Page 42 - ThePhoenix1986-87
P. 42
Page UWestem Maryland CollegeINovember 6. 1986 Moreland to speak Additional equipment about Resurrection may preven luries continued from page 1 Ferguson says, is so that "Non- by Jason Plummer believers are at least aware and Sprague. interested in learning of the There may be some things the The November schedule of the Christian way." team could conceivably do to WMC Christian Fellowship The Retreat Conference, to be prevent injuries, he explains, but offers the campus both a lecture held this weekend, is sponsored unfortunately most of them are and a Retreat Conference, by the Intervarslty Christian "out our of the budget" according to President Tlm Fellowship. "We could get preventive knee Ferguson. Ferguson, who explains that braces, but our funds couldn't The lecture,entitIed "Evidence they meet every Wednesday from handle it with the braces being of the Resunection of Jesus 6-7:30 pm in Goldroom B, below $80 a piece." he says. Christ," will be held on Tuesday Decker Center, says, " We have Because of this, Sprague Nov. 11 at 12 pm in the Forum. the meetings in order for fellow explains that next year he will The lecturer will be Dr. J.P. Christians on the campus to advise members of the team to Moreland. He will present the associate with one another, study purchase braces at training camp case for the "historical fact of the the teachings of Jesus Christ and for a reduced price. resurrection," His 30 minute the Bible. The Word Of God'. And "next year" is all that presentation will be followed by a "We also meet to sing, to do several players have to look question and comment period. The skits, to hear lectures. and just forward to since they will be out main purpose of this lecture, have a time of togetherness." the rest of this season. They Dan include Bolesta, Bill Parent's Weekend Blackburn, Joe Callahan, Kenny Boyd, and Joe Cliber. Team features lectures trainer Paul Welliver and his staff be monitoring their will recuperation. continued from page 1 But still more is planned. From 7-8:45 pm, President "Paul is the best trainer I have the McDaniel Lounge. A new and Mrs. Robert Chambers will ever worked with," says Sprague. feature, "Open House," has been be the hosts of a serene "He's been there when most planned for this year where several candlelight .dinner at which trainers haven't He's going to be back into playing form, including cannot help predict who will get administrative and academic parents can the soothing able to get all the boys back into electro-stimulators, ice baths, and hurt offices will be open for parent and tones of a musical variety shape." whirlpools. "You never can tell when student visitations. At noon, review featuring the WMC Show Welliver has several advanced But Sprague suggests that all injuries are going to happen, how Englar Dining Hall will serve an Choir and Times Three, a trio of forms of therapy to help the team the technology in the world hard, or where." "Indoor Picnic-In-The-Park" special studies students. luncheon. Homecoming band AR-15 The highlight of the day, Concluding the evening will according to Sayre, will be at be a performance in Alumni Hall 1:30 when the Green Terrors take by the comic, musical mime Tim guns its way to the top on the Little Quakers of Settini. Swarthmore College on the On Sunday, Nov. 9, after On Homecoming night. player can confidently declare, "If football field. Then following the however, things were different you aren't familiar with us by game, there will be a Residence =~~a:rng~I~~r ~~:~ a~:e by Bonnie Gregory The crowd's participation was now. it is incredible!" HalVCommuter Reception which campus facilities. AR-15 gunned its audience high and the band enjoyed Recently completed, their first enables the parents to meet the Sayre ex~ts the weekend to with blasts of progressive rock themselves. explained Greenwell, demo tape was recorded in Los students who share the dorms be a s~ccess, With350400 peo~le and other orig_ina!sounds at the unlike some of their prior Angeles and is up for bids from with their sons or daughters. attending. Student Aff~ 1986 Homecoming dance. The performances where the audience record companies. During this Later, parents are invited to a ~tary .JudyHart agrees. adding unique entertainment catered reception hosted by the WMC It IS gomg the bes~ tha; mainly to the fans of the "new remained passive and "it felt just recording,they received additional, help from Berlin's DavidDiamond like work." Parents Board in Ensor Lounge. WMC has had In a long tune. generation" of rock. The and Tom Fletcher who took care ~=================~enthusiastic crowd cheered for hits of the engineeringof the project from Mr. Mister, the Cure and Videotapes have already been U2. Also accurately mimicked made of their live perfonnances were other rock-of-the 80's, or for Music Television. After the "new rock" groups. publication of their first album. The band is made up of Pat they hope to make music videos. Murray, 25. who handles guitar and vocals; Dave Harper, 23, on AR-15's touring takes them keyboards; Steve Greenwell. 25, .from New England to Georgia, with bass and vocals; and Paul and each member favors different areas. Much of their time is Spies, 22, on drums. These four ............... .,.._ met through their music store Since that first performance in spent on the road traveling and clerk and formed 'their band four they are preparing for another has 876-1802 years ago. The name AR-15 is 1983, the group's fame v:1 sourthem tour this winter. The w.w IIMM "RMdy. derived from an actual World War road crew puts great effort into the -c.I/ ~ II weapon, nicknamed the "rock ::,r;:!r, ~a~l~!:~~y show and the band says they could and roll" machine gun. included them in their "Hottest not function without Fred "the p,.ee DelifJfIry They are originally from. Celebrity of 1987" calendar. In Loyal" Tarr, .Bruce Clarke. Nick Washington, OC. Although this fact they just performed a show at I Whitlaw, and Jim Christian. ($7 minimum, coupons not valid on delivery)' was not their first appearance at the Baltimore City Fait. WMC, it was their only In Ocean City. MD, they are AR~15 is going places, and Terror ID gets you a FREE soft drink "attended" one. They first played one of the "top bands of the quickly. Perhaps WMC can book with ANY PURCHASE here in 1983. beach,n drawing overflowing the band a few more times before "It was wild," said Steve their success "shoots" them out of crowds. Their favorite beach stop Now open until·.Midnight Greenwell, "six.people showed up remains the nightclub Scandals. the campus circuit and up wj~ L-_-_--_·_·_· -_._. __._._- _.. _._.._-_- _"_-_--_-_"_ ...:.._.. ..:.._-' ...:.._.;_.-.:..;..:...:..:.. .:....;:.;.:..;..;:... ,,:ind they ~ going-crazy!" Four.years ex-post facto ..the.bass ,; tbe-rop.guns ... 9. •• _ •• __ i.
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