Page 44 - ThePhoenix1986-87
P. 44
Page 41Westem Manland College/November 6 1986 Editorial Empty airwaves Those people who work in the mass media need all the friends they can get. especially now that newspapermen and broadcasters are constantly fielding accusations of bias and sensationalism from the reading and listening public. As a result, members of the media tend _! to band together. They rely on each other. i This, then, makes it exceedingly difficult for The Phoenix to tum tables on a counterpart and give a firm pen-lashing to WWMC, the college's yet-to-materialize radio station. Plans for such a facility have been "in the works" for years now. And what's happened? Nothing. This is disturbing since all the right ingredients exist to create a quality station. Ingredient #1: Money. WWMC cenainly has access to this. To date, they have received $6.200 from the Student Government Assembly in order to develop a station. Most of this has gone to purchase equipment Still other pieces of radio hardware have been donated. In addition. a number of merchants from downtown Westminster have approached the group, looking for a place to advertise. Once on the air, contracts with these store owners will generate a considerable amount of revenue. But WWMC, still a fledgling organization, may lose this valuable financial opportunity if they do not get their act in gear. Ingredient #2: Enthusiasm. We know for certain that WWMC meetings draw far larger crowds than Phoenix gatherings. Perhaps there is something inherently more exciting about being a deejay than who are left undirected usually drift away in search of other outlets. The fable of Hatch pounding the pavement But, whatever the case, enthusiastic followers So what's gone awry? Despite the above assets, wWMC has strangled itself with poor planning. Two years ago its members were Once upon a time in a land could evaluate the sounds of crystal ball would confirn the at least playing tapes over the Decker Center public address system. very far from here, there lived a crickets in the night air; he was details, and final proof would Now. nothing. Last year, some initiative surfaced when the group great, red-haired king named adept at analysis and could even come, quite naturally, coded in the began remodeling several rooms in the basement of Rouzer-crooms to Hatch. Hatch, the latest in a long decipher the meanings hidden in entrails of a May-born goose. be used for a broadcast booth and production studio. But again the succession of red-haired, like- the entrails of the May-born The result of Advil's exertion momentum has ceased. In fact, this area still remains unfinished, named kings. assumed upon the goose. His crystal ball was was always a detailed Jist of standing as a monument to waning interest and shoddy workmanship. death of his father the leadership second to none. actions, which if followed exactly Furthermore, these incomplete rooms, which we assume will be of a small, easy-going domain Over time, Hatch and Advil by king Hatch, would guarantee used by a radio entity at some point in the future, have bound WWMC that was named, in the style of developed a well-tested strategy. victory to his army. It was an to a remarkablely inferior location. If President Robert Chambers those times, after his family--the Hatch, with his nose for ambition unusual approach, to be sure, and decides to implement his idea to move all communications-related kingdomof Hatch. and his strong political sense, they had stumbled upon it by organizations to a "central site" in the basement of Blanche dormitory, But Hatch himself was not an would scout out the territory, . accident at first, but it was proven WWMC will either be left behind in the bowels of Rouzer, or will be easy-going king. Very early in looking for kingdoms in need of successful. Hatch had never lost a forced to vacate that which they did managed to achieve. his reign he sensed that acqcisuon. At this stage, battle in which he had followed This criticism of the station has been a long time coming. They opportunitiesforgrowth abounded Advil would be of little use, for Advil's instructions to the letter. simply cannot continue to announce that they will be on the air on in the land, and he began to Hatch must always attempt, (Though in truth, it must be such-and-such a date, and then back down. One of the most recent expand the scope of his through personal diplomacy, to known that even in the few times "first broadcast" deadlines was Aug.·31 of this year. And then it was suzerainty. Sometimes through gain his neighbor's trust "It is that Hatch had mislaid or avoided "by fall break." Perhaps it is time they started being honest with us-- politics--for he was an intelligent always best," they knew, "to gain the advice. he had usually won--he and with themselves. man; witty and persuasive-and an ally peacefully." But was, after all, and excellent Of course. our stance on WWMC will generate several irate sometimes through banle-. for he sometimes-end in fact as Hatch's general. Once in the name of individuals. We, in fact, hope our comments do inflame them was a very strong king; a warrior. dominion spread, often-the economy though, he had ignored enough to respond and excellent strategist and a fine entreaties of diplomacy would Advil's instruction that "each Incidentally, WWMC, we'd prefer to hear your rebuttal "over the leader--Hatch enticed or coerced fail, and war would remain as the division fly a banner of scarlet airwaves." the acquisition of his neighbors. only resort. silk embroidered in gold with the At first, only those dominions Then Hatch. the general, national symbol of Hatch." The immediately adjacent to his one would undertake the fundamental effect of this had been a The Phoenix were absorbed; then ones further preparations for the campaign. devastating defeat from which he He would establish a tax to pay and further away, until the new was lucky to have been able to empire of Hatch began to stretch acquire arms and provisions, lay time on he had gone with Advil's across a great portionof the land. the army, raise and train the men, recover his empire. From that Now, although Hatch was out the basic strategy, and direct advice all the way, and he had well-blessed with talent and skill, the actual assault But it was never lost another fight) Editof..jn..Chjef... ..JonalllanSiade Copy EdilOf........ . SlacieHemphili even he could not have managed Advil who would have the It was at this time, then. that Sports EdilOf.. . : .. ,.CynlhiaSchaler this great feat alone. However. essential role. there arose the greatest challenge Feat(KIJ$Edilor.............. .ChrisRowley l'ho!ographyEditor.... .BiIIMaM all of the people of Hatch were Advil would put his science to to the fledgling empire. Most of BusinessManagoar c. Lloyd Hart with him--they were proud of work in support of the realm. the remaining independent Production Technicians fIoyalWeslwaler.AndrewRa~h Graphics Artisr.. . .. Cfyislioe Georlle their king, and their standard of Beginning one evening in an open kingdoms 'in the land now joined Copy Assistant.. . Belh$pa."Ilter living grew ever higher--andmost field, he would sit listening together in an effort to oppose the ReportinllStall ..................•....... LndaAshbum.f'hij Bta~. CraigCec~. AngelaCoieman. Marlene Clements. Bm Oesciak useful among these was Advil. carefully to the crickets. The rule of Hatch. Gathered under the Carol G3unllell Roshini Georlle. Robin Myers. the chief Court Astrologer. pattern of their chirping was often banner of another great king, Rober1Paul. JasonPturrvner. LaeSpeclor PhoiographyStaff SiaceyPucei.NancyFreeman Advil was among the best of the first clue. He would remain HXSIN of XOR, their leaders Adivisor PamRe\jis ThePhoefli;tIs a bimonIhly studenl pubtica,lion 01 Wastam Maryland the astrologers who had ever lived there all night, and in the slow were known to be planning a final CoIiege.Theopinionsexpres$t'tdincolurm9ancilel!omtothBeditOf in that far, far land. He could read movements of the stars he would assualt, do nor necessarily renect those 01 the staM Of administration. Ed~orials are the responsibjlity 0I1he ed~Of..jn ehiat. and are approved by the the stars with ease; located the see the beginnings of a plan. At When word of this reached editoriall)oald.ThePho8tlix"'5ervestherighlroheadtine.anciedil key positions and estimate their daybreak, as he headed home to Hatch, he was at first quite angry rorlen()th.etarity.andlibelooseon1enI.AIt!e1terslOlheedilormo;st~ sI\lnecl.AuIhorstvpwillbevefrfied effect He could sense sleep, he would trail through the at the unfairness of everyone AddrlJ$S aU mail 10: The Phoenix. Wes!em Maryland College. relationships even in the subtle morning dew and feel the. idea :Weslminster. 1.1021191.. . l '"'."' ','!. pattern pf.,the,.moming .dew: he grow fltll.P.t,h.~,pllft~."l--~~r,the . .confinuedonpage '5
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