Page 66 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 66
Page 2 January 19 1983 Home· is not quite the same Coming events. after leaving for college Elizabethan music returns l Martin Schulman now runs with the opposing said, "Okay, we are all going It was apparent to me al- forces in the neighborhood, out for .dinner." Little did I The Renaissance Ensemble of Baltimore will per- most as soon as I walked my worst enemy's dog. As realize that th~y were dining form at Western Maryland College on Friday, January through the door, life at my soon as I walked into the at PhineasT's Prime Rib and I 21, 1983, at 8 p.m. in Alumni Hall. home on Coldstream Drive house: Chicktet scrammed was munching out at the local The seven-member RenaissanceEnsemble, which was never to be the same out the door to play with her McDonald's. It quickly was formed in 1977 by Roger Harmon, professor'of was treated more as new friend. That's okay with dawned on me, that coming lute- at the Peabody Conservatory, consists of treble a guest than as a member of me. From now on when I feed home was a little different viol, lute, cittem, bandora, bass viol, tenor viol, the household. It really struck her, she'll be getting dry when Mom served breast of renaissance guitar and renaissance flute. In addition me when I found that my Giant brand dog food. chicken to the rest of the vocal soloists regularly contribute to Ihe imaginative brother had moved into what Whoever said that dogs will family and leftover meatloaf programs. was once my bedroom. Life wait for their owners surely for me. (used to think that The brilliance of Elizabethan music is revived as at home had not been bad did not spend more than one food in Englar Cafeteria was the ensemble performs from orginal notationon original before I left for college, but semester at an academic in- bad. Eating at home for me period instruments or reproductions. The Ensemble's now I am treated especially stitution. has given a new connotation program includes "Shakespeares Musicke," "Renais- well. You could say I have - My brother and I had al- to the phrase garbage night. sance Ribaldry," "An Elizabethan Christmas," "The moved up in status from a ways been really close All in all going home for English Dance Master" and "A Renaissance'Sampler." mere duke to a royal prince. friends. But perhaps we were weekends is really great when Tickets fm the January 21 performanceare free for Going home is a real treat not as close as I thought, as compared to Lee's Motel and Western Maryland students, faculty and slaff and $1 these days. Instead of just a a more thorough look through Rahway Prison. I like going for the public. casual "Hello Marty," I am the house revealed that not home a lot ·these days, but I greeted with hugs, kisses and only had the thug stolen my have decided to make the exclamations of "How have room, stereo and t.v., but also supreme sacrrace.ct staying Dance theater at Alumni you been!" Going home is threw all my other personal on campus until the end of beginning to be a worthwhile possessions in the comer of the'semester. My father of- adventure. It's always fun to the basementwhere the water fered me $50 a week not to Western Maryland's College Activities Program See my little sister, she loves collects on rainy nights. He go home on lhe weekends. Board will present the North Carolina Dance Theater me to read her bedtime sto- did not think that I would be I really miss not going on Wednesday, February 2, at 8 p.m. in Alumni Hall, . ties. That is a rew pleasure .too bothered as he informed home, but 50 bucks is 50 on the western Maryland campus. Under the direction of Robert lindgren, the North since no one else wants me me of the whole process with bucks. I may try to hold out Carolina Dance Theater's 1982-83touring schedule is to read them bedtime stories. smug satisfaction. But come for $75 a week during Janu- I realize that this is just a next summer he will learn a ary Term. It is a supply and the most extensive in its ta-vear history, and includes the company's Washington and New York debuts, as passing phase in her life, new definition for "a Stroh demand market, and right soon she will not want to even Ught Night." now the demand is high. ... well as appearances in 50 cities in 21 states. The 15- member company also toured during the summer of Jook at my face - let alone Mom and Dad have' made Though staying away from talk to me. going home the most enjoya- home has its monetaryadvan- 1982 in France, Spain and Portugal. For ticket information call the information desk at I did get a little hurt when ble by far this semester. As tages, I really miss one small extension 260. I my dog didr!'t even come up soon as I walked in the door detail. Who am I going to on my last visit home, Dad read bedtime stories to? and wag his ti!~ at me. She 1 WMCregistrar' is new chief ,...-------------, Maryland Attention Jewish honor spring of collegiate association Students from pqe 1 executive committee. Steven Rossman - Seeking tional research, records and Dawkins received his B.A. January 30 is a minor holiday called Tu Bishvat registration,and student serv- and M.Ed degrees from West- (pronounced Too-Sish-vot),which marks the first day financial ices. Dawkins has been a ern Maryland and has been of spring in Israel. In the Old Testament trees aid. member of MSACROA since associated with the college represent "symbols of goodness and nobility." It was Your FAF 1972 and has also served on since 1969. He has served as customary 10 plant a tree at the birth of a child, who me registration committee, the college's registrar since took care of his or her own tree as he or she grew up. packet must program planning committee, July 1977. At present, trees are planted in memory of relatives professionalactivities commit- Dawkins,a nativeof Easton, and on special anniversaries.Jewish children all over be postmarked tee, summer workshops, and Maryland, is currently a resi- the world raise money on Tu Bishvat to rehabilitatethe as a member-at-Iargeon the . dent of We~tl!linster. land of Israel. (Some information from A Book of no later than Jewish Concepts by Philip Birnbaum.) Feb. 15, 1983 The Letter to the EdItor Phoenix The Phoeni .... Women .not respected Staff meeting Mon. Jan. 24 To the Females of WMC, my mental health that I de-' 6:30 p.m. I have been at WMC for one part. and a half years. Throughout It would be ridiculous for my stay I have finally come to me to describe the obvious realize that it ls imperative to. but unfortunate lack of re- . Editor... . Robert Holt r,:------------------------------, Managing Editor TeresaNorman spect for females by many News Editor OavidBogdanski I 10% WMC discount with this Ad I ~~:~~du~~~u~t~~~ t~~\ir.~ Copy Editor Greg Elba I, this bizarre attitude. Sports Editor Bruce Mable I ' Why and how did this hap- PhotoEditor MartinSchulman I pen? What can be done BusinessManager Oeb Armsworthy I: about it? How is it that the I Women's Lib movement Published by and for the students of Westem Maryland College. I passed over our campus? The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily I I have tried my utmost to reflect those of the staff or administration. lITt C5mn C5afar lUI. 1 relievethis situation, but it has We welcome comments and/or suggestions. Please address all 'i!'~~~ I· only resulted in my own mis- mail to The Phoenix, Box 1, Western Marylam::l College, I' fortune. I am writing this letter Westminster, Md. 21157. ~ss f!om _"Public £ibrary_ .ai £.«ust ~all I ~e~o~;: i~fs~~~n~n~o~o~oa!c~.r F Member of the Associated Collegiate Press I Farewell, *~,~-'I"S? L _j .L--- (.NM)IJ?~ ....;.. j -"""'-. __ J Maggie Steel
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