Page 26 - ThePhoenix1987-88
P. 26
Page 2/Western Maryland Couege/Novembertz, 1987 _BilIDesciak Bison spike Terrors Billy D. talks football Association Southeast' Region by Cynthia Schafer Tournament, also at Goucher The Western Maryland Nov. 13 and 15. First team The volleyball team suffered selections were seniors Stacey football team ended its 29 game a serious blow to their playoff Bradley and Nancy Kammerer; dry spell by totally abusing Swarthmore, 14-3. The Terrors chances on Nov. 3 when they fell junior Sandi Stevens; and did most of their damage on the at the hands of Gallaudet. The sophomores Caitlin Monroe and ground as they out-rushed their Green and Gold' had defeated Jen Testa. Named to the second opponents 257 yards to 87. The Gallaudet in the North/South team were senior Robyn Catano, defense did their usual cut-throat· Tournament on Oct. 24 but the and sophomores Becky Barlow job, but it was Ihe offensive line Bison came back to take the and MelissaEngel, who turned the game around, single match, three games to two. The Lady Terrors closed out opening holes for the likes of The Terrors lost the first two their season with an Impressive 9- Kecey..Crystal (71 yards), Paul games of the match by scores of 4 record overall and 3-2 in the Reese (67 yards) and Jim Fultz Rutigliano added the cherry with over Denver, I need not remind 15-10, 15-8. However they gave MAC-Southwest. (69 yards). The scoring was done the point after.\ The next you of last issue's Billy D:s Gallaudet a run for the next two by Mau Donner who hauled in a unfortunate team on the Terror's prediction pertaining to the Bills). matches winning 15-2, 15-3. But Women's Soccer 17-yarder from quarterback Mike hit list; Hopkins at home. The The Eagles had a 31-27 see-saw this rebound fell short when The women's soccer team Hamm, followed by a successful prediction, a 19-6 WMC win. win over Washington, where Gallaudet pulled out a 15-11 completed their rust season of extra-point from Duncan. Crystal Good job guys! Philly QB Randall Cuningham victory in the deciding game. varsity successfully with an 8-3-1 then punched one in from the two In the NFL we had some took a Palazzo-like hit that even overall recordand 1-2inthe MAC- Field Hockey Southern Division. The Green for a little bit of icing and preuy big upsets which included a continued on page 5 while cream, Jerry win (21-14 whipped The Green Terrors won six. fell to Mary Washington in their seven point Buffalo matches in round-robin play in last game of the season by a score the Baltimore College Field of 5-0 on Oct 29. Buddhist Monks on Vacation Hockey Association tournament Sophomore Lori Clow lead Oct. 31 and Nov. I at Goucher the team in goals scored' with 17, . ,-~f:_lJ,.~PSk,z~n roll College. WMC made it to the and' in aSsists '.,vitn
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