Page 26 - ThePhoenix1990-91
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Page 2/Western Maryland College/October 11, 1990 Author Turchi to Discuss His Novel at Books Sandwiched In Lecture Marylandnativeand writer the house next to them. Pub- He received his master's Turchi's fiction has garnered elude Scott Turow's The Bur- Peter Turchi will return to his lished by New American Li- degree from the University of awards from the Illinois Arts den of Proof. to be reviewed by former state of residence LOdis- brary in 1989, The Girls is being Arizona in 1985, wrote for the Council and fiction contests in attorney and WMC trustee cuss his fiction for the second readied for paperback release Tuscan Weekly, and edited fic- New Times and Critic. WilburD.Preston,classofl944, Books Sandwiched Inreview of by Plume. tion for Sonora Review, a liter- Hebasalsoreceiveda 1990 on November 12, and Deirdre the fall. semester on Friday, Turchihassaidthathedrew ary magazine. National Endowment for the Bair's Simone de Beauvoir: A October 12 in McDaniel from personal experience for his Since then, he has taught Arts Fellowship Grant. Biography, to be reviewed by Lounge. first novel. at several institutions across the Books Sandwiched In is a Dr. Martine Motard-Noar, as- Turchi, a former resident At Books Sandwiched In, country, including DePaul Uni- series of hour-long reviews sistant professor of foreign lan- of Randallstown and currently he will talk about the role of versity and Loyola University sponsored jointly by Western guages at Western Maryland, an assistant professor of Eng- autobiography in his fiction. in Chicago, Columbia College, Maryland College and Locust on December 5. lish at Appalachian State Uni- Born in Baltimore and and Northwestern University. Books of Westminster. In a related manner, Dr. versity in North Carolina, is the raised in Randallstown, Turchi Turchi's short stories have All programs are from Gregory Alles, assistant profes- author of The Girls Next Door, received his B. A. in English appeared in Couonwood. The 12:10 to 1:00 p.m. in McDaniel sor of philosophy and religious a lightheaned novel set in a fic- from Washington College in AmnerssgeviewPueno del Sot, Lounge. studies at Western Maryland, tional town based on the Ran- Chestcrstown in 1982. and Clubhouse, among other Participants are invited LO will repeat and expand on his dallstown area of the author's While there, he won the publications. bring their lunch and enjoy earlier Books Sandwiched In childhood in the early 1960's. distinguished Sophie Kerr writ- Next May will see the re- beverages provided. review of May You Be the The book concerns thelives ing prize for a portfolio of work lease of Everything I Need, a The sessions are free and Mother of a Hundred Sons: A of a man and his family after a which included a shan-story collection of Turchi's short SLO- open to the public. Journey Among the Women of Other books slated for group of prostitutes moves into version of the novel. ries. Inaddition tothe K;errprize, noontime review this fall in- India, on Friday, October 19 at 2:00 p.m. in McDaniel Lounge. College to Award Alumni During Feeling creative? ................................ Homecoming Festivities Submit to Contrast, • Notice . western Maryland College's annual Homecoming celebra- WMC's Literary Maga- • · The Campus Safety office does not move up to the. pon will take place Saturday, October 13on the Western Maryland zine.' • Information Desk in Decker Center any more. : campus. Several activities have been planned for this day, when Deadline is October 19. : Student workers work at the Information Desk until: reven college classes return for reunions and fou~of the college's sports teams play at home. Among the events will be the presen- Submission guidelines • 2:00 a.m. Sundays through Thursdays and until • fation of awards honoring two alumni for providing service and can be picked up at the 1:00 a.rn. on Fridays and Saturdays. The Campus: e alumni visitor LOthe Board of Trustees, then the director of the~===::~~=~~'~'~':':':':'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~':':':':.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.. Desk or leadership to the college. outside Dr. Mangan's : Safety officers now remain in their office, located: Information Jeanne Patterson Ensor, class of 1948, has been named West- '~rnMaryland's Alumnus of the Year. From 1050 to 1962 she was Office in Memorial 202. : in Rouzer Hall, twenty-four hours a day. • ~ollege's Alumni Association Board of Governors. Ensorv r ... resident of Millville, Delaware, will receive the award in recogni- tion of her outstanding commitment LOWMC, her church, and the bommunity, as well as for her prominence and distinction in the field of public relations. Now retired from her position as director of public relations for an area travel agency, Ensor is able to give a significant amount of her time to the college. Chosen as Young Alumnus of the Year was Frederick L. Smyth, class of 1980, who has taken an active role in the life of his alma mater. Since graduation he has served asclasschairman, ad- missions volunteer, phonathon participant, and alumni affiliate for career services. He has also served as an admissions counselor, and in 1982 he was appointed assistant registrar. Smyth now works as director of counseling at the Bullis School in POLOmac,Maryland. Presentation of these awards is scheduled to take place during halftime of the Homecoming football game, on Saturday, October 13 at I:30 p.rn. in Scott S. Bair Stadium. WMC's Green Terrors will clash with Dickinson College in this year's Homecoming game. Other games being hosted by the college on October 13 include women's soccer versus Dickinson College, scheduled for 140 EAST MAIN STREET WESTMINSTER, MD 21157 11:00 a.m. on the soccer field adjacent to Gill Physical Education Learning Center; field hockey versus Goucher College, scheduled 848-2844 876-1330 for 1:00p.m. on the field hockey field adjacent to the softball field; and men's soccer versus S1. Mary's College of Maryland, sched- uled for 2:00 p.m. on the soccer field adjacent to Gill Center. Seruices Prooided Events get underway at II :30 a.m. Saturday, when a picnic will be hosted on the lawn of Harrison House. Between 12:30 and QUALITY RESUMES QUICK PRINT RESUMES 1:00 p.m., a parade comprised of floats, bands, and antique cars will pass by Harrison House. (The parade will start at the U. S. Postal TYPESETTING WORD PROCESSING Service office al83 East Main Street.) During halftime festivities 800KS MANUALS at the football game, a special presentation will honor the recipients of the Alumnus of the Year award, the Young Alumnus Service 8USINESS FORMS ANNUAL REPORTS award, and the James Brant Memorial Cup. The latter award TWO AND FOUR COLOR BROCHURES recognizes that fraternity or sorority which has excelled inacadem- ics, varsity sports, leadership, and community service projects during the previous academic year. The award was established by Same Vay Seruice On Quicl(Print Orders the Inter-Fraternity Council in 1976 following the tragic death of James Brant, class of 1976. Pick Up And Delivery Service Available Also celebrating class reunions this year will be WMC's classes of 1960,1965,1970,1975,1980, 1985,and,rcturning for its 21 ']ears of serving the community lOO-day reunion, the class of 1990.
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