Britt explains. until March 1990 at WMC's TbeatreOn Crown. of the many adventures that be and his Britt's favorite thing about WMC is the Hill. He player Doc in West Side "When my horse and Icame out onto rock band bad. that he has met so many nice people here. Story. Since "it's a sensitive part," as the track, the crowd of people that ex- "High school years are the best "Whenever I leave, I'm gonna miss Martin explains, it is not surprising be tended all the way to the grandstand bit years ... so far anyway," he concludes. them," he admits. got cast. me like a huge gust of wind as person "There were no cares or worries, except The things be most dislikes about be- While working on the play, Britt en- after person kept asking me 'who's that maybe grades." ing at WMC are "picking up trash in the rolled in Ron Miller's Acting I class. horse?' ," says Britt. "My horse began to Martin has been married to Edna Lee rain and picking up condoms that keep Since then, h.isacting career has taken off. prance; we were both so excited; there Martin, who is an EnglishlEducation getting thrown all over the ground," be His credits include My Fair Lady. must have been over 200,(X)() people major student atWMC, since 1988. Not says. 0 Radical Poet Comes to WMC Bv S, A. SoM!lr1ER Carroll County Farm Museum Amphi- S'offW,j", {heater. The International House, College Ac- According to Burke, she bas learned tivities, Smith House that the best poetry is and the English De- "that which the listener partment will be can really feel, hear and sponsoring Linda take home." Her major Joy Burke to speak: influences bave come today, November 12, from such great poets as Robert Chick-fil-A' has the taste to satisfy at 8:00pm on the Nikki Giovanni, Neruda, Pablo Frost, hungry back-to-school appetites of all sizes. Dining Porch in Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Englar. Burke, a contem- and Rainer Marie Rilke. She does not believe po- radical poet Thursday is College Day porary a deep social etry is a "dying art." with If you agree that po- will at Chick-FiI-A consciousness, works etry is not a "dying art", reading be then come to the Dining from her collection in the Cranberry Mall entitled and Moods, Linda Joy Burke to speak on Porch for a reading by Porch tonight. Multi- Minds, the Dining Linda Joy Burke. There tudes. will be an open mtc for 10 % off any purchase her poetry from Maryland, has shared those who wish to read their own poetry Burke, performance. after Ms. Burke's Seating groups with many different w/ColiegelD since 1974. She has read at Baltimore's will begin at 7:45 pm and refreshments All are cor- will be served following. Artscape, Maryland Institute, College of Art, Johns Hopkins University, and the dially invited. 1:1
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