Page 31 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 31
October 15, 1992, Page 11 Budget get Committee where the bud- would like the college to be- We bring a great wealth of Jay Taylor says he does not get is initiated. come more democratic, he knowledge from our expert- think any information should be From Page 1 • The budget approved in Oc- thinks that students may not be ences," said Kiddoo. "I do not confidential. "This is directly next year. tober may be subject to still willing to put in the necessary think I would have been pre- opposed to everything that a Late January the committee more changes based on factors work.tor this to happen. pared as a student." academic institution should reports to the Budget and Fl- outside of the administrations Students should have a vote However, Kiddoo says she is stand for," he said. nance Committee of the Board control. in the Board of Trustees meet- receptive to hearing the views of Chambers insists that WMC of Trustees who look over the For example, the president ings to have more of a say in the students. She listens to many is much more democratic than budget proposal and make any talked about the effect of vary- budget, according to Ebenreck. students in the Board meetings. other colleges. ·'WMC is a re- necessary changes. To let sur- ing fuel prices. "If it is a warm "I would like students to have a According to Kiddoo. if any markably open college. Most dents know in advance what winter we will spend less real vote. 1 also think that there student disagrees with a deci- presidents wouldn't be willing tbey will have to pay in tuition money on fuel and thus have should be referendums that can sion made by the Board they can to talk us openly as me. It is also tbe full Board of Trustees must more money to invest in other overturn the Board's decisions give a petition to the president unusual in the way that it has decide on a preliminary budget areas of the college," he said. " if enough students respond. It who can present it to the board. faculty representatives on its in February. If it is a frigid winter, we will would be an open door for Chambers says he thinks that budget committee," he said. According to the president, have to come up some things According to Chambers, the Board of Trustees have the with more money arc tooconfi- while there are no student repre- final say in all the decisions of from some- denuat for sentatives allowed on the inter- the college. "The college be- where:' students to nal budget committee, any stu- longs to the Trustees. lbeyown Chambers says know, such dent wanting to find out more it," said Chambers. tbatitisverydiffi- as salaries. information about the budget Board of Trustees member cult to balance the He cites a can talk to the faculty members Catherine Kiddoo says that she budget. 'The time last year of the budget committee. The prefers not to think that tbe question is how when a stu- members include Ted Bvergates Board owns the college. "The do you set tuition dent repre- in the History department, Sue Boaed directs the affairs of the and fees in a way sentative to Singer in the EconomicslBusi- college. They hold the funds," that is both rea- the Board of ness department, Harry she said. sonable and fair, T r u s tee s Rosenzweig in the Math depart- This budget must be bal- pay faculty and leaked infor- ment, and Ethan Seidel in the anced every yearby July. "Un- staff, and still bal- mation. Economics department. like the national government we ance the budget?" According to Ziolkowski says that now cannot have a deficit," said he said. Chambers, she wants to know more about Chambers. According to Thomas, mere broader Involvement," said this incident made the Trustees the budget. "Apparently the col- The number of students who are too many conflicting priori- Ebenreck. so nervous that they almost lege is a business and I want to come to the school in the fall ties. "There are so many good Kiddoo, in her opinion. took away students' ability at- know how they are investing in may be different from what was reasons for doing so many thinks that students do not have tend Board meetings. "Students me:' she said. "By not question- initially projected. In the recent things. College just can't do the experience and knowledge came very close to losing their ing, Ihave been blindly trusting past the state government re- everything it wants to do," she necessary to make the difficult right to be on any committee," in their benevolence. 'want the duced the funding it promised to said. decisions that involve the bud- said Chambers. "We got administration to reach out to us give to the college. This year It is very difficult to reduce get. "I prefer to have voting burned. We have to be. certain SO that we can know their stance they initia1ly promised to give the budget because certain as- members on the Board who that students can keep things on the budget on a human per- $1.6 million but cutback to $1. pects of it are fixed, says Tho- have already succeeded in life. confidential." sonallevel." Q 4 million and most recently to mas. Currently approximately $1.2 million. - 50 percent oftbe budget goes to The Budget Committee pay for salaries and benefits for planned for cutbacks and only faculty and this year the faculty anticipated $1.2 million from and staff did not receive any the state. However if the state raises. Twenty percent of the cuts more,the budget will have budget goes for financial aid. to be reworked. "If we reduce financial aid The Budget and Finance fewer people would be able to Committee is meeting on Octo- attend the college," said Tho- ber 23 to discuss the revised mas. budgetfor 1992-93. In addition 3 percent of the The committee will also go budget must go to make pay- over 1991-92 audit results, col- ments on past debts. This leaves lege restructuring, endowment only 27 percent of the budget investments, and other issues. left for utilities, departments, Philip Sayre, dean of Student Insurance, and other expenses. Affairs, says that any student Thomas says that the most interested in finding out more serious budget problem facing information or giving their input the college is the reduction of on these issues can contact their two major revenue sources of student representatives to the the college. Fewer students are Budget and Finance Committee attending colleges across the junior Christa Lawson and se- country due to changing demo- nior Meleah Becker. graphics. This causes a loss of Two years ago there were no tuition money which pays for student voting members on the approximately 77 percent of Board of Trustees committees. budget costs. The reduction of According to Sayre, students re- state and government grants WMC Pub & Grille alized that many major deci- also forces the college to fall sions were made by the Board back on its own resources. of Trustees committees, espe- To offset these losses, the ~ cially by the Budget and Fi- college is working to increase You Must Use Yow nance Committee. In response its annual fund, endowment, Exp...,.. Card for Delivery!!! to a petition circulated by stu- and launch a major campaign in dents the Board of Trustees as- three to five years to raise $40 signed two voting student visi- million (subject of the second ~~:~". ~~ DIAL EXT. 6-42 tors to six trustee committees. article in this series). The col- Students still do not have a lege is also considering restruc- ~#' \.'3.'],"" FOR CONVENIENT DELlliERY OR TO vote in the full Board of Trust- turing (subject of the third ar- b ~~ \P HA\tE )'OUR ORDER READY WH(N 'r1)U .-\RRIVE ees where all the final decisions ticle.) are made or on the internal Bud- While Chambers says he
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