Page 49 - ThePhoenix1991-92
P. 49
February 3, 1992 Western Maryland College PageS Letter to the Editor County 60 Seconds To the Editor. has the righttodecide whether to addition, the Carroll lam pleased to see The Phoe- report the incident to the college State's Attorney's Office pro- nix give attention to me issue of authorities and/or law enforce- vides a Victim Witness Assis- on Campus sexual assault and the college ment agencies both on and off tance Unit to help a survivor policy regarding this issue. campus. through each phase of the court Sexual assault is an issue of great Second, when a survivor de-- system. Doug Rettberg and Jennifer Scott importance and will hopefully cides to report to the local police Since we know sexual assault continue to receive publicity for they will receive support from is a vastly under-reported crime, What do you think was the the benefit of WMC students. the college as well as local au- it's great to see people learning I would like to clarify two thorities. Whilereporting is never about sexual assault and exist- most newsworthy event of points from the Nov. 22, 1991 easy, the Westminster City P0- ing support services. I look for- article. First, the college strongly lice and MD State Police are ward to your continued efforts 1991? supports the full reporting of in- well trained, sensitive to sexual and support with this issue. cidents and the use of on and off assault issues, and coordinate campus resources. The college with Rape Crisis Intervention Susan J. Glore Pete May '92 also recognizes that the survivor Services of Carroll County. In DirectorojCounselingServices -Communications "The Thomasllearings Store bookstore's manager, was quick "Whatever the result, this whole [because theyl focused to comment not only on the ben- exercise has been good in the From Page 1 the entire nation on one efits that the bookstore receives, sense that it makes the staff and should beleased should be made but also on the benefits that em- management aware of ways to issue and there's not a relative to the given situation of ployees who work under the make things better." lot that can do that," the store. He said that one of the company receive. Tony Petroccia, a College major reasons a college chooses Employees receive some Store employee, doesn't think: the to lease its store is that it does not health and dental coverage and a school isgoing tobenefitasmuch have enough finances to improve retirement plan. They also re- fmanciallyastheydonowifthey or renovate the store itself. ceive better training, and can leasethestoreout Hesaid, "Now Kristina Johnson '93 However, Christine Hourican, transfer to a different bookstore [the college) gets 100% of the -Psychology director of Swarthmore College iftheychoosctodoso. Thestore profits. If they lease, they will Bookstore warned, "Colleges benefits mostly by having amore onlyendupwithasmallcut"He "The beginning of the have to be careful when they up-to-date operation. Merchan- also said if the College Store is Gulf War. Everybody lease, because they give up an dise styles are newer, and the leased the prices will probably knew it was going to awful lot. They have to keep in store is constantly getting re- be raised. happen but I think it mind that no one leases a store viewed on new procedures. Another store employee, was a travesty that it for charity. Either he makes Asked if the students' opin- Kevin Richardson, agreed with money or he doesn't do it." ions would be taken into account Peuoccia. He said, "By leasing, beganonMartinLwher '-...- ki! King Jr.'s birthday." On December 15, 1990, the in a leased store, Drews replied, [lhecolIege]makesalittlemoney Swarthmore College Bookstore "Leasers are looking to satisfy in the short run. However, in the threw the leaser out and bought their customers just as much as long run, it'll serve as a prob- Liz Emanuel '92 back their store which had been anyone. That is the way their lem." Jeasedforthepast 13 years. Since businesses stay in business." Richardson is also concerned -e-Art/History then, thestaffhasdoubled in size Dr. Linda Eshleman, director about work-study. If the store is HI would say Gor- and the prices on merchandise of Academic Computing and a leased, work-study will probably bachev losing hispower havedecreased. Sales in the store member of the bookstore task bccancelled, hesaid. "Many stu- have increased by 20%. force committee, reminisced dents will lose their source of and the Soviet Union Loyola College Bookstore, about the College Store that ex- income crumbling .. .lt just however, has been happily leased isted 10 years ago. She feels it The College Store manage- shows how fast our through Folet for the past 15 was more attractive and had bet- ment have no comment at this world is changing," years. Tom Drews, the ter customer service. She said, time. a LURD by John Lambros Mike Eves '95 -Biology "I'd say Magic John- _ ... ,,=-..• son [becoming in- fected] with AIDS. It was shocking ...he was a role model for a lot of people." Candido Nunes '90 Child Care Needed for 3 Children on -c.S./lnternat'l Student Thursdays from 6:45 erne pm "I think the beginning $40/day andthefinishoftheGulf Place a personal ad in War because nn one ex- The Phoenix 3 references and transportation required. pected there was going for all the campus to see. In the Eldersburg area, to be another war ... it InJroll1ofGIAR could have esculated to this Tue.-Fri./or Free! Call 549-2173 WorldWarlll."
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