Page 33 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 33
Homecoming Photos - See Pg. 10-11 THE PHOENIX Western Maryland College National Coming Out Day Brings Out RRE Crimes poster later that day and saw a onewrote,"We'regonna- prejudice, hate, or violence Michael Webster, director By KRISTINE HOLLAl"o'D of Campus Safety, says he S'~1fW,il" handwritten note taped beside you up bad one night...fag that are intended to cause harm When senior Michael Hall, his challenge. It said, "Your bashing will start this semes- directed against individuals, lakes all RRE and related "The president of the Gay and Les- homo lifestyle goes totally ter:' Accompanying the form. groups or institutions, accord- crimes very speak seriously. them- for penalties bian Alliance, put up signs for against human nature, there- was an article about an assault ing to the Maryland Commit- selves. I consider RRE crimes National Coming Out Dayan fore, you jackass, there is no of a gay man in Carroll tee of Human Relations. RRE to be low-level forms of terror- October 12 around the campus way you could be smarter than County. incidents include physical at- he didn't expect the backlash me ... " and was signed "the Immediately, Hall reported tack, hate literature, telephone ism," he said. to include threats of violence. Anti-homo gang." the incident to Campus Safety harassments, and verbal The Student Affairs Office On one of the posters in his Earlier that day Hall had who contacted the Carroll abuse. drops everything they are do- dorm someone scribbled "na- passed out forms to his resi- County police. Currently, both Related to RRE crimes is ing when they find that a hate tional - fag day." Hall dents that asked them to think Campus Security and police harassment which is a series of crime has been committed on posted a challenge beside the of programs they would like to are investigating the incident acts intended to annoy, harass, campus, according to Frank altered poster that said, "face do. When he returned to his as a Racial, Religious, and or alarm another person. The Lamas, associate dean of SLU- me like an adult/don' 1 sneak dorm he found a form Sluffed Ethnic (RRE) Crime which law states that a person found dent Affairs. "We consider like a child/no more inane under his door. On it was a has a maximum sentence of up guilty of harassment may be ourselves a support mecha- noteslI can be as intelligent as suggestion that Hall start a to three years in jail and a subject to a fine up to $500 nism for the victim, .• he said. you've been misguided." gay-bashing joke program. At $S,()(X) dollar fine. dollars or imprisonment up to If an alleged offender of a Hall passed by the same the bottom of the form some- RRE incidents are acts of 30 days hate crime is found guilty, the punishment on campus would Vandalism probably "There is a strong says be very strict Lamas. in Phi Mu likelyhood be suspended the student that or ex- would Clubroom pelled," said Lamas. re- The number of incidents ported to campus security this By CORINNE MILLIGAN SIoDw.JIE, year (two) is the same as the This past week, just before amount reported last year, ac- Fall Break, tbe new Phi Mu cording to Webster. However, clubroom was broken into and Webster says the incidents vandalized. have been more severe this Furniture was moved and year in terms of threat to the stacked against doors. The bar individuals. was moved against a window. Lamas says that stausucs of Various items sacred to the so- gay-bashing bear little rel- rority were stolen. The location evance to the reality of of the new clubroom is cur- occurancc on campus. "My rently located in the Basement guess is that the more educa- of Daniel McLea Hail, on the tion and information students side closest to Decker Center. receive about hate crimes, the None of the sisters knows why more crimes are reported," he the break-in occurred. Wells, Hopwood Join Smith House said. "I don't know if this was a He says student affairs has personal act against our sorority practitioner with acklitiOnal degrees in gynecology tried to be very pro-active by and adult medicine, or against greeks in general," training Orientation Leaders said Rachel Snyder, a senior Phi 'l.'heirnarne$aro Peggy HopWOCld and Be\~tr The two have already established, a sys:temof and Resident Assistants on Mu. Wells" and their key phrases for new PQlil;iesarthe howtbey to heralle thepaticnt.~, Peggy acts as-a how to infonn students about ''Wage,'' and bert.1u1jesillclude. administering tne Whether vendetta or not, this Smith House-include. "organization and oonsis" such crimes. On many occa- tency;" allergy shot.~ .~Sbe diagm).~ ~seriOOsness or event leads one to wonder about sions, including the Diversity many things. First of all, Cam- Their pllilosopby may prove to be a step in tbe the patients' aitmens, and re(e!'n~g the patient to Day, Lamas has made public pus Safety is located in the base- right direc;tion for beatta care sevces at WM(;;' someone wbc cantreal:. them. most effectively. statements that say the admin- ment of Rouzer Hall. It is ironic The persccnetctange that bas brought rwo aew Beverly does else. the GYN istration will not tolerate such that such vandalism happened fa"",,"e~imilh Hou$ema.y inlllm bringalxmt a examjneuons. and the final diagnosis in the case. crimes on campus. outside their door. Second, smcems feel about obtaining They have developed some very new policies at Like rape crimes, Hall says since heavy, bulky furnilure IheSmith Hou$e. These c:ha:nge!l:arC1JlQ$t1ya re- that hate crimes against homo- Carrie was moved and stacked, there $illt of the survey tllat .was 000e bystudetit sexuals are often hard to prove was more than one person in- Ward last $C1IlC,'iter. The new nurses Wished that and prosecute. Because of the volved. Doesn't it seem odd that they COuldhave talked toWatd.tor a. face to-race prejudice against homosexu- no one saw a group of people talk abOUt the sUrvey. als, the victims of gay bashing S.., SMITH HOUSE, I>g. 12, Col. 4 enter through a side window See RRE, Pg. 3 Col. 1 and move furniture around? One frightening fact about Halloween Means Ghosts and Blood this incident is that when Christy Saksa, president of Phi By KIM OSTROW other specters that haunt this a long dark maze, which func- these events through small Mu, found the clubroom de- St
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