Page 39 - ThePhoenix1992-93
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Letters October 29,1992, Page 7 More lhcevening news, laking chal- your group has not registered no, I do not Sensitivity: lenging classes. "10 show total for 1992-93,", 10 expect everyone Now how am I supposed mastery or an subjects," as the feci when I already went Dear Editor: main editorial of the Dctobor I am disgusted by the 15 Washing/on Post puts it. through all the paper-work last 60 Seconds ~·s frivolous tone used But everyone should know year for nothing! According to describe the tradgedtes of a little bit about the questions to the book, it does not even two women, Ms. Nita Hill of raised at the debate: the disin- exist. If the club is not impor- than why, rant enough when with past alumni, ~~."9ampus WMC and Dr. Anita Hill of tegration of abortion rights; you turn the pages of this the University of Oklahoma. the United States' perpetua- 'This Nita Hilfsclaimtofamc tionofThird World debt; D.C. year's Student Guide on & Datebook, do you notice is entirely different from the statehood; social security; the page 37 in the date of Decem- professor's," writes Ms. Deyo North American Free Trade (Features, p. 3, October 15J, as Agreement; and especially the ber 14 "1901 First table tennis if either woman ever enjoyed public record of each of the toumament"? In discussing her "celebrity status." Ms. candidates. the club I have heard mat this Sport was Hill's daughter died in a ter- Don't just vote-~ and rible accident, and Dr. Hill's S1and who and what you're part of every Fraternity were tournaments frequent honor was viciously attacked voting for! held between memo by United States Senators. In- Sincerely yours, Presently, table tennis is the troducing articles with anec- Christine Keiner fastest growing sport in dotes requires finesse. not flip- Class of 1993 Will return next issue... pancy. America and the second most popular sport in the world. It Sincerely yours, certainly did not get this way, Christine Keiner Table Tennis, at least in the past ten years, elms of 1993 through this school. Anyone?: Still Trying, Know the Brian Garfield Issues: Dear Editor, semester of Communications Major In the spring the 91-92 school year, a new Class of 1994 Dear Editor: club was formed, funded, ad- What went wrong with the vertised, and ~ by its WMC debate on October 15? own officers, Obviously it L U R 0 by John Lambros The "representatives" for can- would be hard to make every- didates Clinton and Bush were one aware of the club in just unable to answer satisfactorily that semester, so as the presi- many of the panelists' ques- dent of this club, I depended tions. on the club's status to be Perhaps my expectations printed in the Student Guide were too high. After all, Mr. and Datebook the following Lamotte and Ms. Saurbrey are year. "only" state delegates; why When the following year did we expect them to be able (this year) came around, the to answer questions on any- club was not printed in the thing outside Maryland poli- SG&D which caused the tics? WMC Table Tennis Club to I do not accept that excuse. loose most of its publicity. All Americans have the obli- I have now received a no- galion to keep themselves in- tice from Mitchell Alexander formed about American issues telling me that "the Activities (which often have &kllW slg- Office has not received a com- nificance). That means read- pleted listing of your group's ing the newspaper, tuning into 1992-93 officers ... ", " ... then Respond to our Commentary! Write a letter to the editor. Just send to The Phoenix via Campus Mail. READ THE PHOENIX
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