Page 21 - ThePhoenix1988-89
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Inside: Billy D's Picks, page 6 Editorials, pages 4,5 Bob Brown, page 7 Vol. IX, Number 3 Western Maryland College October 27,1988 Vice President Palmer announces repeal of marching policy By Michele Kloss Vice President Dr. Melvin land or elsewhere. thing backfired," Palmer stated. Palmer, Dean of Academic Af- Dean Palmer cited two major "People look advantageof a gener- fairs, has announced that Western problems the faculty has experi- ous policy," Maryland's marching policy has enced with the marching policy. The faculty began to suspect been repea1ed. The decision was The number of applicants has in- that some seniors began to plan made by the faculty and staff due to creased greatly since 1985. Sec- their schedules to accommodate recent abuse the policy has suf- ondly, students did not complete marching. fered. requirements in the allotted time. "It was reserved for emergen- The policy, which has been in ''Two years ago there were cies," Palmer said. effect since 1985, allowed students only 8 [applicants]," Palmer cited. Students were falling short of within 1or2 courses of graduation "Last year there were 13; this past graduation requirements in 3areas: to proceed with commencement year there were 26." math proficiency tests, BLARS ceremonies without receiving their Increased applications are not (Basic Liberal Am Requirements). diplomas. The students were ex- the only problem. From the four- and requirements for their major. pected to complete the necessary teen 1985 marchers. only 8 com- The math lest was the greatest courses over the succeeding sum- pleted the requirements within the causefcr marchingin-1987;major mer 'and then received their diplo- agreed-upon amount of time. One requirements kept seniors march- mas officially. student completed requirements ing in 1988. According to Palmer, the within a year,two within 2 years, After a thorough study of fig- Vice-President Dr. Melvin Palmer, Dean of Academic Affairs marching policy was created for end the remainder have not yet ures, the policy was repealed. students in an emergency situation received their diplomas. "It doesn't mean that in an though. The faculty does not want "We intended for it lO be a with "reasonable expectations of The figures have become pro- extreme emergency an exception to encourage students to march good thing but it turned 01,Jlto be a completing over the summer". gressively worse throughout the can'! be made," Palmer explained. without ever meeting require- bad thing, .. Palmer explained. The students had the option of years. The guidelines foc marching ments. finishingcomses at Western Mary- "What started out as a nice will become much more stringent, Sidelights: Schmoke, Musto, NYC narcotics officer to discuss drug dilemma November 2 at WMC Rouzer Fire Alarms From FaD'87To Present "The Drug Dilemma: Crime or Illness?" will be the topic of athree- way discussion between the Balti- more City mayor, a Yale Univer- sity historian en drug abuse and a New York City nercoucs police sergeant, at8 p.m. Nov. 2 in West- ern Maryland College's Alwnni Hall. Mayor Kurt Schmoke has re- ceived tremendous attention forhis controversial stand on decriminal- izing certain types of drugs or hav- ing doctors give various drugs to addicts. He also calls for giving clean needles to addicts to help prevent the spread of AIDS and increasing punishment for driving under any drug influence. Dr. David MUSIO, a professor in the Child Study Ceruer.psychia- Dr. David Musto, author of The American Disease: Origins try and the history of medicine at OfNarcotk comro; the Yale School of Medicine has been called the nation's only histo- it's an extremely dangerous sub- tion by Oxford University Press. rian on the topic of drug abuse. He stance. Musto is also known for his Sgt. Daniel Oates works for fall 1987 5Jx'irrg 1988 falll988 is known for his research that study of U.S. drug policy, The the New York City Police Depart- mentin the Narcotics Division and sbows America's historic cycle with drugBbuse which-shifts in 10- American Disease: Origins of cansharehisexperiencesinlawen- yearphasesofextremeenthusiasm, NarcoticControl,flTStpublishedin foccement concerning drug abuse LS'_'_R_'Ia_ted__ Arti_ยท_cl_'_Pa_g_'_2 .Iuncertainty, then the feeling that 1973 and in a 1988 expanded edi- and drug trafficking.
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