Page 41 - ThePhoenix1986-87
P. 41
ThePhoenix Western Maryland College 'Bad luck' injuries plague Terror football squad Also, according to the coach, by Lee Spector the injuries this season are not due to faulty equipment as some While walking around have suggested. campus, students may notice a "We have 15 players wearing not-50-pleasant sight: Quite a the newest kind of helmet and we few members of the football team are preparing to get more. Some have experienced injuries this of our equipment is better than season. In fact, the number is up most Divison I colleges," he 1012, and this worries Head Coach says. Dale Sprague. The helmets must be Responding to accusations stamped for approval before use, that the team is not physically fit, and shoulder pads are regularly Hoover Libraries new Info Trac \I system. on loan the coach says his players are far cleaned, disinfected. and checked from the Information Access Company until Thanks- from out of shape. Every time for damage. giving. has been a great help to students in need of they take the field. whether in But still, Sprague sees a current library periodicals. according to Ms. Carol practice or before a game. they cycle of injuries happening which Quinn. reference librarian. undergo "rigorous" flexing seems to be very hard to stop. exercises. Known as the PNF "It's just the nature of the training program, it is the "most game. Sometimes they're just advanced and complete stretching bruises and sprains. other times Library test drives program available," says Sprague, it's been worse. It's very hard to been hit with a InfoTrac II system and it consists of a two-man predict when an injury will stretch in which one player happen and how many you will counteracts resistance given. by have. We've just another man. The method, he stroke of bad luck, " says use it find it beneficial to their explains, leaves the neck, back, Dale Sprague. Head foot- research. legs and rums "very flexible," ball coach continued on page 2 by Robin Myers "We· [the library staff) want A Parent's Weekend begins Friday technology," "marvel of modem opinions before making the final as it is expensive," says decision, the InfoTrac II has been placed in the reference reference librarian Carol Quinn. Hoover for by Roshini George! Dining Room, followed by an have the choice of being section of to experiment Library The students InfoTrac are is easy 10 use and enjoying it, she The students with. Kimberly Morris Italian dinner in Englar Dining entertained by the movie to the system is a computerized explains. Quinn is keeping a Killing Fields, or listening Hall. Parent's Weekend will begin Parents will also be provided guitarist and vocalist Mike magazine index that could become comment sheet beside the for students tomorrow, and according to Philip with an opportunity to hear Woods. Both begin at 9 pm. a pennanent part of the library. the computer opinions. One to record their person from loan On R. Sayre, Dean of Student lectures on "The Shopping Mall On Saturday, after breakfast are in lnfonnation Access Company researching "reading, shrews, and Affairs, "It's going to be a fun and as a Ceremonial Centre," Englar Dining Hall, parents until the end of November. the computers" left the remark interesting weekend." "Writing and Text Processing at invited to a Faculty Reception in InfoTrac II might be purchased by The festivities begin at 5 pm WMC," and "The Freshman Year continued on page 3 Experience." Later. they will continued on page 2 the college if the students who with a reception in the President's ~ghts: hen your state held Student researchers study its last election, did you vote? - They are Yes behavior with white rats specimens." preferred to monkeys of these animals The arrival No by Roshini George! them with mortal treatment to the 15 "intelligent in size. easier as they are Kimberly Morris smaller to house in the labs is attributed The WMC psychology labs year old tradition of a "unique and feed, and are more mobile. have been overrun by rats. These, educational experience that WMC according to Colyer. Unregistered however. are not those offers its psychology majors." The rats are put in special _ stereotypical rodents which run says Dr. Stephen Colyer, whereby learning environments once a t students in the Psychology of week where students are provided 1------------------- :n:: in c::::ts. ~rm: Learning class design and execute with the opportunity to teach the 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 specifically bred under sterilized their own experiments. Also. rats to do various things. These conditions and purchased from a several independent study experimental procedures are based Number of people breeder. To further remove them psychology majors participate. upon the rats' natural response to from the realms of their detested Although the majority of stimuli. In a simple experiment, urban cousins, these carefully students first dread the idea of they are taught to perform one survey sample: 125 source: 'Phoenix chosen creatures undergo hours of dealing with rats, they eventually -eontinued on .page 3 human handling to familiarize enjoy .. working with .these .
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