Page 69 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 69
The Phoenix Western Maryland College . Volume II, Number 10 Simpson urges women In media Greg Elba 1982. ABC. All the executive suites "It wasn't long before my She can usually tie found are filled with middle age male colleagues admitted I on Capitol Hill covering sto- white men, no women, no was a good female reporter, ries concerning health care, minorities. It's the same at all but I was waiting for the day the environment, education, the networks. It's incredible they said I was a good re- welfare, women's rights, that in 1983 there is no porter who happened to be a transportation, housing, and woman anchor at any major lady," said ABC News Corre- child care. "A real potpourri of national news broadcast." spondent Carole Simpson to people issues," as she puts it. She blamed President Rea- a crowd of about 1100 people Simpson came to Western gan for slowing womens in Alumni Hall on February 17. Maryland to speak on progress. Reagan is against Simpson was named the "Women in the Media," but ERA and appoints few women 1974 Woman of the Year in the main thrust of her speech despite the fact they are a Communicatons by the YVVCA focused on women's position majority of registered voters. of Chicago. She was the in society today. The She feels Reaganomics have recipient of an Illinois Medical Women's plight is like moun- hurt more women than men. Society award and an Ameri- tain climbing - one rope for In government job cuts 150% can Medical Association all - when one falls they all more women are being fired award for a documentary on have to stop, help, and climb than men. The poverty rate of sickle cell anemia. She re- up together." families headed by women is ceived a second Illinois State With ERA defeated the triple the average. Cuts in Medical Society award for the pressure for civil rights for social welfare programs effect documentary, "Sudden Infant women is off. Where employ- women to a greater extent Death Syndrome." ers felt they had to have a than men. She urged women She began her news career women for window dressing to get politically active not while she was a student at they don't any more. "To only in presidential elections the University of Michigan ed- succeed you must under- but on the state and local iting and presenting news re- stand the milieu into which level. ports for the University's radio you'll be working - much of When asked about career station. She was hired by women's progress is being 'preparation she spoke highly CBS radio affiliate WGFL in eroded," she said. of a braod liberal arts educa- Chicago and became the first Simpson was a pioneer in tion and of the need to speak woman to broadcast in Chi- the broadcast media. Being a and write effectively no matter cago. She worked her way black female reporter had po- what field you're in. "Anything into television as a general sitive and negative effects. worth having is worth fighting assignment reporter and She feels she has met with for. You have to be good at what you do. No one will hire weekend anchor person at an more sex discrimination than NBC television station in Chi- race discrimination. "Oppor- you just because you're a cago, becoming a NBC New tunities were hard to come :~~o~. ~~e~at~~~o a~~ )..,....,."""....4_".", .......... :;c_ ........ Correspondent in 1974 and by, I worked at CBS in radio, ecord Store closed then switching to ABC in NBC for a long time and n?w man." Joe Olcott caused a waste of both time and operated by students. Because of a loss of money, and money. The students who Mr. Kimball, who received Western Maryland College's used to work in the shop have the proposal, said that Mr. record shop has closed been given other jobs on Ruther "gave us an excellent down,- said John Jarkowiec, campus. recommendation" but added the manager of the school Paul Ruther, a student who that "a record shop is not in store. "We're not discontlnu- worked in the record store for the purpose of this institution ing records," he said, "we'll four years, was angry when (college)." bring them up here (to the he heard the news of the Records and tapes were college store)." Also going up close and is trying to get it re- originally sold in the college to the college store are tapes, opened. "The record shop," store years ago. The adminis- posters, and greeting cards. he said, "was losing money tration, however, wanted the A few weeks ago, Tom because it wasn't really man- rooms adjoining the cafeteria Kimball, vice president for aged very well." mall to be used and not left business affairs, and Jack He said there was little vacant. Because of this, Morris, a business manager, innovation in the types of records and tapes were concluded a cost-effective records offered, in record moved to a separate location. analysis of the record shop sales, and in the establish- Aside from financial losses, for a five-month period which ment of a record-store atmos- another major factor in the revealed a $2000 deficit. phere (instead of the previous administration's decision to Mr. Jarkowiec also said it atmosphere which he de- close the shop is the need for was inefficient to have two scribed as "white, innocuous, space: "Some departments stores on campus (the col- and boring." Consequently, need more room to operate," ..__ ~"" lege store and the record Ruther presented a 'proposal said Mr. Jarkowiec. The store may turn into office space. And what did the campis think of this deviant? shop) with their two sets of to the administration to have workers. This set-up, he said, the record shop re-opened
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