Page 6 - ThePhoenix1990-91
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Pa e 6/Western Maryland Colle eJ Au ust 30, 1990 Environmental Tips Sundays of Note e Take quick showers. e Don't leave the water on when brushing your teeth. Concert Series use. e Tum off your lights and any other electrical devices when not in e Plant a tree. Continued (rom page 5 $12; and students 18 and under originally commissioned for the are admitted free. e Make use of the red recycling cans. Dump your aluminum in National Zoo when it unveiled its Infonnationconcemingtick- them. elephant pavilion, as wellas "Br'er ets. subscriptions, directions, etc. Rabbit," which was commis- is available from the College e Walk, rather than drive, to nearby places. sioned by and premiered for the ActivitiesOfficeatWestemMary- e If you go to a store, take your own bag. Atlanta Arts Festival land College (301-857-2265). Finally,onApriI7.1991.tbe From Baltimore, please call o When you're done with this newspaper, recycle it. Capital Saxophone Quarter will 876-2055, exL265. herald the arrival of spring with a performance combining the deli- cacy of string music and the power of brass. ROT C The quartet, a winner of the 1989 Baltimore Chamber Music Awards, has been noted for their "soulful intensity" by The New York Times, and their "exciting BUT WHO'S performance and the audience' s wildly enthusiastic response" by GOING TO PAY FOR The Washington Post. The quartet features Christo- COLLEGE? pher Ford. a faculty member at the Peabody Conservatory and With the job market as Towson State University and an tough as it is, you'd love to active saxophone soloist; Robert have the advantage of a col- _E. Beeson, a performing member lege degree. But how are you of the United States Anny Band; going to pay for it? Walter Todenhoft, a former Army ROTC can provide memberoftheOldFifeand Drum you with tuition (a two, three Corps as well as a clarinetist in the or four year scholarship) and U.S.ArmyBand;andEvanOlcott, a monthly allowance of $100if and join Army you qualify a former soloist with the Dayton ROTC on your campus. You'Il Philharmonic Orchestra Young get a lot more out of it than Artists Competition and a mem- just the opportunity to go to berofthePeabodyJazzEnsemble. college. The Capital Saxophone You'll acquire skills that Quartet was founded in 1983, will stay with you for life and when all four original members get real management experi- were graduate studerits of the ence before you graduate. University of Maryland at Col- Just a few hours a week in lege Park. classes taught by full-time As it has developed, the Army Officers and you'll quartet has balanced its original learn everything from land of to the ethics navigation compositions with works adapted leadership, for the group. . When you graduate, you'll The Sundays of Note series have earned an Army Lieu- is jointly sponsored by WMC's tenant's gold bar as well as a College Activities Programming college degree. With this Board and the Peggy and Yale competitive edge, you can in- Gordon Trust. crease your chances for sue- The CAPBoard is a volun- cess either in a civilian career teer student organization that while fulfilling your commit- coordinates social, cultural, and mentin the U.S.Army Reserve or as a Guard, or National eduational opportunities for the career officer in the active college community. Army. The Peggy and Yale Gordon Trust was established primarily to provide support for various cultural and educational institu- tions in and around metropolitan Baltimore: implementing con- cectcareeropportunitiesforyoong ARMYROTt emerging artists is a continuing RESERVE OFflCERS'TRAINING CORPS activity of the trust. THESMARTESTCOmGE All performances are held at COURSE YOUCANTAKE 2 p.m. Sundays in the historically renovated Alumni Hall. Admis- sion is SS; a standard season sub- scription can be obtained forSl5; Contact Captain Glenn Williams, Military Science Dept., Gill Gymnasium a senior-citizen subscription is