Page 23 - ThePhoenix1988-89
P. 23
October 27. 19881Westem Maryland College/Page 5 60 Seconds on Campus Helen Lowe/Wendy Rudennan How do you feel about the school spending 10 million dollars on the library? I think It's cool, the library I don't think they should I think It's beneflclal and es- I think It's a good Idea, be- It's a shame that we won't get needs to be expanded -, spend that much on the sentlal that the students have cause we're here to learn, to see It, but at least give us a library, but they should an outstanding library. and If we don't have refer- ehance to use It. If the funds definitely spend pan of It on ence materials, we don't are used properly and we get the library and the other part learn. more computer systems to should go towards lowering help ease research and tuition. understanding of the use of the library It will be very beneficial. Missy Cole Van Lurton Pal Slakes Erin DiGregorio Benjamin Franklin Ross believes that WMCR announces upcoming views on racism are improvements one-sided By Shannon Byrne apartments, me PA houses and Eld- To the Editor: This letter is in response to the problem: Ido not identify myself erdice Hall are the only ones who recent article on racism at WMC, as a "White" American. and I can may have problems picking up me station. If you live somewhere else which I believe had far reaching find no reason for people to iden- Have you ever been sitting in on campus, as long as you have a implications. Too often this issue tify themselvesas"Black" Ameri- Englar, eating your meal and sud- semi-decent stereo with an AM an- is often an unwarranted cans. This only alienates people denly realize that mere was an tenna, you can gel the station in. The accusation. Tiwana Brawley was a who are not the same color. awesome song playing in me back- household name when she was This isanew age, one of equal ground?? Well ifyouhaveitproba- the position of the radio in yourroom allegedly raped by a number of racism. Foreveryreportedcaseof bly was our own campus radio sta- ___J may also have something to do with white men. The black community racism or discrimination. there is tion, WMCR 640 AM. '- reception. Try moving your radio was enraged and vigilant It was an equal unreported case of re- WMCR is more man just an- then learned that she lied and used verse discrimination or racism. It other"cluboncampus."Itisagroup Manager of WMCR. around the room before you give up the charade tocoverup her running disgusts me to hear that this school of dedicated and reliable students Dave says that the station is trying to get the station in. . away from home. SUddenly. the will recruit "black" students. Re- who have given up some of their doing its best to be "the real thing" This year two students who story vanished from our televisions cruiting students on an equal level free time to keep WMCR in its best and that they are very close to work for WMCR, Roland McCahan, and newspapers; an obvious emba- of merit, regardless of color, form. Students have been running achieving this goal with the staff head of Publicity and Promotions, andDebbieLeopold,NewsDircctor. rassmem for the accusers. How- shouldbethepolicy.lfWMCisto the station for the pasuwoyearsand they have this year. WMCR's are receiving internship credit for ever, I feel the convenient use of be considered racist, then the students will continue to do so. forty plus staff members have racismisapanem we seein today's Black Student Union and their WMCR is run entirely by the stu- become more involved, moreeffi- their time and efforts. They are not society. advisor Dean Cole must also be dents for the students. even though cient, and more concerned about only workingatWMCR for thecred- Maybe themicroscope used to labeled racists. The Black Student it is funded by the school. what WMCRisand what itcando. its, but because it is also something find racism should be reversed. A Union segregates due to its name The fall semester hereat WMC WMCR is thinking about they want and like to do. WMCR is continuous policy of desegrega- and purpose. has not only brought changes in the possibly going from AM to FM hoping that the station will eventu- tion has been followed. yet the Racism is like a wound in colors of me leaves butalso changes also. This year they have the staff ally be able to offer more internships black community wants more. I America It is a wound the black to WMCR. They are just finishing and fundraising ability to fulfill soon. feel they should stop and evaluate community and the sensationaliz- up building anew boom fortheDJ's this dream. It would take much WMCR has come a long way in their actions. They expect institu- ing media exploit for wrong rea- and newsstaff. It will enable the commitment and research, not the past two years and is still on the tions to desegregate. while they sons. Stop crying racism when people on the air to move better (it's only by the staff and students but move. There's only one place for segregate themselves. The crea- there is none. It only creates re- bigger); to see the station also bytheschoolloseeifWMCR them to go, and that's up. And up tion of black colleges. businesses, sentment and tension. Only after better(there's a window); and to can handle the greater responsibil- they're headed. So tum up your and organizations only worsens the this willlhe wound heal. take requests easier. "The whole ity of an FM station. radio and tune in to WMCR 640 AM, David Ross construction bit will give the radio At this current time WMCR you might just be-surprised. station a brand new 'internal im- can be heard all over '- ___J age ", says Dave Sweezy, General campus(almost). Thepeoplcin the
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