Page 28 - ThePhoenix1987-88
P. 28
Page 4/Western Maryland College/November 12, 1987 Editorial , : Credit/ No Credit Isn't it about time someone finally gave this school a little credit. Instead of the usual criticism offered by many pompous undergraduates. this college deserves some well-earned praise. Sure, Western Maryland College (as well as most every college or university in this country) has problem spots. but students must learn to offer . solutions, not only raise complaints. The administration and staff are constantly criticized for incidents that arc most often the fault of the students. Blinded by the tuition fee, undergraduates create self-designated rights to protest regulations and procedures established to aid memo For example. the Thursday night "riot" at President Chambers' house' was a result of regulations established to encourage Friday class attendance and to halt extensive I donnit?ry damage. Don't these seem like positive goals? It IS also apparent that students often have no respect for college property and the property of their peers. Windows, fire extinguishers, .stgns, telephones, and furniture are constantly abused by Intoxicated or angry students. This creates problems for all students, as well as establishing unnecessary hazards and inconveniences. No wonder tuition steadily increases each year. It seems that such student behavior contributes to the escalation of college costs. What is needed here is a little maturity and respect for other students. The Financial Aid and Student Accounts offices are the most-frequented (to the regret of those employed within these offices), because' forms 'are not returned or .bills are not paid on time. Each Lette rs to Ed itor office must deal with apathetic and procrastinating students. .1,1 •• 1; ..... Directions are usually included with most forms sent out, yet few PI d congressman, or you may simply Leon urges ~:%~~t:v~~ :!et~~~ow~~~Cah~!~ral arts school, remember? ease 0 not sign the letter we've drawn up. distract seeing- r~u if ~~~ J~~participation This. school d~erves to ~ recognized .for some of the positive :~~ss~~n ac.comp[lsh~enLS It has made, instead ofbeing cons_ranLly ~mbarded eye dog know, and answer any other in Operation With complaints. F?r example, the Pub IS open again. T~IS feat ~~ ;::r:o..;.,~._ ......._ ...~, •...,_ ",,~ __ questions you might have. Your pcrf?n~cd to benefit no o~e else but the students. The m~urancc. IS input can really make a difference Identification cosung the school, but the Idea was pursued an}_:"way. Yet, little prarsc Editor, in how your congressman votes. has been offered. _ Most of the Western Maryland so please give some thought~to._ ...., l .... ,_ ... ~'II. It is about time someone finally praises the school for what it has College community is aware that . helping us out ~ ~' : . -Edi'tor. done. 1 In a) world of higher education; couldn't someone thank a we have a blind-student, Donald Please support our recycling During the course of the professor or faculty member once in a while? Students are blinded so Combs, and his leader dog on campaign by putting your empty school year, thousands of dollars often by the cost their ~ucati~n, that the true effort put forth by the campus. Please be aware'ot a few cans in the ecology club in property (personal computers, college faculty and staff IS unfairly overlooked. . things concerning this situation. around campus. Thank you. stereos, VCRs. jewelry, money, In the spirit of humanity, Western Maryland College and Its Whenever you see the dog. he is etc.) are taken from students' faculty and staff, though far from perfect, deserve more praise and working. Please do not pet, feed, The Ecology Club rooms. admiration from the student body.' Perhaps this idea of mutual respect or distract the dog at any time, as In almost an of the cases, could make an education at Western Maryland College more this interferes with the dog's work doors were left open or unlocked meaningful. Colleges are not designed to teach repect and admiration. and the blind student's well-being. by the residents, leaving access to But it would be see some once in a while. The blind student must "correct" Chambers the room available to anyone. In denies attending ~ ~ea~:!i~/Je~~iCa~IY~;n~~ ~:~~:~~:t~~:i~~~~n:e~ cruelty. Please consider these tailgate part Y of such' items, members of the things, because me blind person's collegecommunhyareencouraged The Phoenix attentive leader dog. on an obedient, Editor, Identification," a joint "Operation participate to in life often depends venture Just to set the record straight, between law enforcement agencies Matt Jackson The Phoenix issue of 29 October nationwide. Director, 504 Services incorrectly reports that I was Articles are engraved with the Editor·in·Chie! ........ AI1drewJ. Raith. Craig Cecil Managing Editor Robin Myers enjoying myself at a tailgate party owner's driver's license number Copy Editor .... ..MaryannRada Ecology Club at the southern end of the field and are kept on file for quick Sports Editor ...... ".CynthiaSChater even as the WMC football team reference in case of a theft News Editor" .. ..... RosriniGeorge Business Manager" .. C. Lloyd Hart plans drive was engaging in its titanic Items which are properly Photographers CynthiaSchaler. Eileen McNully, Homecoming battle with Franklin marked and reported stolen can be & Kathleen McNulty and Marshall. While I was entered into a nationwide & Nancy Freeman Reporters ........... " .... Jonathan Slade, Bill Desctak. Editor, certainly enjoying myself, it was computer bank from which law Jim Vowles. Tammie Gilt lee Spector, Western Maryland College has as an onlooker in the stands ... not enforcement agencies can & Royce Day Advisor ...PamelaRegis an ecology club! On the 16. 17• as a tailgater otherwise employed. positively identify ownership The Phoenix is a bimonthly publication ot Western Maryland and 18 of November, we plan a Perhaps your inaccuracy is due to when recovered. College. The opinions expressed in columns and letters to drive for the support of the fact that' your source is The An engraver is available from the editor do not necessarily reflect those of the sraf or environmental legislation in Carroll County Times, which the Department of Campus Safety administration. Editorials are the responsibiiily of the editor. in-chief and are epprovec by the editorial board. The conjunction with Greenpeace. also got its facts wrong in this on a first-come, first-serve basis. Phoenix reserves the right to headline. and edit for length, We'll be in Decker Center. regard. The Times. appropriately, For information and assist- clarity. and libelous_s::ontent. All letters to the editor must be signed. Authol"ship will be verified requesting that you let your apologized for its error and ran a ance, contact Investigator Steve Address all mail to: The P/)oenix. western Maryjand congressman know about your retraction. Leon at extension 202. College. Westminster. MD 21157 concern for ecological problems. If you want to, you can write a Robert H. Chambers Steve Leon personal letter to your ___ J.residenJ_ _ Depanmcnt of Qampl,lS Safety
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