Page 46 - ThePhoenix1986-87
P. 46
Terror football errors produce two losses by Cynthia Schafer With the past two losses to' Franklin and Marshall on Oct. 25, 52-0; and to FDU-Madison Oct 31, 14-0; the Terrors record now stands at 0-8 on the season andis their 19th loss in a row. In both of these losses however, the Terrors defeated themselves with mistakes. At F&M the score was 19-0 after only six minutes. All three Field Hockey went for the goal ending with their most impressive record scores came The directly first from WMC miscues. touchdown 8-6-1. came off an interception which was run back for the score. A Field hockey wins blocked four WMC yard punt recovered the at by line the Coach Dale Sprague and players react to a "bad of last 7 matches ~~!OS:~"~h:~~te~Yf!~: F&M in call" against WMC during the Terror loss to by recovered advantageous field position. Dickinson Saturday, Oct. 16. by Cynthia Schafer at the University of Richmond will be this weekend on Nov. 8 goalie's reach. Seniors Jill Nov. 14·16. At FDU both of their for Parent's Weekend. WMC will Holman, Sandy Brant and Vera opponents touchdowns came off play Swarthmore who will come Strothman all played strong The women's field hockey WMC errors. The first score into the game with a 3-4 record.. games and were a big factor in team has just completed one of its came in the second half on an WMC's surge. most productive season's ever, interception at the 24 yard line. Women's Club Soccer closing out the year with a record The second came once again off a The Women's Club soccer Cross Country of 8-6-1. Stacey Bradley was the blocked punt team was thwarted. in their In their last meet of the year team's high scorer on the season This has been a building year attempted rally on Nov. 1 against the men's cross counrty team with eight goals, scoring six of for the Terrors and Head Coach SI. Mary's, losing a heartbreaker divided a tri-meet at Washington them in the last seven games. Dale Sprague which has been 3·2. 51. Mary's led at the half 3- College on Nov. I. The Green Juniors Nancy Kammerer and . plagued by injuries. 0, but WMC came back on two Terrors defeated Washington 15- Karen Boynton were named to the Unfortunately for Pete Wilson and goals by sophomore Michelle 48, but .Iost to Lebanon Valley BCFHA first team all-state team. Andy Stephanelli and eleven other Meehan to make it a close match. College 19-39. Steve Kaufman while Bradley was appointed to departing seniors. they will not be Meehan's first goal came on was the first Terror over the line the second team. All three oereatea nartrorcr around 10 get a taste of the perfectly played comer kick which of the five mile course in third players will be traveling to the success that their hard work this she headed into the net. Her place overall with a time of South East Regional Tournament year has been striving for. second came on a penalty kick 28:36. Bob Hutchinson placed The Terror's last home game which she rolled just out of the sixth with a time of29:18. _BiIIDesciak Jets rank as 'most underrated' team In league Well, I'm back from Fall Walker are probably the best a junior high school team. Penn for traveling to Dallas to take on Cowboy's Break and I am still hurting from receiving tandem in the league and State by at least two touchdowns, the Cowboys. I like Dallas here quick facts... is out(thanks QB,Danny White, the barrage of attacks I have maybe the most underrated. Toon probably more. because they are still going to to the Giants) and the Raiders received for my first big blunder was tops in the NFL's receiving And now for the return of have a bad taste in their mouths have taken two of three from of my young writing career. It category this week with 192 yards Billy D's picks of the week. This form the Giants game. they are at Dallas in their series history with seems like everyone and their and two touchdowns. Walker was time we have a new twist, a home with something to prove, both Raider wins happening in brother picked up on the Barna runnerup with 161 yards and one challenger from WestemMaryJand and I like this guy Pelleur, even Texas Stadium. and the Boa-boo-boo from the last TO. Of course you can not give College. This week's challenger, though Danny White is a pretty There is no Slopping the first issue. Anyone got a shoe horn? all the credit to the dazzling duo. Mr,GaryAnile. good QB.' Take Dallas by at least place Giants. They are traveling I have to gel this foot out of my Ken O'Brien turned many a I, Billy D, am picking the a touchdown. to the city of Brotherly Love mouth! Sorry folks! doubter into a believer last Rams 10 give up two and a half Mr. Anile? (where Buddy Ryan does not fit But now back to this week in Sunday by going 26 for 32, 431 points when they travel 10 New Thanks Billy, but the way I in) this' week after coming off a sports news ..• Joe Morris of the yards and four TDs. Not a bad Orleans. L.A. has this uncanny see it, the Raiders will be hot big win over Dallas. Last week NY Giants is for REAL. The days work. ability to play poorly and win at after suffering a bitter conference the Eagles suffered a 13-10 loss to NR..'s version of Spud Webb is Holy high scoring basketball the same time. This was evident loss against the Denver Broncos. the St. Louis Cardinals, the picking apart defensive lines, Batman! Yes Robin, Michael in their 20-17 win at Chicago Yes. I may be a die-hard Raider basement dwellers of NFC East. consistently making something Jordan is at it again. Get this (Dils should try something other fan along with Jimmy the Greek Las Vegas is being very out of nothing. Morris destroyed Boy Wonder, he was SOper cent than quarterback, like checkers) and Keith Hernandez, but Iam not considerate by only giving three the Cowboys for a gain of 181 from the floor, 20 for 22, and still, they do win, and although choosing the Raiders because I and a half points to the lost yards enrout to New York's 17·1-4 from the line an outrageous SO the' Saints looked great last week, like them, but because Marc Eagles (3-6), considering the win at home, in the points (half of the Bulls total)! 111 stick with the Rams. Wilson and the number two rated mauled Meadowlands. Then he turns around the next day Minnesota is favored by two defense in the NFL are in a must Giants have previously 12 of this the Eagles 35-3 on Oct The Skins showed some poise to go SO per cent from the floor going to the Dome in Detroit. win situation. Take the Black and unpredictable season. in coming from 12 behind to drag AGAIN to notch in a "modest" 41 Although the vikes have been in Silver with three points.even Last not but down the Vikings in OT, 44·38. points. Hey Larry, look out! a minor slump lately, (like their though they do not need them. Ozzie Newsome,and leasr... Kosar, are Company Washington bangs on to the lead Hey, Maryland fans, all choke act in Washington last AI Davis' team will love nothing on target The Killer B defense of with the Giants in the NFC East, psyched up to see your Terps gel week) I still like Minnesota by more than to travel to Dallas Miami has died! This is a both at 7-2 DE-STROYED? Penn State's about six or seven. (America's Team?) and spoil Thff Jets A1 Toon and Wesley going to make Maryland ,loq11;like The Raiders are getting three Herschel Walkers day. . Some continued on page 11
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