Page 119 - ThePhoenix1986-87
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ThePhoenix Western Maryland College Thomas examines ties between Reagan, press Then, after they get into lhe doors by Leo Ryan White House, the information close ...and United Press International all (UPD White House correspondent becomes a so-called leak. This is information which is legitimately Helen Thomas lectured on the in the public domain," she relationship between the continued. "[but] which they [the presidency and the press administration orficials] consider Tuesday, April 21, in the Forum. their private reserve." . Thomas graduated with a Reagan She degree in liberal arts from Wayne administration described as the the most State University in Detroit, joined difficult that she has covered. UPI in 1943, and for twelve years that sense wrote radio news for that wire "It's difficult is in the staged, but everything service. Later, she covered the [coverage isl not impossible," she federal government, writing about stressed. "The president is A Western Maryland football player prepares for the the Justice Department. the FBI, scripted on every move be April 9 liftathon. The event was organized to pay for and the Department of Health, makes ....His aides protect him Education, and Welfare. It was from any unnecessary contact new equipment for the College weight room. See not until 1960 that she became a with the press. page 3 for Billy D's sports finale and pages 6 and B member of the press team that Ms. Helen Thomas, "In the beginning he was a for spring sports wrap-ups. covers the WhiteHouse. Since United Press Interna- little bit more open, and then they ~at !r:e=shas:~: ~ tional correspondent and clamped down to the point that through the Oval Office--from dean of the White House we could go for days without the Football team 'lifts' Kennedy's assassination to Press Corps seeing the president During height of the Iran scandal," she Reagan's Iran-Conna scandal noted, "he went underground for Thomas last week addressed a for new equipment group of WMC students and She noted that "each fourmooths." community residents on issues administration is usually nice 10 continued on page 10 concerning politics and the media. the media for about two weeks. then the sponsor pays three Junior Follies to open tonight by Adrian Western Maryland dollars." Gawdiak The football staff intends to The raise money for the junior/senior Mitchell Alexander, Assistant fool.ball team held a li.ftathonon purchase an incline bench, more free weights,.and racks to hold the April 9 to raise money to buy by Stacey Pucci banquet," said Lee Schiller, Director of College Activities, for equipment for the college weight weights with the money they president of the class of 1988. 'finding a stage." room. made from the liftathon Junior Follies, which was "We also want to bring the class ~Wehad a great time writing "Sponsors pledged money "lf we want to improve our resurrected last spring after closer together and this is just a the script," explained Gina according to how much a record we have to get stronger. Graham, a junior working on the problems had forced its stepping stone for continuity in Follies, "and hope it's as fun for particular player benched," Last season we were physically cancellation in previous years, our senior year." explained Coach Dale Sprague. pushed around by teams like will take place again tonight, Many juniors are participating everyone else." Dawn "Forinstance if a person pledged a Dickinson and Muhlenburg. The Deffinbaughis working on a slide tomorrow, and Sunday from 8- this year, he added, thanking penny a pound and the player he lOpm in Decker Auditorium. students who helped and oontinued on page 2 sponsored benched 300 pounds continued on page 2 "The reason for Follies is to expressing her appreciation to Mr. Sidelights: ill Jim Bakker be able Annual May Day art show to o make a comeback at PTL? feature original creations Yes • show, $35 for ftrSt place, $25 for - Picture this: The works of The contest is open to the also be awarded. No by Robin Myers senior an major Kim Jones. second place, and $15 for third. "This year we'd like to try for at Three honorable mentions will least three dozen." Undecided students, professors, and local college community and Jones creativity, choice and use of "The works will be judged on expects it to be larger than last artists 00 display. receive Artists will an presentation, and Don't Care opportunity to exhibit their work year's display, despite the fact that medium, subject, composition, originality," not works been had many at the sixteenth Annual May Day submitted as of Sunday. explained Jones. The three judges "Most likely everyone will Outdoor Art Show on Saturday. wait until the last minute to tum will be Ms. Sue Pallochuk from the Art Department; Mr. Harold 10 20 30 40 50 8070 80 90 100 May 2. Sponsored by me WMC works in," said Jones. Wentz, sponsor of the Catherine Art Club, the show will be held Wentz Memorial An Show; and deadline for entry was 'The Number .af people from 11 am - 4 pm, and judging April 29 at 8 prn. senior artist Tracy Lee Olsen. will begin at 1 pm. There are four prizes being The prizes will be awarded at said I- IUMIY sample: 125 source: PhoenIx "Last year we displayed about awarded: •. $50 for. best in .the , 3 pm on Saturday. .........atwo> dozen works,".
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