Page 44 - ThePhoenix1991-92
P. 44
PageS Western Maryland College November 22, 1991 Art having the molds done of my slated Her project is appropriately that deals with the deterioration graduate school for her masters degree in studio art and eventu- legs and I look at the molds and through of the environment to be on exhibit femi- during say they're fat," she said. "My Women History Month March nine symbolism. Set to the back- ally become a college professor From Page 1 perceptions are still off. The 3-11 in the Englar Lounge of ground of Kate Busch's music, of art. sculptures are forcing me to face Decker Center. She hopes her the film contains dance, move- She hopes that the project will help women and men view them- myself." project will help clarify many of ment, and body images. help her become rnure recog- selves and others in a more While she says that she would the issues thatmany women deal While film is a whole new nized and give other artists at healthful manner. "My purpose not have been able to do the with. "The over-riding theme in avenue for her, she has always WMC incentive to display their is to make this community aware project without the creativity my project is how society sees felt a connection between visual creations. She said. "The anuci- of the affect of media and indi- grant, the $300 she received from women and the contradictory images and music. "I can't lis- pation of pioneering such a ma- vidual idealistic expectations. the grant only begins to cover terms in which women are forced ten to music without images and jor art exhibit. aside from West- ShethinksthatthethesescuJp- the event The plaster of Paris to deal with themselves." stories appearing before my emMaryland'sGalleryOne,isa turesare helping her through her alone will cost$300 for the sculp- Along with her sculpture dis- eyes major step in fostering creativity healing process. "Right now I'm tures. play she hopes to make a film After WMC she plans to go as well as independent ideas. "0 Clubs From Page 1 we help them if they can't help themselves?" asked Chris Wess, also ajunior senator. Ri ht Interviews proved to be a stumbling block for some groups. Said Wess, "Some groups never sent representatives," "We wanted them to to present themselves as honestly as possible," said Razze, who Slated that several groups added Mac~tosh "open to the campus" to the de- scription of their planned events during the interviews. Events must be open to the campus in order to be eligible for the fund- ing. Some organizations came very prepared, and others did Right price. not, Razze said. The interviews ended No- vember 5 and the checks were mailed the next day. "We stuck to the criteria," said Razze. "We felt that we were very fair," added Webster. 0 Fire Right now. From Page 1 the owner was working. A vol- unteer firefighter said unoffi- cially that the blaze may have started when chemicals fell on a space heater. Damage was estimated to be at $500,000 by the fire marshall, but that number could go up, said Chief Jay Nusbaum of the Westminster Volunteer Fire De- partment. Macintosh Classic" System. Maantosb LCSystem. Macintosh Ilsi System. The Red Cross arrived on the scene Sunday night, to help out Now's the nght time to buy an Apple" What's more, you may even qualify for the the displaced apartment dwell- Macintosh" computer system. Because right now new Apple Computer Loan, which makes buying a ers. But, according to Ed you can save big on Apple's most popular com- Macintosh now even easier. McDonough of The Sun. every- puters and qualifying printers. And Macintosh is So come in right now and check out the big one bada place to go. No one had the right computer to help you achieve your best, savings on Macintosh. But hurl)'- these special to be put up. There was no word throughout college and beyond. savings last only throughjanuary 5, 1992. whether any of the residents were WMC students. For more information visit George Fisher Everyone was evacuated safely from the buildings. A of from Towson Computer at the couple firefighters suffered smoke inhalation. but arealright, Western Maryland CollegeBookstore .' , according to Leppo. EveryWednesday from Ilam- 2pm or call him at 301/662ยท0359 There were no apartments above Heagy's or Stems. Thecondemned building was CI99I!.pJ>leCompul",ln(_Apple.lhel.ppielogo:illd_llacintoshareregisterrol,ademark.lofAppleCompute,.Jnc,ClmicisaregiSlfrrolrWma,kllcenstdlOl.ppleComputer.lnc expected to be demolished on the 18th. 0
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