Page 35 - ThePhoenix1992-93
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News October 29, 1992, Page 3 'Take Back the Power'- Fight RRE Crimes says Dunn. handbook that spoke specifi- campus free of crimes against RRE night and yelled obscenities. Dunn and Jones say they cally about harassment. The any minority group, according and Jones By the time Dunn incident From Page 1 opened the door the offenders felt were the only ones who night of the incident searched to Hall. Anytime Halls anyone nears against when them they had ever been harassed says they a gay joke were gone. Later that night they reported their incident. through the student handbook should say, 'That is harass- crimes are often blamed, people knocked on their win- They wish the school had let and were unable to find infor- ment, Idon't appreciate it and While Hall has "come out" dow and made more threaten- campus community know about his homosexuality, even ing remarks. The women have about the incident. mation about where to tum to. I want you to stop. Lamas says the hate crimes turns around and Now,Hal1 students who arc not homo- filed a complaint which is now Out orrespecr for Dunn and or harassment can be reported faces people who call him scxuarcan become victims of under investigation. Jones' privacy Campus Safety to a Resident's life staff per- names. prejudice. Jane Dunn and Both women say this inci- didn't report the incident, ac- son, student affairs, Campus "It's time 10 take back the Kate Jones, not their real den! as well as previous ones cording to Webster. However, Safety, or 911 in an emer- power," said Hall, "to what I names, reported to Campus have changed their view of the Jones says she thinks that the gency. Next year, Lamas said but doesn't Safety that they were ha- campus. "I've learned that it security of the campus comes he will probably change the believe I'm in going that to stoop to mean rassed. Because they are very hard to be openly gay on before the privacy of the indi- handbook to include RRE their level." roommates and best friends campus or accused for being vidual as long as victim's crimes. Dunn and Jones say thai some people assumed last year gay," said Dunn. names are not revealed. Hall says he agreed to they also want to stand up that they were lesbians and The harassment has also If Dunn and Jones had told speak to the press about his started calling them "testes" caused them to fear for their him they wanted the commu- personal experience because against the oppression of gay- to bashing, "We arc going and other names. safety on campus. "Now nity to know, Webster said he he wants the school to realize fight until it stops:' says Jones. The harassment escalated whenever one of us goes to the would have issued a report. that gay-bashing occurs every care what this year when some people bathroom we wake up the Jones also wishes that there day. "It happens every time "I don't no one should anyone live in ,thinks, knocked on their door one other person and tell them," was something in the students' someone tells a fag joke and fear." someone else laughs," said Anyone with any informa- Readers Needed Hall. Everyone shares the re- tion on the incidents reported in this story can call Campus sponsibility of creating a safe Safety at ext. 202. 0 The Academic Skills Center is looking for individnals or cam- ...- _ - _ -- _ _. - . . pus organizations to volunteer to read textbooks. Volunteers read textbooks onto tape for students with print related dis- ~FreeClassified A d abilities. Please contact Tom Gibbon at ext. 504 or come to Winslow 101 . with Coupon Classifieds: PEOPLE WANTED! Must be is the gift to answer our prayers h'hat's a $2.35 value! enthusiastic, bright and a and the prayers of our 5 year Classijieds are qnly 7 cents a commuter student. Responsi- old adopted daug~lIer. MedicaV _ word with pre-payment. 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