Page 45 - ThePhoenix1991-92
P. 45
THE PHOENIX Student Suspended Fire Causes $3000 for Library Vandalism By EDRIGLING Damage to Apartment SpotuEdj_ A Western Maryland student has been found guilty of the vandalism which occurred in front of later. "I woke up and the room Hoover Library early Sundaymoming.Novernber was filled with smoke." 3, officials from Student Affairs confirmed, A fire which occurred Janu- Martin called Campus Safety Found guilty of defacing college property and ary 14 in Garden Apartment IC after she left the apartment, and disorderly conduct, theHonorsand Conduct Board caused an estimated $3000 in pulled the apartment building's penalized the student with suspension, restitution damage according to Director-of fire alarm. for the damages, and counseling for destructive Housing Joanne Goldwater. Martin was later treated at behavior. Thestudent'snameis being withheld by The blaze, contained to room Carroll County Hospital'sEmer- request of lhe administration. A, originated when hot ashes gency Room for smoke inhala- Formerlyajunioratthecollege,thestudemwas were mistakenly discarded in a tion. ''They said I was real lucky sighted in the newly built area between Memorial trash can. The furniture, door, [to wake up] because the carbon Halland Hoover Library by Campus Safety at2: 59 closet doors, carpeting, and win- monoxide [in the smoke] puts AM. dow had to be replaced, and the you to sleep," said Martin. According toareportfiled with Campus Safety, room repainted. The student lost The apartment's individual the officer witnessed the entire incident. all of the clothing, but the stereo fire alarm had not woken her, Associate Dean of Student Affairs Frank La- system and an expensive bor- because in one level apartments mas said the damage to both spheres is estimated =====:- rowed camera were not dam- the alarm is in the living area, See VANDALISM, Pg. 6 Col. 3 _____________ L:===========_--, aged. Carpeting in the rest of the separated by a door from the bedrooms. Jan. Term Offers "A Chance to Dare" apartment had to be cleaned and when the apartments to Goldwater, According walls around the vents repainted were built. because of smoke damage. fire codes did not specify where about. ..925 students out of 1300 proposal be beefed up but! don't The three students who lived to place the fire alarms. After were here in January," Lightner recall a course ever being turned there were temporarily moved the fire, the fire marshall sug- JanuaryTennis atbree-week said. down," he said. while cleaning and repairs were gested that the door between the intense study of subjects not of- This January Term around "You want the courses to be conducted. two sections be removed in all fered during the nonnal semes- 450 students enrolled in the fun and exciting. If they are too Two students were able to one level apartments. Gold water ter. classes and 92 students signed intellectual. nobody want to do move back in the next week; the said this has since been done. WMC requires students to up to pursue special studies and the work," Alles added. student whose room caught fire A fire on third floor Blanche complete one Jan. Term prior to internships. Some students don't feel that was allowed to return the 24th. Ward Hall two years ago was graduation. Thecourseofferings, Lightner accredits this drop the courses offer any value, how- Goldwater said WMC's Physi- also caused by improperly dis- worth two credits each, are de- in participation to the fewer ever. cal Plant has been essential to carded ashes. Asked if these two signed to bemore creative, inno- courses are being offered each ChuckHammond,ajuniorbi- getting the apartment back in incidents would lead to a ban- vative,and,in general, more fun. term. The chairman of the Cur- ology major, participated in Jan. order. ning of smoking in individuals' Dr. Leroy Panek, dean of riculum Committee, Dr. Gregory Term one year but chose to take The fire was called in by rooms, Goldwater said there was PlanningandResearch,callsJan. Alles, said that the commiuee re- an internship at the Carroll graduate student and Resident little way to enforce such a policy. Term, "a different kind of edu- ceives proposals from people County Sports Medicine instead AssistantJoslyn Martin whowas Goldwater sent out a notice cational activity ...a chance to who want to teach Jan. Term of a class. "Nothing the school sleeping in bedroom C when the for smokers to be careful and for dare." courses. The proposals are then offers interests me. Why should blaze started quarter after ten all students tomake sure belong- Dr. James Lightner remem- discussed by the committee and Ipaytotakeaclassuiarl wouldn't that morning. ings are covered by insurance. bers the first January Terms as the faculty. "Rarely are classes enjoy and won't count towards "I was having a nightmare Shealsosaid for students be sure very popular and exciting times. ever proposed and then not of- my major?" Hammond said. that my mom was in a fire and I fire alarms were connected and "In its hay day, we had fered. We may ask that a certain See JAN TERM, Pg. 6 Col. 4 had to get her out," Martin said in working order. 0 WMC May Lease Out College Store; Future in Doubt of Administration and Finance, His report listed four possible By REBECCA L. KANE the College Store if they leased worked for them. S",jfR._u will make the final decision options for the college to take: It. They included: Bames and If any kind of change does The College Store may soon sometime before March. (1) it could completely replace Nobel, Follet, and Bookstore happen involving The College becontrolledfromoutside West- The idea began last yearwhen the College Store's present man- Management Concepts. Store, it probably would not oc- em Maryland College. Mingolelli and Frank Waller, agement; (2) it could lease the Afterthepresentations,acost curuntilatleastMarch I. Ifreno- A bookstore task force com- Director of Administrative Ser- store to another company; (3) it analysis of the options including vauons are going to take place. mittee consisting of members vices, decided to form the com- could have an outside company keeping theCollege Store owned this would not occur before sum- from the administauon, faculty, mittee to find out if the College work with the College Store by WMC was performed. and the student body has been Store was providing the best management;or(4)itcou1dhave Taking into concideration Both companies have in- formed in order to determine possible services. anoutsidecompanytakeoverthe theresults,onJanuary 23 the task eluded in their offer a promise to whether or not leasing the book- Waller hired Ron Duval to current store management. In this force decided to rule out leasing keep present management and store to an outside company review the store. Duval had done choice, the ouside company has the store to Bookstore Manage- staff on forat least three monthes would be beneficial to the col- a review in 1984 and another in final control over all College ment Concepts. The task force after they take over. lege. 1986. Before writing his report, Store decisions. committee now plans to contact Duval said that leasing is not Taking into consideration the he saw the bookstore over the Three companies made pre- other colleges who have leased necessarily good or bad. Deci- committee's recommendation, summer and in September a total sentations to the committee pro- to the two remaining companies sions as to whether or nota store JennieMingolelli, Vice President of three times. posing what they would do for and discuss how the lease has See STORE, Pg. 5 Col. 1
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