Page 38 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 38
Editorial/Letters October 29, 1992, Page 6 No More Hitlers By REBECCA KANE Why is a man who rapes a woman CommmM'yEJj,o, seen as more of a man than a man who is "Yesterday morning three gay men a homosexual? were brutally beaten with clubs. They If one is going to be concerned at all each died almost instantly." with sexual differences, pay attention to One wouldn't find a lead like this on the more important one, not sexual pref- our campus, would one? Ididn't think so erence but attitudes toward sex. until I heard about an incident that Unfortunately, the problem of occured two weeks ago ... a WMC butalizing and ostrtctsmg minorities for student's life was threatened simply be- what they are extends far beyond the de- cause of his sexual preference. struction of Jews during Hitler's time Insensitive comedians, rude mes- and the present threatening of gays on sages, and abnoxious behavior are bad, and off campus. Opression is a problem but this is enraging. It's even sadder to that destroyed the lives of blacks and realize that this is probably just the only women in the past and it is a problem that incident that has been reported. still continues to today albeit more How could it be so important to stamp convertly. out gays that it is worth beating and kill- If only everyone would concentrate ing another human being? on how he/she could be a better indi- Please write a letter to the editor and vidual rather than trying to decide what fillme in. the "flaws" of other people are, I One does not have to be in the minor- guarentee the world would be a happier ity to understand the injustice involved place. here-c-one only has to be human. If one would simply look into the eyes The idea of killing homosexuals be- of ANY other person, he/she would see cause they different is an ugly reminder the same thing ... feeJings of fear, love. of that not so distant epoch headed Adolf anger, caring, curtosiry.etc. Hitler. He ordered the killing of the Jew- I'll end with a few dreams to ponder. ish minority because they did notlive up Wouldn't it be neat if everyone could Kane-etc name only a few persons, all day, November 4 (not halloween) after to his standard of human perfection. first see a person as a fellow human be- of us are pooling our talents and joyful the Grant and Reid Show. Basically, "Homosexuals are immoral, perverse, ing before casting him aside into an un- energy to make this affair work. from then on, the coffee house will be and unnatural." "Heterosexuals have sex touchable classification? Wouldn't it be Why a coffee house? Many of us feel going whenever there is demand (defi- just for procreation purposes." neat if everyone could first see how they that there is a need for a casual, indepen- nitely Friday and Saturday), people to These ancient stereo types need to be are like another human being before see- dent hang-out tbat is for and controlled staff it, and there are no other groups us- wen for the lies that they are. ing the differences? by those who hang-out there. There is a ing the room. Heterosexuals are just as involved, if Even without the actualization of need to encourage an alternative social We are encouraging interested folks not more in rape, child molestation, the these ideals, dividing words are one scene on campus which supports artists, to contact anybody working on it for transmission of diseases, and similiar thing, but is a human life really worth the performers, active groups, and individu- more information or to donate materials non-loving encounter. These injustices destruction of group of people that have als of this community. (we NEED tables and permanent coffee are the evils that need to be destroyed. simply been negatively stereotyped. IJ There is a need for fun and sharing on pots, bare minimum). Ican be reached at this campus in order to deal with the po- ext 8300, Eric- 876-4570. Candy-ext dependent entity with which, it is hoped larizations between people and groups 8144, Be-ext. 8214, Amy ext. 8315. Shelter From many groups on campus can feel com- that exist bere (tangenl-anybody who has Thanks for reading and don 'I forget to the night af- the Fallout: fortable doing stuff. made will be used to not read it, should ask tbe social work come to the Fallout we'H Shelter be yappin' and ter the election. club for their-recent statement Any donations on oppres- DcarEditor: support the coffee house and will not go sive interactions among people on this being alive. When the world is on the I want to thank The Phoenix for cov- to SEAC or any other campus oegamza- campus). Thus, I envision tbe Fallout verge of social disintegration, we all ering the Fallout Sheller, the student-run tion. Secondly, I am NOT the chief or- Shelter as a place for people to come and need a shelter from the fallout. coffee house to be located in the nrstsec- ganizerofthe coffee house. While Idefi- be people - not students or teachers or peacejovloveragr, lion club-room of Daniel MacLea that nitelyam involved and helped to gener- cleaning persons-people, this vision Jered Ebenreck will soon be opened. The group of us ate initial interest, there are a plethora of should be a reality beginning Wednes- Class of 1995 that has been working on it hopes toere- other people each contributing ideas, ate a cooperative atmosphere in which time, and resources to the affair. each of us that goes will be able to share The idea of a cooperative is that no Phoenix Meetings are with each other and have some casual single person is the head of the enter- fun. prise; all members have an equal chance held every Monday at I do want to make two clarifying 10become involved and organize events. points which may confuse some readers. saying this, I would like to name a few The Fallout Shelter is NOT a subset of other persons that are involved in this: 6:30 in the Basement of the Student Environmental Action Coa- Eric Whitehair, Jodi Lankford, Ed lition (SEAC). Although many of those Navarre, Jeff Sharp, Amy Pelsinsky, Daniel MacLea working on the coffee bouse are involved Deann Lyons, John Bownik, John with SEAC, the Fallout Shelter is an in- Havonec, Deandra Brice, and Rebecca The Phoenix Edltor-in-Chief " " Jennifer Scott '93 The Phoenix is published bi-monthly. The op.inions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of The Managing Editor " _ TBD Phoenix staff members, the faculty. or the administration at Western Maryland College. The Plwenix welcomes free-lance submissions on Macintosh disk in most word processor fo':"lats. The !d~;::~aMa~;;;..::::=::::::=:::_.::::::=:::==:::=.~~}:il ~~~~~ :~~ editor reserves the right to edit forclanty. length and libel, and will be publis~ed,as space permits. Letters ~di'!;,~7~;!~~~:':i;~:~~ii%IT~r~n~ol~~i;::aced are guaranteed publication in the next issue. The Arts & Entertainment Editor TBD All submissions (excluding self-addressed diskettes) become the property of The Phoenix and cannot be ~:;=:rto~~~~~::=::::::::::::==::::=:=::::::::::::::.~~~:ra :~: :~ returned News Editor _ , _ THO SpoctsEditor _ _ David Miller '93. Kendra Weible '93 Please include a name and phone number for verification. Names will be withheld only by discretion of the Editor-in-Chief. Photography Editor _ _ ~Jeff Sh~ '94 Address mail to: The Phoenix Cartoooist , __ , ,,, Mlke Jenkins '92 2 College Hill Western Maryland College '. Faculty. Ad,isol' ..:~"'~ :.."_ _ t..~,I..I. •.1.•.I:..~: ..: :..~.T_6I?~,D!!ton, ':.':" : Westminster. MD 21157
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