Page 9 - ThePhoenix1987-88
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Volume VIII, Number 2 Western Maryland College Prestige pulls out on joint video venture engineering consultant, Blanche by Roshini George Ward's architecture is inappropriate for good acoustics. Communications majors Carroll County is at present have been denied the opportunity suing Prestige Cable Company to work with "production-quality for failing to promote Public studio cameras" when Prestige Access Television where local Cable Company removed their citizens are provided the video equipment from Western opportunity to use the video Maryland College's video lab equipment. In accordance with without sufficient notice during the personnel contract signed with the summer of 1987. Prestige, WMC pays part of the The Basic and Advanced salary for the position of Public Film and Video courses, in Access Technical Coordinator. aditticn to a January Term course The college has been working for experimental video used the closely with Carroll County as sophisticated video equipment consultant and friend to help win provided by the cable company the suit against Prestige. under a contract signed with The world premiere of in Susan Piper, 29, lunges to block a Gettysburg shot. WMC in August 1986. The Tartuffe, staged and videotaped original plan was to install a Alumni Hall last semester, is The Lady Terrors went on to a 2-1 victory. still on supposedly video studio as a "cooperative . unedited cassette tapes forty-two has -- _ and project between Prestige and Robert Sapora. professor WMC" in the basement of still not been premiered over the Domser to direct Blanche Ward Hall. However, the of English local channel 50. plan dwindled to a mere dream on providing the high-quality video "A lot of students were d f h Id IJlI account of political and demanded by the college. They unable to edit their films of "the 1:=not e V V or for ~ engineering aspects. were also not enthusiastic about internship classes because The cable company working side by side with the apparently was disinterested in college. According to an continued on page 2 This fall, theatre-goers will 1930's and '40's ac; a playwright- for Homecoming sports contests set ~";:~t:~~s b{e::Oa~ha;;;;;:~ reason in a confusing web of searches turned-detective Maryland College. One is an current nuclear strategies. For the first time in its year's half-time presentations are previous year excelled in eccentrically funny look at the Although an unlikely subject for history, Western Maryland the homecoming court; Alumnus academics, varsity sports, potential nuclear destruction is a of comedy, director the Ira End Domser the promises of that other College has scheduled all sports of the Year Rebecca Groves leadership,andcommunityservice society, while the through the World will have audiences delightf~1 projects. journey contests to be played on campus Smith '37; Young Alumnus Other scheduled events evolution of society. laughing and thinking. for Homecoming Weekend, Service Award - Beth Dunn include a triangular cross-country Opening October 8 is the The second production, On October 24. Fulton '79; and the James Brant The Green Terrors football Memorial Cup. Established as a meet between WMC, Loyola, and darkly humorous End of the the Verge, wac; written by Eric team will host Franklin and memorial to Jim Brant '76, the Johns Hopkins at 11 am, field World by Arthur Kopit. written Overmyer and will be directed by Marshall College at Bait Stadium Brant Trophy is presented to the continued on page 7 at 1:30 pm. Included in this Greek organization which in the continued on page 3 ~~c~9:~h:~r~sno~~~ty~:r t~~ The New Sid-elights: Foreign students discover new home on campus "Do you agree with the current foreign policy of reflagging Kuwaiti oil tankers?" are enjoying their time at WMC. "recommended by previous 80~----------------------~ by Tammie Gilt "It is a very special place," states teachers," as was the case wiLh Erica Berenguer- Gil, who hails Inger Sandstrand from Norway. The fall semester welcomed from Mexico. "All the people Besides linguistic .and 60 ten new international students to have been very nice to me. H cultural differences, several of the Western Maryland College from Chin Choo Hew of students have noticed differences such far-reaching countries as Malaysia, although slightly in the educational systems Norway and Malaysia. uncertain, supports this opinion between the nations. Chin Choo 40 The new students are Erika of the college. "It has good Hew finds the "openness of gerenguer-Gil, Anthony Garba points and bad points, but interaction between teacher and Ezudogu, Yoichi Gada, Chin basically the good points student in the class" to be a big 20 Choo Hew, Shinichi Muraguchi, outweigh the bad points .. .I guess difference. Masato Saito, Inger Sandstrand, I like this place," Some of the international Sarosbi Sasaki, Markus Oskam, The international students students have already become and Dirk Visser. have various reasons for choosing active members of the campus Yes No Uninformed Unsure Don't Care Despite major differences to attend Western Maryland, community, participaung in such between their home country and ranging from awards of full Survey sample: 160 Source: Phoenix continued on page 3 America, many of these students scholarships to being
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