Page 70 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 70
_Opinion-------- Dirty laundry Letters to the Editor Student sick David 80gsdanski Western Maryland may be a that I grew up with them. I from apathy sistant. I persuaded her to let my boys was in the parking good place to get an educa- know that the machine that me look for my friends, but lot and he was attacked. To tion, but it is a terrible place eats clothing used to only Dear Editor going to 'several rooms I the scum who punched him in to do laundry. Although it only take two hours to dry a load The apathy of this campus found everyone to be asleep. a totally unprovoked assault, I costs 50 cents a load, and when I was a freshman. We sickens me. After attending a Disallusioned, I went to the challenge you to a rematch. nothing to dry, but the facili~ all realize times are hard, but small Superbowl party off Head Resident',s and she re- You were real tough against a ties are far from adequate. the men on campus could campus I returned, cham- turned my booze. I drank it slightly inebriated, unarmed pagne in hand, ready for For a school with roughly sure use some washers and myself and went to sleep. person, have you got the guts 1,300 students the laundry dryers that do more than some serious celebrating. What is wrong with this to go against a sober, very What I found were my fellow facilities are very poor. You pretend to work. Maybe next school? We should have been angry one. Name your time would think that the 7,200 year instead of putting all new cohabitants sitting around like in the Quad drinking all nightl and place, loser, and I'll be dollars we pay would entitle furniture in the Rouzer Lobby someone had died. Un- But NOOl You wussys there. Send it to the Phoenix, us to at least a little care, but where it gets broken or sto- daunted I headed to Blanche needed your beauty sleep. I'll get it. I guess the administration len, the school could more in search of someone to drink Next year when the Redskins To the boys who took my would rather see us in dirty, wisely invest in new laundry my beverage with. Upon ar- (the greatest team in the chair I had left in the hall: smelly cloths. equipment for the men on rival, I found it impossible to world) win the Superbowl, I'll Look guys, I'm sorry you did The other day while I was campus. gain entrance (my compli- be in Georgetown where peo- not get lucky that night, how- dOing laundry, I had to won- Unfortunately, a fire claimed ments to the security force) ple know the meaning of the ever, that is still not a terribly' der just how much the admin- one of my favorite machines so I knocked on the front word "Party." good reason to throw my istrators really do care. After in Rouzer two weeks ago. door. The Head Resident an- Signed, chair down the stairs and swered, and not only would all, there are only 4 washers One could probably go in she not let me in, but she A True Skins Fan. destroy it with a baseball bat. that actually work (one pumps next year and still see it To tell .you the truth, I never I hesitated to relinquish my Guest attacked, only cold water) for the total sitting there with the little took my bottle! liked that chair much anyway, male population. Add to this index card on it reading "Bro- and returning the seat cush- quite attractive and has great chair destroyed the 7 dryers: 3 which to a ken." But the problem is here favorite medicine,' but she is ion was a nice touch. I also reliable job, 3 take from an and now. I suppose I will understand that if you all start hour and a half to two hours have to resort to using legs. I could not say no. Dear Editor bathing regularly you might to dry one load and the last Blanche or Whiteford, but the Outraged, I headed back to Had a little get-together the stand a better chance with which eats clothing: a guy word is that the machines the Quad. A coed was walk- first weekend we were back the wornen next time. ing the other way, she slipped comes away with a bad taste over there are getting as bad me into Blanche. I got to the this semester. Some friends Signed after doing laundry. as the ones for the guys. second floor only to be ap- from home were up, one of Greg Elba One can not get mad at the Sometimes a Western Mary- machines for they have prob- land student can never win. prehended by a Hesldent As· ably aUbeen here longer than we have. As a senior, I !eel The Phoenix Editor Robert Holt Associate Editor.. . Greg Elbow Managing Editor Teresa Norman News Editor .. . David Bogdanski Copy Editor · Chris Soto Sports Editor Bruce Mable Photo Editor Martin Schulman Business Manager. Oeb Armsworthy JUNIORSII SENIORSII asked to select not more than The club tallies the rating The time is here to nominate 5 nominees from the list of sheets and selects the recipi- the instructor you feel de- eligible faculty members. To ent. " Published by and for the students of Western Maryland College. serves the Distinguished be eligible a faculty member Remember to return your The opinions expressed ln this publication do not necessarily Teaching Award. All Juniors must have tenure and teach nomnations by Friday, March reflect those of the staff or administration. and Seniors are asked to both semesters during the 4th to the Student Affairs We welcome comments and/or suggestions. Please address all participate in this selection academic year in which -the Office or the Col/ege Post mail to The Phoenix, Box 1, Western Maryland College, process. award is given. Past recipi- Office. ents are eligible again after The Distinguished Teaching Westminster, Md. 21157. The formula for the method Award is presented annually eight (8) years. of nominating and selecting by an interested alumnae A group of campus student the recipient of the Distln- club at the Spring Honors leaders will then rate the guished Teaching Award was iP Member of the Associated Collegiate Press Convocation and Investiture nominees by secret ballot revised in 1979 by a joint which will be placed in sealed to commend a WMC faculty stadent-alcmnae committee in member for excellence in the envelopes and submitted to an effort to sample a broader field of teaching. the Student Affairs Office for base of student opinion. Juniors and. Seniors. wilt .be . mailing .to.the .club president.
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