Page 41 - ThePhoenix1987-88
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ThePhoenix Western Maryland College Study abroad offers semester in England the faculty at Harlaxton during the Fall semester. Badiee will conduct by Laura Beckoff three courses during her stay. and is As a new addition to Western pleased that she will be .able to Maryland College's study abroad share her expertise with others. program, students will have the "I am a big fan of the study opportunity to attend at Harlaxton abroad program,and I would like to College in Grantham, England encourage students to participate in during the 1988 fall semester. it," said Badiee. As a result of a reciprocal According to Badiee, the agreement between the two col- program also offers exciting, op- leges, ten students from WMC, and tional field trips to London, Paris, one-hundred and fifty students in- Venice, and the Soviet Union. ternationally, will have the chance Students will also be permitted to to study in Great Britain. Appli- travel throughout the British Isles cants must have a grade point on their own. average of 2.5 or higher, and will Harlaxton, the British cam- Cynthia Scflafer photo be carefully screened and selected. pus of the University of Evansville Sophomore David Barnes, 24, looks for a pass in the The curriculum at Harlaxton in Indiana, is a tOO-room Victorian Terrors' home victory over Lebanon Valley Feb. 1. offers basic liberal arts courses manor house settled on fifty-five which means that credits and rolling acres. Students will be able to reside on campus enjoying Brit- grades are transferrable back to ish customs, faculty. traditions. and Art students paint WMC. The diversified program allows students to choose subjects celebrations. The program allows American and other international ranging from Principles of Man- British professors as well as visit- students to view the "real" English murals in Lewis Hall agement to British An and Archi- ing faculty members from Ameri- tecture. can universities. Dr. Julie Badiee basement, as part of an art project Participants will be taught by ofWMC'sAndepartmentwilljoin continued on page 2 by Andrew J. Raith sponsored by the President's Of- fice and the Director of Housing, A goliath heron perched on Joanne Goldwater. The main pur- Washington Ballet to perform one foot amid the shaUow waters of pose of the paintings is to illustrate the various departments located on a marsh is majestically poised out- side the Lewis Han office of Dr. each floor of the building. Following a two-week per- The program will include the will follow, with the music of Alex- Ester Iglich. The bird is actually According to Kathleen, the formance tour in the Far East. the "Square Dance," aclassic ballet set anderScriabin's''PianoSonataNo. the artistic creation of two WMC project was initiatedby IGm Sturm, Washington Ballet will launch the to baroque music by Antonio 3 in f-sbarp minor, Opus 23." art students, Eileen and Kathleen a 1987 WMC graduate. Stwm had second half of its 1987-88 season Vivaldi and Arcangelo Corelli and The number has been part of McNulty. worked closely with each depart- on Feb. 14. originally choreographed by the Washington Ballet repertoire TheMcNultys, who are iden- ment in l.ewis+lallincrdertocome The Valentine's Day per- George Balanchine for the New since October. tical twins, spent most of Jan Tenn up with the subject matter of each formance will be at3 pm in Alumni York City Ballet. in Lewis Hall sketching outlines of Hall. "Moments Remembered" continued on page 6 the heron and another mural in the continued on page 2 Sidelights: Nichols, students travel to Soviet Union for Jan Term What is your favorite Winter Olympic sport? "Russia has a lot to offer in an and served. by Roshini George architecture," according to Ruth The horror stories about shop- Bassford, a trip participant. She ping in Moscow were acclaimed "Enigma wrapped in a mys- also noted that the number of mod- true by the WMC ambassadors to • Fjgure Skating tery," was winston Churchill's em buildings was limited. the U.S.S.R. Shortages for many II Ice Hockey description of the Soviet Union. It The cultural experiences during items were commonplace. "Shop- iii Downhill Skiing was to this land of diversity !hat the trip included the attendance of ping gave me a headache," said III Luge Ms- Chrisuanna Nichols, along an opera and a circus. "The circus Wendy Vanscoy. "Very little is 11% o Ski Jumping with 16students from WMC, went was very interesting," added available and everything was prac- • Others during Jan term. The purpose, ac- Bassford and she especially en- ticalandplain.v Otherscomplained cording to Nichols, was for cross- joyed the trained domestic cats. about Russians approaching them cultural studies with emphasis on The tour of Red Square in Moscow to trade Russian goods for Ameri- 14% political and cultural diversity. included SlOpSat St. Basil's Cathe- can goods. "Just about everybody They visited four provinces of dral, the Kremlin Wall, the Tomb wants to trade," added Vanscoy. the U.S.S.R, specifically Russia, of the Unknown Soldier, and "Russians seem like normal SUNey sample: 125 Source: Phoenix Ukraine, Georgia and Azerbajain, Lenin's Tomb, where the Commu- each with its own distinct culture. nist leader's body is kept pre- continued on page 2
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