Page 37 - ThePhoenix1986-87
P. 37
October 23, 19861Western Maryland College/Page 7 FINALLY A . FREERIGHT PLAN JUST FOR StUDENTS. YOU WON'T GETA BREAK LIKETHIS ONCE YOU'RE OUT IN THE REALWORLD. INTRODUCINGCOWGlATl FUGHlIANK. FROM Or the grand prize, for the number one sndeor referral CONTINENTAL AND NEW YORK AIR. champion in the nation: a Pnrsche and one year of unlimited coach air travel. If you're a full-time student at an accredited college or uni- And how OO)UU get to be the referral champion! Just sign versitv you can join our Collegiate AightBank~'" You'll receive up as many friends as possible, and make sure your rnernber- a membership card and number that will allow yGU to get ship number is on their application. I,: order to be eligible for 10% off Continental and New Ycrk Air's already low lilies. In any prize you and )OUrreferrals must Sign up before 12131186 addition, )OO'1i get a ore-rime certificate good for $25 ~ any and each referral must fly 3 segments on Continental or New domestic roundtrip flight. Plus, you'll be able to earn mps to Yc"k Air before 6115187.And )DU'IInor only get credit fcr the places like Florida, Denver, Los Angeles, even London and enrollment, you'll also get 500 bonus miles. ale Sourh Pacific. Because every time )OUfly )OU'llearn mile- So cut the coupon, and send it in now. Be sure to include age towards a free trip. And if)OU sign up now )OU'lialso your current full time srudent 10 number. That way it'll only receive 3 free issues ofBusiness\Xkek Careers magazine. cost )OU$10 fcr one year ($15 after 12131186)and $40 fcr four yean; ($60 after 12131186).Your membership kit, including referral forms, will arrive in 3 to 4 weeks. If)OU have a dedit crud, )OUcan call us at 1.&Xl·255-4321 and enroll even fasrer. Now more than ever it pays to stay in school. I~~~~;;':;;~:~"-;';':~:;";-;--;-I~>~;':::";::;:;~ ..~';-:;\=4.--:;-1 I lI.~~I::~~~~~'-~-j 1 c,,~ 1 1 ;:::==1 I F"n"" ..·"' ....r.tll' );_·.",j{;r .... "' •• ~ 1 I 1- 8~:::.!h~~DE.V~~,...~~.7t~~T)~~,I~~:;11 j I ~:~:::Xk.r E>p',"""I}.~,· I I FOR MEMBERSHIP AI'f'lICANTS UNDER n,EAGEOF I~' n~·",..k", ..",,1 "11"'1',,,.,.,,1 I SIGN UP YOUR FRIENDS AND EARN A PORSOIE. I ~~~~:~l~;ill.:~:t;="'anr",,,,.._.J 1..""",.,mJ ["",,,-.,.,,",h,""'"l',n1<'i""."'",I..· I But what's more, for"", ,0 srudents on every campus who enroll the most active sruderu flyer:; from their college there 1 ~:;::"~.''''C'''''''''''''.k I 1 I ::?u!:5h~~197 are some great rewards, 1free trip wherever Continental or 797 New Ycrk Air flies in the mainland U.S., Mexico or Canada . L{~="'~'~'~I""~~"~~"~~- - - - - _j • CONTINENTAL <5Nf.WYORKAIR =.."""'~=",~·r;z=r~r~zu:t...~::;:""'~i:;::,,,,;;~'s,';'tlj~~;'!.,",~~·~;-~.!:i:~,.s::,"".!!t='~;';':;'~~~"/il\:;:9~~=-~.~! ,"-'<'> .... ,~«"i"""'t.I".",f,~M"'""".CI96&G ......... >I"uL.,..,In<
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