Page 40 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 40
October 29, 1992. Page 8 .. ~ Focus on a Student: Sherry Albright in goal. Throughout her school- plained that her "drive from By KENDRA WEIBLE C... Sp"",II'ri", ing, Albright played on tbe bas- within" keeps ber motivated and Quick reflexes, alertness, ketball ream as well as the active. She strives to push her- and guts. That's what it lakes to track&field team. Here at self toward personal bests. be a goalkeeper. WMC, she's forgone basket- Aside from athletics, Sherry Sherry Albright, a physical ball, but still competes in is involved in ROTC and serves education major, has turned track&field throwing the shot as captain of the WMC Ranger away many shots on goal put, discus, and javelin. She Challenge team. She is always throughout the field hockey sea- holds the shot put record and is on the go, up bright and early son. She currently has 128 within inches of the eclipsing each morning for PT. (physical saves. has allowed only 16 the javelin mark. training). Her work ethic is goals, which tallies to 1.28 goals Asked of her sport prefer- something she lakes seriously allowed per 70 minutes. Those ence Albright responded, "Dif- and takes pride in. "If I want to stars are amongst the leaders in ferent sports offer special quali- do something, I give 100%." the Middle Atlantic Conference. ties:' She added, "If you conunir to She continued, "Field something, you stick to it." hockey is somewhat my team As a physical education ma- ics since the seventh grade. sport, while I enjoy the indi- jor, Albright hopes to one day enough, she only viduality of track&field. It's "give back to P.E. and athletics" picked up the sport of field just you and your implement." what they have provided for her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~f hockey in her senior year of She holds no pre-competition She believes that they have high school, after much persua- routines or supersnons, but ad- helped shape her attitudes and sion from the coach. mits to just relaxing prior to a goals. Her career aspirations As It turned out, she started game or meet. Albright ex- include teaching and coaching after fulfilling her service in the Ranger Challenge Team Meets the Challenge military. how she' s grown or Asked changed since coming to WMC, By KENDRA WEIBLE James Madison, and Virginia petition is an annual two day WMC Ranger Challenge team Albribt said, "I have been chal- c~ .... &i;'OF Polytechnic Institute this past event among ROTC units of the has nine members out of the to- lenged here!" She attributes this The WMC Ranger Chal- weekend in Fort A.P. Hill, Vir- Colonial Brigade. The tal 48 cadets: three-year to juggling all her responsibili- lenge team finislied in the ginia. competiton consisted of 31 veterens were captain Sherry ties, budgeting time and sacri- middle of the pack against such Exact scores were not avail- teams with some larger insfitu- Albright, junior, and senior fice. If there exists a model for Ranger Challenge strong-holds able by deadline. tions fielding multiple teams. Steve Sherrill; returning two- a student-athlete, Sherry would as Virginia Military Institute, The Ranger Challenge com- In a rebuilding ear, the year members were juniors John no doubt fit it. Her determination and drive rr-======================~""'ii' ~:Z::h:~o:~11 ~:~~;; for excellence is something to and three first year Rangers be admired. Success looms in were freshmen Marshall Brown her future, she wouldn't have it See CHALLENGE, Pg. 12. Col. 1 any other way. Q FREE! Receive FANS 0$30 bike @ computer with CHINESE RESTAURANT Szechuan· Cantonese » American purchase of 1993 S9 West Main St., Westminster, MD 21157 Telephone: TREK,Specialized, or (301) 848-0919 • (301) 876-3166 UNIVEGA Bicycle. 113 West Main Street· 848-3466 Carriage House Liquors (i) Specials ICE Milwaulkee's Best $7 9 ?lcase, Natural Light $9 99 /ease 405 N. Center St. Bud, Coors, and Miller 12 9 9/ease $J9 9 /12-pack Olympia Cranberry Square Busch and Light 1049lease Westminster, MD 21157 Peils Light $7 49 /ease 876-3001 Heineken $10 9 ' 112-pack, NR 'rot.t's Champagne $5 99 /750ml Pickup and delivery of bicycles available. Plus~d:lJersa1eitens. cashdlrlcanyiJJ.ilestWlieslast.
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