Page 27 - ThePhoenix1990-91
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October 11, 1990/Western Maryland College/Page 3 Focus on a Student: Dirk Visser by Michael Kubacki which I have learned already." "In my sophomore year, According to senior Eco- Dirk was born in Vene- Glarwasokay, but now I'm sick nomics/German major Dirk zuela' as a Dutch citizen be- of hotdogs, hamburgers, [and! Visser, "International study is cause his parents are Dutch. fries, and the entrees arc begin- the best part about college." Dirk first learned Dutchand ning to look undcfincabtc." Dirk spent last year at the Spanish, and at age seven he As WMC changed during University of Leiden in Hol- learned English. the year he was gone, Dirk had land, where he studied Interna- Dirk has foundthat,forhim, witnessed changes in Europe. tional Economics and Dutch. [earning different languages is Dirk was in Berlin on Novem- What Dirk liked most about easy because "it runs in the ber 9, 1989, the day the Berlin studying in Holland was his family." Wall was torn down. travel to eleven countries in Dirk lived in Venezuela for Dirk couldn't put into Europe. fourteen years, and for a few words the pandemonium which Whiteat l.ciden. Dirk had a weeks each year he spent time was in the streets of Berlin at course where he had to travel to in Holland. that Lime. Eastern Europe to interview Dirk learned about WMC Dirk also saw protests in people about the changes oc- from his high school guidance Czechoslovakia, which led to curring there. This helped him counselor in Florida. the reforms in that country. meet many interesting people. When asked about changes When Dirk graduates. he Dirk had no problem con- which occurrcdat WMCduring plans to aucnd graduate school, versing with the people of Eu- his absence, Dirk replied, "The work in Holland, or serve out rope because he speaks six lan- student is more restricted, the themandatorymilitaryduty(six- guages, five of them fluently. campus dies on the weekend, teen months) required for Dutch He speaks English, Span- and Glar is much worse." males. ish, Dutch, German, French, and "In 1987, when Icamencrc, In closing, Dirk recom- Dirk Visser, WMC student, was visiting is now learning Greek. most of the students stayed on mends that everyone should try Berlin when the Berlin Wall was torn down. Dirksays that "Greek is the campus during weekends, there to take some courses abroad, as Visser spent last year studying in Holland. most difficult to learn, because were hall parties, and the alco- it is an experience of a lifetime. so strict." weren't Recycling it is not related to any languages hol policies Continued from page 1 ers to the Advisory Comrniuee, which we've had to struggle Both the Committee and on the practical issues involved In addition to these official expressed surprise at the initial with... but now things are 11- SEACwillsponsorvariousedu- in recycling and to make the recycling bins, which will be speed at which plans for the nally looking up, and I'm happy cational programs designed to transition to recycling easy and emptied and maintained by recycling program took root. with the new plan. It's good to inform the campus community perhaps even fun. WMC staff, blue cans will be Campus environmentalists sec it finally come together after made available upon request to 'I'm happy with the new plan. It's good to any Greek, independent, or resi- see it finally come together after working Video Den dence hall organization that wishes to collect aluminum for so hard for so long." Carroll Plaza Shopping Center fundraising. • Meeghan Ziolkowski, member, Advisory 1/2 mile from Western Maryland These 'private' cans will only be emptied by the school if Committee on Environmental Matters Open 10 - 10 Daily they are overflowing or improp- an veteran ommutee mem- wor mg so ar or so ong. erly maintained. They will be bers like Mceghan Ziolkowski The SEAC, now relieved provided free of charge with a and Dr. Esther Iglich saw the of its aluminum and paper recy- Free Memberships with fifty dollar replacement fee if new program as a positive and cling effort, has already begun lost. exciting step in the right diree- planning to pick up where the Plans for the campus recy- lion, yet they feel it is the result official program leaves off by Driver's License and cling program have been under of an extended and intense ef- organizing a student-run pro- serious consideration since late fort. SaysZiolkowski,"There's gram to recycle glass, plastic College Il). August when the Advisory not really anyone person to cite and cardboard. Dr. Mingolleli Committee placed institutional for the lack of institutional said that she hopes that WMC recycling at the top of its agenda commiument we've experi- will be able to incorporate these after almost two fuJI years of enced on this issue in the past rccyclables into its program by Movie rentals only $2.00 per day. pressure from students and fac- two years, it's more an altitude next school year. ulty involved in campus envi- Classics, Musicals, Concerts, Sports, Special ronmentalism. Interest rentals only $1.00 per day. Dr. Jennie Mingolelli and Dean David Seligman, newcom- ! ~l Thousands of $IOOO~ii. Movies! Earn up to $1000 in one week for your campus organization. All the latest Plus a chance at $5000 more! This program works! hits! No investment needed Call 1·800-932-0528 Ext. SO
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