Page 130 - Scrimshaw1980-81
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Scrimshaw Letter to the Editor "Thats all folks!" It has been observed by some that this year's ing the technical know-how and patience necessary to Scrimshaw editorials have been, shall we sav.inoncon- make the paper a reality. While in the layout depart- troverslat ..vacillating ... even outright wishy-washy! Could ment, it is also important 10acknowledge the debt this it be true that the most intelecmany challenging task year's Scrimshaw owes to Dave Cleveland for his that I have faced as editor this year has been trying to dedicated teaching efforts last fall. decide which side of the issue I was arguing for or And what about that editorial stall? Bob Holt has against? been on hand all year to help with writing, proofing and Well, for those of you who were confused the first the dreaded all night paste-up marathon. Keith, Terry, time around; Scrimshaw has argued against physical Pete, Adam and liz have also done more than their fair hazing, assaulting coeds in the dorm's, Jerry Fatwall's share of the work Moral Majority, apathy, vandalism, and Ihe new honors Our writers may not win many Pulitzer Prizes, but requirements. Allhe same time, these pages have been then again, they never had to give one back either lilled with calls for quieter dorms, improved college-- Thank you very much to Andi, Jeff, Chris, Kathy, Mary, town relations, and U. S. aid to EI Salvador 'Melanie, 'Billy Co', Beth, Fidy, Rob, Kim, Helga, What could possibly be clearer? Let it never be said Debbie, Eric, Sheri, Laney, Jay, Nelson, Jell, Lee, Dan" that the Scrimshaw was afraid to take a stand on the and Leslie Library hours this decision to cut back academic issues! When it come to keeping things straight, our highly facilities is not the answer to your There are many approaches to editorial writing skilled paste-up technicians have done their job every We cannot fathom the reason for financial need, nor is it in the best Whitethis year's positions may have been lacking in the time. Thanks to Karen, Janet, Fran, Bob and Judy Western Maryland College, one of the interest 01 the students fire-and-brimstone department. they have strived to deal I may be starting to sound like a contestant reading finest colleges of high academic Can you picture one of your athletic openmindedly and objectively with the issues confronting from his 'hello' list on 'Bowling for Dollars,' but my task standards, cutting back' its library teams having the lights' turned off our community. The problems which WMC faces are will not be completed without a word of gratitude for the hours. during a game il the team didn't seldom cut and dry. With at least two sides to every prolific typewriters of Pam and Mimi, Russel's calculator, The library is one of the most interest in higher education by Edu- debate, critical evaluations of all points of view can lead tee's car and Lynda's sketch pad necessary resources lor completion cators in authority in Maryland. This to the discovery of effective solutions. This is the Also not to be overlooked are my ever faithful allies of many required subjects at your can happen here. perspective which the Scrimshaw editorial staff has in the Public Information Office and the always college. How then, can the admlnrs- Plans to construct a dynamic Physi- Worked to establish throughout this past year supportive workers at The Carroll County Times. And tration, in all consciousness, deem it cal Education Complex seem propos- Granted, this approach doesn't always work. When even though they never helped stuff a six pager, I must necessary to cut back the availability terccs. How can you heat, light and the first library hours editorial appeared, the 'powers thank my roommates for paying for and re'cording of this facility? staff this complex when you can't that be' were obviously confused, They thought we messages from my 'private' telephone service. Why would you sacrifiee the aca- afford six hours worth of electricity for were asking for short.,." not longer hours for students It would be 3"'great understatement 10say that I will demic standard 01 your school? the library? There IS a great·conflict of to study. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose finish my year as Editor of the Scrimshaw with mixed Where shall the students go to do the Goals here. What are the objectives For my last editorial position, I would like to alter my emotions. The long hours of proofing, layout and past- requried research? ofl campus? Will of westerq Maryland College? usually evenhanded approach. When it comes to up will not be missed, but they will soon be forgotten professors be asked to delete re- Many educators regard the library congratulating and thanking everyone involved with the The incredible satisfaction and pride of rereading the search projects in their courses? as the most important influence on production of this year's Scrimshaw forJhe excellent job Scrimshaw for the third or fourth time on a Thursday In your efforts to maintain the the intellectual climate of an institu- they have done, there is no "other side" afternoon will not fade so quickly. These feelings, along finish within a certain time frame? tion. Wht about Western Maryland? My lirst and biggest THANK YOU goes to Sue Frost with the friendships which have developed during this Would you deprive your swimming Hopefully you will reconsider your God only knows why she has spent every Tuesday and past year, have made this an experience which I will pool, to cut back? cutbacks in the interest of "ALL" your Towson State University recently Wednesday evening for the last two semesters provid- long treasure lost two excellent faculty members students Sincerely, Exam week countdown because of cutbacks and tack of The concerned parents quality in higher education that West- 01 a student professors ask you 10 spend their continually empty ern Maryland College is known lor, Beth Williams class periods filling out instructor .. you start to review your notes and evaluation forms then the sun comes out. and you just Some of you may not naee noticed thought you were finally caught have to work on your tan! Barth lectures what's been happening around cam- up for the semester, but then your. the soap opera crowds dwindle to pus, but those of you wM have computer teacher informed you that one, and he's not worried about probably renee some very bizarre there will be a five page paper due finals, since neu fail anyway from page 1 encounter with a can of beer and a changes. The following is a list of the last day of classes. And then you see six people in your classes hearty apple. The witty aulhor re- indicators that "that" time is drawing when you go to the tibrary to do the that you've never noticed before. Barth did not discuss politics or ceived a few chuckles when he near: YOU KNOW IT'S NEARING research, you discover the books you .when people at the quad party economics last Tuesday, but rather mentioned that the twos' downfall was EXAM WEEK WHEN needed have all been checked out. • have a textbook in one hand and a the light-hearted account of a sperm in the eating of the apple you walk into the library and noth- .. the Pub's beer sales drop off, but beer in the other and an egg meeting. The characters Fred and Mimi finally do make the ing looks tarnnar except those faces munchie sales skyrocket .. Christians come out of the woo- were Ihe "swimmer", Fred, and the belated decision to travel farther you've been seeing in the Pub aJl .. you decide to go to bed early one dwork, and prayer groups start up all egg, Mimi and what Barth called a upstream and become one in a semester night to gel some sleep before finals over campus cast of hundred thousand or so extra happy and loving union, a union they Monday night the movie on TV is week arrives, and for the first time And finally, you know it's really swimmers. From here, Barth traced term that will have characteristics of Gone With the Wind; Tuesday night this semester you can't fall asleep nearing exam week when visitors to their experience up and down the both of them, yet still being only is the Spring Formal; wecnesoas the Carroll County Times stops the campus are impressed with the stream, both of them encountering one. And so ended a story with Rocky Horror Picture Show is being harping on animal mulilation and quiet, studiousness of the mature tired "swimmers", not to mention an another happy ending. shown in the forum; Thursday night is begins a series on drug abuse student • a free Springsleen concert in Towson locuing specifically on speed and you miss them all to get caught suddenly no one has time for Watertower Leaks up on your reading backgammon, conversation or even . you read all the assigned chapters M,A,S,H.I! for your Wednesday classes and your .. the coke and candy machines are Etude In Attitude Scrimshaw Robert Holt pessimism, and optimism 10 name a toward life's daily chores and prob- Since last September this column has appeared on the pages of Scrim- couple. Yet, to develop a good lems will be good, An attitude of auttude one must look beyond the dreariness and gloom about living will Editor ,,,;,;, •..•....••••••.•..•.•.••.•••••.•.••••••••••••••••••.••••.....••••.•••~.~~' shaw. No big deal. It was often read labels and infamous "isms" There only fitl one's experiences with sour Managing t:.c News Editor in the morning and forgotten by the are as many attitudes as things and grapes. It all depends on whether Feature Editor... . Robert Holt afternoon. However, at some obscure people that one can encounter in life, you wish to see life from a positive or Sports Editor .............. lizSi~enthaler moment I wrote my usual article, and and one must develop a separate negative viewpoint. The viewpoint one Science Editor .. .. Terry Dam a reply to the article appeared in the attitude for each element of life, One chases to take will determine the Business Manager. .. Russell Johnson next issue that was to lift this column attitude does not serve for all things, quality of experiences that will be Photography Editor. Adam Wright from a veiled existence. In tnat reply unless you happen to be cro-mecnon encountered Ad Layout ... Janet Trainor was the statement. "Get A Real Man. An attitude is a personal emo- Yet are we that independent in Artist Lynda Boyer Attitude Bob! tion or feeling that is expressed about choosinq and developing our atti- tudes about life? Are not our attitudes At first I did not know what to think some thing or event. It is a combina- Layout about the situation, I was not aware, tion of mind and soul, past and byproducts of the influences of our that I did not have an attitude, Many present experiences. upbringing, friends and associates, Distribution Manager times I had been told to get a job, However, all attitudes are as real as and our past experiences? but I had never been told to get an lypist attitude. Then seeing that I had been the people who espouse them. Peo- Correction ple can have a good or bad altitude, Published by and for the students of Western Maryland College. The blessed with enough material for at but rarely does a person not have an opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect least two more columns,{ commenced attitude. Your attitude on the various those of the staff or administration to investigate that ambiguous word, experiences that you wit! encounter Scrimshaw regrets the unusual con- We welcome comments andlor suggestions. Please address all mail attitude depends on your outlook on life, If tortions of the following names in the to Scrimshaw, Box 1, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Now there are many types of one has a hopeful and cheery view badminton results last week Patsy 21157 attitudes. There is cynicism, sarcasm on life, then most likely one's attitude Moyles and Jody Morrison
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