Page 92 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 92
·.·.·,1 . Page 6 1)1. Phoenb: December 10, 1981 Sports Swim team plunges ' fGridders bestow honors 1 strong into s~'q'~2!!,;9;bl'foe me na The WMC Sy.'lmmmg team has Denise Frech again qualified for the Rob McQuay plunged into the 1981 season last tionals in the 200 meter butterfly that the whole season was a "gam- Knieriem DB (40); Jim Stephan's week. with meets against Elizabeth- nationals in another event. the 200 ble." This sports writer found these Award· Senior. Randy Heck DB (5) town and Widener, The men's and meter breaststroke,with a winning time While retiring from the stage for a words somewhat familiar. but John Coach's Award - Senior. Frank Con- women's teams were successful de- of 2:37,965 couple of months. I returned to the went on to sarlas this writer would nell SE (SO) spite the men'S loss to Widener The men have been less successful Sports Scene. tn doing so. t acquired have) that it was a "gamble that we This 1981 football team gave an The women won their two meets than the women after a disappointing a ticket to the Western Maryland won!" impressive 5-3-1 record and a third decisively with a 56-43 victory over loss to Widener. 76 to 26. and a win Football Fifth Annual Awards Ban- Coach Jamison then introduced place birth in the MAC. With some Elizabethtown and a 64-36 romping over Elizabethtown,'50-43. balancing quet. Here I rubbed elbows with such guest speaker. recent Hall of Farner. more good recruiting this year. next at Widener. The female Te'rrors, led the record at I-I. The men's 400 football greats as Steve James. Pat Mitch Tullai. The well articulated Tullai year's team will be looking for its fifth by captains Denise Frech. Lisa freestyle relay of Kurt Hubach. Mike tuce. Bob Upshaw. Rick Conner and had an excellent message. It was not consecutive winning season. Next Kleven. and Sue Lapodus, hope to Price. Paul Burkitt, and captain Fred many others only about football. but about liIe. He year'S winning team will be led by maintain last year's recorc 01 11-2 Hubach earned the only first place in The evening started at approxi- commented on success Captains Jim Buckley; Offensive with Hie talent shown in their first two the meet. while Mike Price contrib- mately 6 p.m. with the "Huddle However. the evening was not over guard: Paul Wallin. Quaterback; meets uted two of the team'S five second Period." There was an open bar and yet as many awards were to come Wayne Keen. Defensive Tackle; and The women won eight of the twelve place finishings in the 50 meter and enough snacks to go around for the The next part of the evening was Kent Galvin. Defensive End. events at Elizabethtown taking both the 100 meter freestyle events respective players. their families. girl- what everyone was there for. the the 400 meter medley relay and the The men'S team. recovered from friends and honored guests. This presentation of awards. Keep in mind More 400 meter freestyle relay, Linda Ren- the loss to Elizabethtown. beat Wid- hour of mingling and good cheer was these awards were chosen by the nie shattered school records in the 50 ener. 50-43 by gaining most 01 their concluded with a typically delicious coaches and players. these are not meter freestyle with a time of 26.5 points in the freestyle events. Again. dinner. (The banquet was held at National or Statewide awards. The Honors and in the 100 meter freestyle in 58,0, the- Hubach. Hubach. Burkitt. and Martin'S Westminster.) following were the players that re- capturing first places in both events Price 400 meter freestyle relay won. At the conclusion of dinner. the ceived team awards All Star MAC Team Denise Frech became eligible for while Mike Price improved his 100 ~aster of Ceremonies. Coach Rip Jim Stephan's Award - Freshman. Steve James - Linebacker #49 the NCAA III national championships meter freestyle time to 51.6. slicing Jamison. was introduced. Coach Gary Forte FB (47); Offensive line- All State Colle_l;leFootball Team with a time of 1:11.42 in the 100 more than two seconds from his last Jamison then proceeded to acknowl- man of the Year - Sophomore. Lance Offense meter breaststroke. while freshman time at the Elizabethtown meet edge the guests that were in attend- Hammell OT (63); Specialty Player of Rich Johnson Place Kicker #25 standout Mary Theresa Lurz raced to Kim Easterday. coach of the 21 ance. After such standouts as Mitch the Year Sophomore. Rich Johnson Defense a 220,7 time in the 200 Meter I.M member squad. sees the goals of the Tullai. former coach Jim Hindeman. PK (25); Receiver of the Year - Junior. Bob Upshaw Defensive Tackle #79 breaking the school record and quali- team as qualifying as many swim- and of course. the voice of Terror Bob DeBeer TE (81); Defensive line- Steve James - Linebacker #49 fying for the nationals • mers as possible for the nationals at football Dwight Dingle were intro- man of the Year Senior. Bob Tom Knieriem - Defensive Back #40 At the Widener meet. '(-IMC women the close of the season. and improving duced. Jamison called upon Presi- Upshaw DE (79); Most Valuable Honorable Mention again swam victoriously, winning nine their win-loss team record. while dent John to say a few words. Player - Senior. Bob Upshaw TBIDE Jim Selfridge - Quarterback #10 of the twelve races including both lowering individual times. Since the And few they were; John was brief (29/79); Offensive Back of the Year - Bob Debeer - Tight End #81 relays. Mary Theresa Lurz added two freshmen and upperclassmen are in his comments this evening. The Senior. Steve James LB (49); Defen- Dennis Yancheski Offensive Tackle more school records to her accom- breaking school records. the 1981 main thrust for his mini-lecture was sive Back of the vear . Senior. Tom #60 plishments [n the 200 meter freestyle season should be a year to remem- and the 200 meter butterfly events. ber. Soccerman honored Sports associations grapple for control of women Chris Beyers team along with teammate Bobby CPS The NCAA soccer committee an- Kline. John Montayne earned honora- WASHINGTON. D,C,--The folks at chance of surviving as the central They've gone over to the NCAA." nounced last Thursday the All-South ble mention. The MAC does not have the headquarters of the embattled coordinating body for women's inter- says Shari Kharasch. AIAW's public soccer squad. and among the ath- a second team. Albert Mensah was Association for Intercollegiate Athlet- collegiate sports it started out to be in relations director letes honored were two from WMC. voted most valuable player for the ics for Women (AIAW) may be a little 1971 Consequently the format for the Albert Mensah made first team and second year in. a row quieter than they used to be as they If it doesn't win the AIAW. which tourney. to be held at the University John Schiavone was named to the In addition. Mensah and Schiavone administer their various sports cham- has already lost almost a third of its of Pennsylvania next March -- has second team. The south region con- were named to the Maryland All-State pionships. But then the subject of the membership to its larger. wealthier been reduced to 16 teams from 24 sists of division II! colleges in over first team. a team comprised of war with the NCAA (National Colle- enemy. it could fold within three-to- last year ten southern slates. players from both division II and giate Athletic Association) over who five years. according to past AIAW The AIAW's television contract with Earlier. both Mensah and Schiavone division. III schools. John Angguillo. gets to control women'S sports in the President Christine Grant were picked to the Middle Atlantic Bobby Kine. and Chris Beyers were future isn't mentioned much. In its October 9 suit, the AIAW NBC will probably net the group Conference South Region all-star first named to the second team Yet they're actively fighting, They've charged the NCAA .with engaging in $225.000 bul runs out in 1983 The end of the contract would likely just fired what may be their last. best "unlawful combinations and conspira- be the end of the organization. shot in the form of an anti-trust suit cies to restrain trade in the gover- speculates the women's athletics di- against the NCAA nance. programs and promotion of rector at a Kansas University. "The If the AIAW wins its suit. it stands a 1-------..,....------, women's intercollegiate athletics" one and only profit-maker. But if you basketball TV contract is the AIAW's The war opened in late 1979 when I tall' N_ishl Special! the NCAA for the first time in history were NBC and you saw that the , I 8 p.rn.-n p.m. announced it would organize intercol- NCAA was bringing in all the best for women. legiate championships Another previously all-male organiza- teams. would you sign a contract with the AIAW?" Free! tion -- the NAIA (National Association future of the contract "Conditions NBC officials refused to discuss the for Intercollegiate Athletics) -- soon announced a women's championship change." responded an NBC spokes- Big Mac schedule of its own. man tersely So far. the war's effect on the AIAW Teams are leaving the AIAW for the has been "devastating." according to NCAA for mostly economic reasons. when you AIAW President Donna Lopiano major Women's sports officials around the For example. the group's country note that the NCAA pays the revenue-producer its Division I transportation costs of teams that buy one trouble, "Several of the top contend- participate in its championships. basketball championship -- is ih deep ers from last year'S championship while the AIAW offers no such subsi- continued to page 7 (wltb tbi. coup~n) aren't going to participate this year ,You DeserlJe A, Westminster 'Pawn Outlet r Brea" Today I , , , '~ , , SELLING NEW AND USED STEREOS, Coca-Cola Bottling Co., Inc. : Me.. : MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, JEWELRY Old Westmins'ter Pike , , 848·5680 . 876·2028 : Westminster Eldersburg I 71 West Main street rU1 -<- .• ""' ...... -0 •• - ... ,...". 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