Page 175 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 175
more to editor__ ~ _ page 3 April 22, 1982 It is true that enrollment in people they have willingly sworn ROTC Worthwhile ROTC has doubled since 1973. to protect. Articles such as the shoold be aware that the execu- election of 1982. the very basis of the government tive branch for higher edu- of the opportunity Dear· Editor, This, however, is not due to one I am writing about should not can neither make nor deny the cation for many will be under- This letter is in response to the Reagan's budget cuts or military be taken too seriously, because needed appropriations. The leg- mined if those elected support article "Aid cuts promote militari- indoctrination. The figure is re- they disregard truth and reality. If islative branch has this responsi- the present drastic reductions in zation," written by Ann Karn. The turning to normal after having this country wants a volunteer bility, and a large percentage of the educational categories of the author displays ignorance about been very low as a result of the army, it must be prepared to pay legislators at both the national budgets. To assure that this will the role of ROTC in American Vietnam War. Miss Karn would the price that a volunteer army and state levels must stand for not happen, students will have to society today. have us believe that the ligures requires. Financial aid for college election in the fall of. 1982. No learn unmistakably how candi- ROTC does not train people to indicated something different. from the military is one of those time is to be lost if students wish dates in their districts stand and be killers: There is no militariza- One concept that people such prices. The Army and her sister to be politically effective in restor- then vote accordingly. tion of students and society that as Miss Karn may have difficulty services do not seek to indoctri- ing proposed cuts in aid. In The exercise of the franchise is Miss Karn would lead us to in. understanding is that the nate. What they do seek and cofltemplating action, they should the basis of our democratic svs- belie ....e exists. If Americans want American soldier, more than any- need are a few good people who keep several facts of political life tem. One of the most disillusion- a militeristic SOCiety, the first step one is this society, desires are wilting to serve their country, in the forefront of their thinking ing experiences I had as the U.S. would be to eliminate ROTC from peace, because he knows thaI in and support from the population First, of the over 12,000,000 Commissioner of Education all college campuses. Most of the a war, it will be he and his that they protect. • students in institutions of higher stemmed from a comment often Officer Corp would then be mili- friends that will do the fighting Ronald Kyle education, almost all are- of vot- made, even bY educated people. tary oriented. ROTC preserves and dying. He is willing because from page 2 ing age. If, therefore, theV form a who were complaining about the American ideas of the citizen he believes that this country and united front in presenting the some policy of the government soldier and of civilian control of an it stands for is worth fighting Students unite case for continued financial aid. They often said, at the end of the military by providing the for and if necessary, dying for. tlonal opportunity could attenuate they can constitute the balance their criticism. "But what can I. as armed forces with civilian ori- The freedom to say what one the Quality of our national life. of power ip enough vot!ng dis- one mot....idual, do about it?" If ented leadership. ROTC provides wants; the freedom to worship Hence, both prudent public pol- tricts to assure the election of a students take such a futile and the backbone of the Army 'Officer God the way one chooses; the icy and personal rights require majority of representatives who cynical attitude, they will lose the Corp, and those Americans who freedom to think, live and work that the proposed reductions in favor their cause, both at the needed financial help in their do not wish to live in a military the way one desires. One must aid to college and university federal and state levels. In these efforts to gain a higher educa- society should be thankful for its also remember that in this coun- students be rejected by the legis- activities, they ought to disregard non. They will, at the same time, existence. ROTC also provides a try, the armed forces do not start lative branches of both the na- party affiliation. To be effective) contribute to the further erosion source of competent leadership the wars.. civilian politicians do. tional and state qovernments. they must inquire of all candi- of the democratic process. They for the civilian sector. Many Pe0- Soldiers do not expect to be- Third, the unavailability of finan- dates for office, regardless of should not allow the accusation ple in top civilian positions are worshipped for what they do. But cial assistance, because of wide party. specifically how they stand that they are lobbying to weaken former ROTC. cadets. they do expect the support of the differences in tuttlon fees, will on the relevant issues and what their resolve. Washington and the Clean up Harvey Stone force many students to attend a kinds of legislation they will sup- state capitols are overrun by tax supported learning center port to sustain programs of finan- lobbyists for all kinds of causes. To the WMC Community: your bottles. Besides being a rather vthan an institution sus- ciat aid. ' Many of them are acting in the Been to Harvey Stone lately? If health hazard, it looks lousy. tained by private philanthropy. The delegations of students public interest. Some, on the you're barefooted, look. out. The There aren't many trash cans out The long term result of this which visited the Capitol on contrary, seek legislative action area is littered with beer cans' there and they're usually full but practice will be the closing of March 1. 1982, presenting the either for or against proposed and bottles. Western Maryland at least pile your bottles neatly mant of the colleges which ha....e case for a continuance of student bills primarily for selfish benefits College is a beautiful place to be beside the can. served' our society well for sev - aid, were generally welJ received Unquestionably. public financial in the spring and nothing is more Thanks, era' hundred years. Even though by their representatives in Con- assistance for students will en- fun than sipping a few beers on Cathy Hosley the students' educations m~y be gress. "On the hili." however, rich the Quality of the recipients' a lazy aftemoon. Please pick up the same Quality, under a largely large numbers of voters, either personal lives. Its preservation of presence Conservatively speaking tax supported, system the end of by their physical count heavily or by in our strength as a nation. next aca- communication, If their efforts are to be of any result will be the dissolution gaining support for specific legis- in the consequence U.S. support our dual system .which has been tatton. groups of legislation can be demic year, students will have to communications Hence, distinctive one of its most and action As now. they from persons who take go strongest features. Actions of the about this socially productive po- favor particular at any level ought to for Britain government the most unique feature most telling in gaining action Con- in litical process, they will have the to strengthen, not be calculated support of millions of their fellow the present in future and weaken, tor slate houses. Keith L Arnold of our traditional system of higher gresses depressing feature of the citizens who, hav ing themsel ves A had the advantage of a higher The media has followed the isolationists, do not understand education 1980 'elections was the failure of education. realize the need to United States reaction to the why it is any of our concern. To A desireabte reversal of pres- many of those in the recently assure the same opprtunity for in aid Falkland (and lets get this these individuals, the reply is ently not planned reductions students enfranchised 18 to 21 year old those in whose hands the future occur will unless straight right from the beginning: simple: it is our business. Monroe citizens to-vote. In some districts, of the nation rests it is Falkland) Island Crisis. And, Doctrine and OAS. agreements themselves become politically only one out of four or five cast a Earl J. McGrath of end the predictably, the Reagan admlnis- aside, any area, in this nuclear active before the year. In con- ballot. Many of these non- ....oters Former U.S. Commissioner of Ed: academic current tration has been criticized for age where war is threatening, is were college students. In the ucation their actions. ,highly important to the U.S. templating such action, students Why? The Falklands are just little After all, the left wing fringe, in islands in the Atlantic. But to the its long-standing euphoria-in-par- people who live there, they are anoid should have nothing to more than that, th-ey represent complain about. By their parame- their lives, their living, indeed, ters, the U.S. of A. should be at their world .. And the people on war by now, lending their total these islands are not Spanish, support to Britain in the interest they are not Indians, nor of third world domination and have. they ever been. They are Arian supremacy. In their disap- English, and they want to remain pointment, they have been English. I am not supporting shocked and dismayed only by colonialism. If a colony, a pos- our intelligence assistance to session, wants 10 leave the leader- Great Brittan. Conelderlnq the ship of a given nation, then so be U.N. is with us on this one, I it. But when something is taken, hardly think Reagan's imperialislT! and it does not want to go. then is showing on this one. the situation is v ery different And the right wing has had its - II is very difficult to be against complaints. Obviously in the op- Prince Andrew and the British posite direction. Conservatives, flotilla. The Argentinians have feeling our close ties with Great acted "in an aggressi ....e manner, Britain, expected a more polar- and the British have a right to be lzeo policy from their administra- angry. War-Hawk Haig's efforts in tlon. Reagan h~s surprised both shuttle-diplomacy are very adml- sides in his policies rable. t.hcpe they succeed. If it Even the neutrals have com- comes to a fight, however, I shall plaints. These factions, mostly stand with Prince Andrew.
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