Page 94 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 94
Page 8 December 10, 1981 Reagan moves to cut Pell Grant _availabiIi ty ACROSS 6 Tin symbol 7Stloshonean 1 Uncla- 4S&fldforth brother 9 Weaken 8 Jacob's CROSS cps Guaranteed Student Loan program legislation t2Before 9 Glossy fabric WASHINGTON, D.C.--The Reagan requires students pass a "needs test" Among the changes the adminislra- 13 Shades 10-Uncoln WORD administration has proposed to get aid. tion wants are: 14 ~:~ial\ gar_ ~~ ~~Uda~itY limiting student eligibility to get In January, the administration plans 'Figuring home equity in Ihe for- 15 Runeasity 18Crafly PUZZLE Pell Grants, the major federal aid to unveil its 1983 budget, which many mula used to compute how much a 17-bonnet 20Seed program for needy college students congressional staffers predict will in- family should contribute toward the 19 Gentles 22 Jet lorth 21 Rubber tree 23Candle Announced just a few weeks after elude more cuts in federal education child's college education 22 Hall 25 Soak FROM COLLEGE more restrictive requirements went programs. 'Treating veterans and Social Se- 24Conjunction 27Parlah into effect for the Guaranteed Student In this round of reductions, the curity benefits as part of the family 268ark 288osc.etal PRESS SERVICE 30 Plunge 29 Peeled Loan program, the administration's administration wants to increase the contribution instead of as income 3tSpider'strap 32 Man'snick_ plan would make it tougher to get minimum amount of money a family 'Putting off the effective date of the 3380rn name National Direct Student Loans must contribute toward a student's new college cost estimates for a year 34 Above 36-rally 47 Small child S7Capuchin monkey (NDSLs), College Work-Study funds, education in order for the student to while the administration creates esu- 35 Taste 38 Memoranda 49 W~I Pointer 598eam 37 Cargo unit 41 Fur 52 Equal and Supplemental Educational Op- be eligible for aid mates that more accurately reflect 39 State: Abbr. 43 Algonquian 54 Rockfish 60 Summer: Fr Indian portunity Grants (SEOGs) as well, as This year, the government requires living. expenses, especially for com- 40 Corded clolh 4SConcaption 5S In favor 01 63 Tanlalum 56 Uncooked symbol 42Footlikepart Pell Grants for the 1982-83 academic that a family contribute a minimum of muting students. 44 Faux pas ";l4'l~H4+1Ih14~ year 10.5 percent of its discretionary in- 'Treating married independent stu- 46':n~!tearloW- ~ Many members of the Washington come-money not needed for basic dents without dependents as single, 48 Moccasin college lobby expect the proposal is living expenses-to the student's edu- independent students when delermin- 50 Rockyhllfs just one of a series of aid cut cation ing aid eligibility 51CutoH measures due in the next few The proposed regulations, which 'Excusing administrators from hav- 53 Omission mark months, ones that go beyond the aid appeared in the October 16 Federal ing to apply Pell Grant eligibility rules 55 Talks idly budget cuts announced last summer Register, would require that a family to other, locally-based aid programs S8Fondwish The administration hinted it will contribute 40-55 percent of its discre- The administration ardently wants 61 rauer 62 Consumed soon ask Congress to require appli- tionary income to college costs be- the changes, all of which would have 64 Grain cants for all kinds of federal student fore the student becomes eligible for the effect of cutting student aid 65 Be in debt aid to demonstrate financial need aid. program spending 66 Lasso 67Pheasanl before getting aid. Currently, only the II the regulations make it through Worry that Congress won't consider DOWN brood The Who recount the new financial aid in time are _ ~ ~,:~:wine ~'a=t.;t~±=BI1=E regulations "beginning to impact negatively on 3 Tutor advice are advisors 4 Unit SLorelei a livel y past giving lor next year because no one Puzzle Answer page 4 knows what will happen," he ob- ripped through a searing guitar solo Second Birth premiers Greg Elba Rock music has produced many that could melt the wax in someone's Answer to last week's puzzle: On great things. Friday night in the ears at a certain volume. The song and dispels rumor day 58, the lake will be half- forum, I had the opportunity to view a ended furiously as Townsend covered with wetermes rock masterpiece. The Kids Are Al- rammed his guitar through his ampli- Mary Fabia Congratulations to Keith Arnold and right is the title 01 a song by the rock fier and the drummer, Keith Moon, set Several weeks ago an article intro- (freShman), hope to put together a Bob Cavallaro, who each won _a group The Who and the title 01 their oft an explosive that destroyed his ducing the Christian rock band Sec- show of original songs. All three Doonesbury book from the bookstore third film entire drum set ond Birth appeared in The Phoenix. musicians will work at writing the Coogratulations also to the following For nearly two hours The Who led As the film progressed, we saw The Today's article is to announce the music and lyrics lor the kind of people who also submitted correct the audiences through their lively Who play many of their great songs fact that after their first public concert concert. responses: Alice Krempasky. Aaron history. The lilm began with a clip of in such locations as Woodstock and on the WMC campus Second Birth is Since forming in September, the Davis. David Hall, Melissa Main. Eric their appearance on The Smothers The Cavern in London. The film now more than just a rumor. Seen group has put in ~g hours of Schwaab. Jim Rapp, Mike Meister, Brothers Show. After the lead guitar- guides the viewer into the studio in and heard by a crowd of at least 60 practice both individually and as a Virginia Macleay, Alice Leftridge. ist, Pete Townsend, gave a lesson to 1978 when they were making Who students on Friday, November 20. group. Not unusual for the band is 8- Debby Neely, Debbie Aatzburg. Tommy Smothers on his "bowling Are You. Sadly, Keith Moon died only Second Birth presented a concert in 14 hours of rehearsal per week asa Helen Stallings. Wendi Moore, Wayne style" guitar playing, the band ex- weeks after this album's completion the Leidy room which lasted lor . group plus individual practice beyond Reese, Glen Pruitt, Patti Riggs, Ron ploded with their classic rock anthem Even though he was replaced, he is approximately 45 minutes this amount of time Hash, Frank Silva, John Hawkins. My Generation sorely missed.... At present, Second Birth is perform- The band hopes to be presenting Brian Kemlage, Phil Hannaby, Dan The lead singer Roger Daltrey, The Kids Are Alright is a statement ing mesic written by Christian artists more concerts in the upcoming Sheridan, Vicki Engel, AI,ce Cialella screamed his wish of hoping to die on what rock music means to the such as Phil Keagy, larry Norman, months. They are scheduled to per- and Brent Fennell before he old as Townsend people who live for it. It depicts the Resurrection Band, and Daniel Amos form again on campus during Jan. This week's puzzle is contempt rock and roll holds for the Band. Through the medium of rock term. They also envision concerts at Each different letter in the following establishment, and the frustration we music, the band hopes to reach as local churches in the not too distant multiplication problem stands for a feel when trying to deal with all the many people as possible with the future. Anyone who 'is interested in different numeral. Find the numeral bull we are forced 10 take. The film message of Jesus Christ having Second Birth perform at their that each stands for ended with a song of hope Long During Jan. term the members of home church is encouraged to con- PIIT Live Rock! Second Birth, Ed Copeland (senior), tact any member of the band to make --lIII.. Jeff Carlson Gunior) and Chip Coffin arrangements FAT NOT TEAT South Carroll Secretarial Service Please submit your answer to Box 577 by 9 a.m., Monday, December Professional Typing 14, along with your name, room $1.00 per page number. and extension. A drawing from the correct answers (Math Of- IBM Selectric IlJ fice, 11 a.m., 12114181) will determine pick up & delivery available one winner Prize lor this week's puzzle: A free Printing available pizza at Maria's! "'Sponsored by Kappa Mu Epsi- call Vicky Smelkinson Carroll Piau Shoppina Center lon'" at 549-1043 Bring this ad in an receive: -----~_---_----_-------------I : Carriage House Liquors : $1.00 off Large Pizza : 113 W. Main Street I 50¢ off Small or Medium Pizza : Check our' "at the Iorks.." : I Christmas Specials! Special : ! Schlitz 24wr.:~0~::secans $7.61 i C;tU Ahead for Takeout Orders expires 876-3550 12/18/81 L_~~~~'-~t~c:e~~:o :~~~:~~::~~!~.!
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