Page 36 - ThePhoenix1987-88
P. 36
.. '/'" ", ,',',' ,.':", Page 4IWestern Maryland College/December 3, 1987 Editorial 'Academic license,' at cross purpose PiZz.~! Like any other typical college semester, student life this fall was not controversy-free, Once again, liquid beverages initiated many conversations. When students held a protest outside the president's house in October, a primary deinand was that something be done about the lack of alcohol on campus. By this act, a large number of students showed that drinking was more important to them than Thursday night studying. Subsequently, a special meeting was held between student representatives, faculty, and administration in an effort to diffuse the situation. All three sides had valid arguments. Among other things, the students wanted the Pub to sell beer again, professors were worried about Friday morning class attendance, and the administration just wanted everyone to quiet down so the outside community wouldn't take notice. During that meeting the new liquor policy was hastily enacted, whereby the students regained about half of what they used to take for granted years ago. It seems as though all it lakes is a good alcoholic dilemma to put the adminisuation in super-pursuit mode. What was surprising after the meeting was the increased level of _Jim Vowles interest by faculty members in the beer situation, just as the students were cooling down. It was a faculty member who hastily secured the to Freshman recounts experiences school a new liquor license, and faculty members who volunteered man the-taps on that rust eventful Thursday night in the Pub. All in all, the professors' genuine care to help the students outside Well, it's certainly been who stand there with the curtain category, I love to go up to a . of the classroom as well as inside was clearly noted, interesting, these first few months open smiling a lot. I am sick of professor Idon't know and actlike The Pub, however, seems to be all tapped out when it comes to at college. - realizing that there's no toilet I'm in one of his classes. It really satisfying student demand for beer. Currently, when the weekend hits Yes, r think interesting is the paper in the john only after r have freaks them out ("Didn't I have proper word (although probably reached the pomi where I need it. you fer. .. uh, who did you say WMC, increasing numbers of students are vacating their dorm rooms for the havens of Georgetown, because the college lacks an adequate not the best). How else can one I am sick of being upwind from you were'! Oh, yeah, r remember "watenng-hole." describe the unique combination both Glar and the football team. I you."). All of this reflects what a sad stale of society we' live in when of Hell and freedom combined. I am sick of "Hallway LaCrosse" Two truly depressing things decided, on some preordained and Water Uzi fights. aboutbcing up here on "Thc Hill"-. alcohol-related problems must command such a high level of concern r along with such matters as AIDS, cancer, and Alzheimer's disease. whim, to try to figure out what However, can get 24 mail and money. Every day I One professor mentioned that some athletes on this campus engage exactly I liked and/or hated about channels on my 3 inch portable hike over 10 the Post Office. in drinking during their competitive season and then wonder why they good old WMC. In fact, it started black and white TV, Expectant, hopeful, I insert the are having a losing season. The level of human ignorance continues to out as a joke-"'Things that have Another thing thaI really Key of Despair into the lock. p=-d me off so far this year. Hey, upsets me (or at least, pans of Nothing, And some guy is amaze. Whatever the case, it seems that the campus alcohol problem has Craig, wouldn't that be fun ... " me) is the food. I fully realize laughing at me, He's got a bagful not been remedied. Suffice it to say that that the staff docs their best, and of mail' and a package. Life eventually I got started. most of them are non-hostile, sucks. Every now and then, r find Following the tradition of but, quite frankly, the food at someone else who has no mail, saving the best for last, I (1.'( ,d,',1 Englar Dining Hall sucks. and we talk. Sharing grief makes The Phoenix to start with stuff I disliked, even Occasionally we that is seasoned, and for a good, lasting thing- hring get relationship. lucky hated, about college life in general amazing It's find son.cihing how and WMC in particular. mail, After was that thing that came to mind The first fully cooked. and warm. Two out people together. the next most of three would be OK, but usually mixed blessing known as "living we get (maybe) one. I could take depressing thought is, "I HAVE on campus." it if the food were just cold-it's NO MONEY. NONE. IF I Edjtor-jn-Chiet. . Andrew J Raith, Craig Cecit For some reason, every place . understandable in a cafeteria. I HAD 1WICE AS MUCH Managing Editor ..RobinMyers that you have to get to seems to could take it if. occasionally, the MONEY AS I HAVE NOW, I'D Copy Editor" .. .MaryannRada be uphill. I would love to get my STILL BE BROKE," This Spor1sEditor ... .CynthiaSchaler broccolli was a bit on the crunchy News Editor .RoshinlGeorge hands on the guy who thought, side. I could even take it if the feeling is much worse when they Business Manager ,.... " .... ,.,... ", .... ,..... ,C, lloyd Han "Hey, let's put a college campus spaghetti sauce was just a little arc serving something really Photographers Cynthia screier. Eileen McNulty, & Kathleen McNulty on top of a hill and make all of under-seasoned. awful for dinner (like Shrimp & Nancy Freeman the buildings with multiple AIl three at once is something Scampi, which sounds like .gepcrters ...... " ... ,...Jonaman Stace. BiliOesciak. levels!" 1 feel like I'm. living in that would make Julia Child pass somcone's dog-you know, Jim Vowles, Tammie Gilt Lee Spector. & Royce Day the Alps.' out, and the Frugal Gourmet "Here. Scampi! Here, boy!") and Advisor PametaRegis Also, I live in a donn that would probably run like hell. I you would kill for a Harry's The Phoenix is a bimonthly publication 01 Western Maryland contains only freshmen, and I JUSt try to avoid eating there. Lunch special, True desperation. College. The opinions expressed in columns and letters to really am quite sick of it I am Other things ,I won't go into the editor do not necessarily reflect tnose of the stall or When I do _eat there, I usually get administration. Editorials are thil responsibility 01 the.edllcr- sick of living in a place that reeks salad and bread. . include: people who check to see in-chiel,andare approved by the editorial board. The of garbage, beer, and the results of D'ja ever notice that 'almost if my clothes arc done and don't Phoenix reserves the right to headline, and edit for length, clarrty, and tibelo~scontent.Anletterslotheeditor must be drinking too much of the latter, every professor here. looks like a restart the dryer (resulting in wet signed. Authorship win be verlf,ed And I am sick of that damn college professor? I get confused clothes and mildew); guys who Address all mail to. The Phoenix. Western Maryland go outleaving their stereos turned College, Westminster, MD 21157 broken elevator and the sometimes, but I do get my combination laundry/stcamroom. revenge. Since about 75 per cent up loud enough to hear them in I am sick of being forced to of the faculty fits well into the shower with three other people "absent-minded professor" continued on page 7
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