Page 17 - ThePhoenix1988-89
P. 17
60 Seconds on Campus Helen Lowe! Wendy Ruderman What part of campus do you feel needs to be rennovated? All the PA houses McDaniel! There are Open up that pub! The landscape is The bathrooms smell are run-down, they only two showers on Knock out the walls! beautiful but the like a septic tank should give us a the first floor and We need better club buildingsanddorms exploded. discount on the there is always a rooms because need work. It's great room fee or fix them wait. they're too crowded. that Memorial is air- up immediately. conditioned. Jerry Mirabile Erwin Gonzalez SuzanneKirincic Tim Ruggles Connie Geerhart ~;B~;-d-u-c-a-te-s-a-g-a-in-s-t-s-e-X-is-m-rl-R-a-pe-P-re-v-e-nt-io-n-------, By Tammie Gill high does not excuse such behavior, I attended the first meeting of ample, it was mentioned that, in raised goes back to a few years ago it may contribute to the cause. the Women's Concerns Alliance, the.R.O.T.C. program, all of the when the football team was enter- Rape is one of those oc- If a rape should occur, it is im- not really because I had planned or professors 'are male, and the taining a long losing streak. The curances thatfall in the realm of "It portant that the victim get in touch wanted to, but because my editors group itself is predominantly local papers covered their misfor- can't happen here", or "It can't immediately with someone who can (femaJes) sent me there. I knew male (although all three 4-year tune while ignoring the women's happen to me. As recent events give them emotional support as well that I would probably be the only scholarships went to females this volleyball team which was flying to show, it can happen here. as medical and counsel·ling assis- male at the meeting. I was, yet I year.) Secondly, the Jan-term the national finals. Acquaintance rape is defined tance. Eveniftherapeisnotreported didn't fear for my testicled life, for Winter Survival Course adver- With all of this in mind, I've as forced, manipulated, or coerced to the police, a medical exam will I consider myself a fairly liberal, tised a maximum enrollment of been instructed to invite the entire sexual intercourse by a friend or provide screening or pregnancy and open-minded fellow. "eight men and six women" as campus to the next meeting. There acquaintance. Studies have shown sexually transmitted diseases. I can't remember having dis- opposed 10 simply "fourteen stu- is nothing to be wary of in attending. that acquaintance rape occurs One group to call on iran attack criminated against a female on any dents." The Women's Concerns Alliance is more frequently among college should occur is the Rape Crisis Inter- occasion in the past. In fact, given Another major area where not a militant group passing out students than any other age group. vention Service of Carroll County. mosrsiruations, Ichoose in favor of sexism occurs is in the sports machine guns (or long-barreled In fact, one in two. or half, of all They are a group of volunteers who a woman. For example, when de- arena. And it's more than dis- frying pans) at the door. Instead, college women reported- being the will provide support, give referrals ciding with whom to go out on a couraging women from playing they are a group of people dedicated victim of some form of sexual to medical, legal and social services, date. I never discriminate against football. One member of the to making changes and improve- aggression, while one in four were and help to keep the victim informed women; I ~ give them top group, a soccer player, stated that ments with regard to how women victims of rape or attempted rape. about legal developments. priority. What's more, I am aware women players had to be dis- and men perceive and treat each It is important to note that If an attack should occur on of the concerns that women are guised in shoulder pads and hel- other. There were only 15 people at rapists do not fit any set character campus, do not hesitate to talk to a facing today, like which shoes go mets in ordertoreceiveany atten- the first meeting. They'd like at type. A rapist can be anyone, ami resident assistamor call Counselling with what shade of lipstick, and tion, i.e. 10 have their ankles least 50 at the next-both men and may seem to be an average person. and Career Services in Smith House. which purse matches what color wrapped and other pre-practice women. Victims of rape do not fit any char- It is also important that Campus mascara. Of course, in all of this, I items taken care of. Well, she Their plans are to discuss proj- acter types either. Rape can hap- Safety be notified in order to report am merely joking. (I had to add that worded it differently, but the idea ects for the rest of the semester, in- pen to anyone, male or female, no the rape so that the rapist can be disclaimer because Ihave become a holds the same. Women's sports eluding a career workshop in the matter how strong or independent apprehended. member of the Women's Concerns are often seen as second class Forum on October 26 featuring they may feel. It is also important As the friend of someone who Alliance group, and when Igo back athletic events and are regarded women doctors, lawyers, stockbro- to remember that no one ever has been raped, it is important to for the next meeting, Idon't want as less important. I guess la- kers, and government officials; a wants to be raped; it is a threaten- ralize that you can not tum back the those ladies to converge on my crosse, volleyball, field hockey, triptoWashington,D.C.,inNovem- ing and violent act clock and change what has hap- carcass and beat the crapout of me.) soccer, swimming, etc., are not ber; and a female guest speaker in There are a few things (hal pened. At this time, your friend However, all fun and games aside, considered to be strategic or de- December. So mark your calendars everybody could do to help pre- needs your support, not your criti- many women on this campus are manding; but, if they are, why not that you are going to march down to vent rape from occurring. First, cism or questions. Remember that discriminated against regularly. let the field hockey team, for ex- PA 127 (two houses up from Little communicate clearly and asser- the victim may need time alone to And these situations are almost ample, play to a stadium, also, George's) on Sunday,October 16at tively. If you want to say "no", say help confront their feelings on the always overlooked, except by instead of forcing them to dodge 8:00 p.m. Be prepared to find out it firmly and directly. Secondly, be attack. Depending on the victim, those women. picnic tables and wayward golf- more about this group and how you careful not to put yourself into a recovery from such a traumatic ex- Many examples were brought ers down behind Harveystone (or can help to make this campus a bet- vulnerable situation. Finally, perience can be fast or slow. The up at the meeting with regard 10 wherever their games are hid- ter place to live. avoid excessive use of drugs and important thing to do is to be patient how women on this campus were den.) alcohol. While being drunk or and understanding. being treated unequally. For ex- One last example that was
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