Page 41 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 41
Spol11s ' October~:1992,p~e9 Terrors Upset Dickinson with Late Field Goal By DAVID N. MaLER conference is the best WMC up the Terror's second touch- powered running game. The seven tackles and a pass break- C~·Sp~'" Edi,." has had in the ten-year history down, a seven-yard keeper by Red Devils were averaging up. Bergman also halted the Though losing 41-27 oftheCFC. junior quarterback Paul 279 yards on the ground be- Dickinson's 13-play drive af- against Franklin and Marshall In what was billed to be a McCord, his second touch- fore Saturday, when WMC ter the opening kickoff with a last Saturday, during the defensive baltic, both teams down of the year at the 3:44 held them to 127 in 43 at- diving tackle just short of a Homecoming game the Scott kept good on their promise, mark in the third quarter. tempts. first down on a fourth-and-two S. Bair Stadium roared into a playing stingy defense and up- Special teams also help Terror head coach Dale play. rowdy frenzy as sophomore the-gut offensive play. First shut down what has been a Sprague acknowledged the ex- Senior defensive tackle and kicker Dung Dinh nailed a 26 blood was drawn by the Ter- powerhouse Dickinson rush- cellent play of his defensive team captain Seth Obetz sum- yard field goal off the right rors as junior tailback Rob ing learn by downing five of squad, "Against a team like marized the Terror's winning upright with six seconds left to Johnson sprinted 13 yards for McCord's eight punts inside Dickinson. fancy tricks don't game strategy, placing the re- ensure a thrilling 17-14 win his 121htouchdown of the year the Red Devil's 20-yard line. work. If you have a great de- sponsibilityon teamwork, and over Dickinson College. with a little under ten minutes Saturday's victory, how- fense, you win it." The defense "Hard work all week, we had "Thia is the best game of left in the first half. ever, was not a pretty one. was led by the efforts of a real sense of unity today." my lifer' exulted senior offen- "Dickinson's just a great Dickinson came back 10 score sophomore nose guard Adam Coach Sprague agreed, "I'm sive tackle and team captain team and this was just a great and tie up the game on a two- Gregori, who was selected so proud of these kidsrighl now. Paul Picchierri as the trium- game," said Johnson. But the point conversion on the CFC Player of the Week. We could've folded when phant Terrors gathered to- game wasn't the only thing strength of a blocked punt, With four solo tackles and Dickinson tied it up, but we gether after the game. "1 think that was great; so was which Dickinson recovered on four more assists. Gregori didn't." Sprague went on to say the goalposts should go Johnson's performance. WMC's own 12 yard line. went on to boost his season that he believes the team proved down!" shouted junior quar- Johnson led the Terror's or- In three short plays total to 47. only three behind themselves, but that the rest of terback Paul McCord above fensively, gaining 165 yards Dickinson quarterback Stu team leader junior linebacker the season will still be a tougb the noise of his happy team rushing on a career-high 44 James was in the endzone. Trevor Sellers. He also recov- journey. mates. carries versus what had been However, WMC's strong of- ered a Red Devil fumble as he The Green Terrors will Words cannot describe the an extraordinarily tough fense managed to wind in the earned his second CFC honor host Lebanon Valley College excitement that exuded from Dickinson defense which was yards that led to Dinh'sgame- of the year. on October 31, and will them the WMC sideline as the team allowing only 57.8 yards rush- winning kick. Freshman cornerback close out the season with rushed onto the field. As his ingper game. Defense proved to be the Aaron Bergman also put in an CFC games against team mates lifted him onto Johnson became the third winning word of the day. impressive performance, con- Swarthmore at home on No- their shoulders, Dinh flashed a rusher in WMC modem his- WMC defined that word sidering it was his first colle- vember 7, and a Johns grin that could've lit up the tory (since 1947) to gain 1,000 against what has been a high- giate football game. With Hopkins November 14. tJ entire campus. The Terror's yard in a season, bringing his victory over Dickinson may be total on the season to 1,087 the biggest football triumph in yards. HOUSE OF UQUORS the past forty years. That number stretches his "Everything in Spirits, PLUS Courtesy & Service- Dinh smiled bashfully as career total to 2,058 yards, ~ the second- Wi teanunates, reporters and fam- making him the fourth to sur- CARROll. PLAZASHOPPItG CENTER,WES1\tIjSlBl, II) 21157 ily surrounded him. "This is pass the 2,000 career yards (AI. 140 and EngIarRd.) the biggest one I've ever mark in WMC history. John- 848·1314 made," he said, adding, "I son is currently Lotte & Lottery Headquarters knew I had to make that; we leading rusher in NCAA Divi- FINE WIlE & SPIRiIS' 1fIE PEHECT GIFT FOR Ali OCCASICNS did it in practice and we did it sion ill football. with an aver- r------, CHECK OUR LOW PRICES! in the game." age of 181.2 yards a game. Milwaukee's Best.. . $7.79/case I $100 off With the win, Western Along with Johnson's con- I A"yca .. ot_ I Keystone (Reg., Lt., Dry) $5.99/12 pk. $9.99/case Maryland moved into first sistent offensive excellency, I Natural Ll . $9.99/case cans place in the Centennial Foot- the Green Terror's special Coors Lt. (Reg and Gold)..... . $12.99/case cans ball Conference with a 4..0 teams played an important role I(~~:) I Miller Lt. . .....$12.99/case record in conference play, and in the victory. I NOUMIT I Bud (Lt., Dry) $12.99/casecans a 5-1 start that is the best since Freshman Derrick Ray re- I I Old Milwaulkee (Reg., Lt.) .. . $8.49/case cans the Green Terrors went 5..0-1 covered a fumbled punt on the I EXPIRES 11/29/92 I American Beer .. ... $6.99lcase cans in 1978. The 4..0 start in the Red Devils 14 yard line to set L .J - All prices good while suppUes last!- COUNt~Ifll ~lANES (410) 857-1977 Westminster Shopping Center MOONLIGHT ROCK & BOWL Win free games and prizes Saturday mght from 10pm-1am For only $10 per person: .3 hrs of bowling • Free rental shoes • Free soda • Open juke box u:m7p:':~~';;.~' r...... Z g.m... I ~~~, _ .. _ .. .J
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