Page 131 - Scrimshaw1980-81
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May 14, 1981 Scrimshaw page :I .- Science Student support The humanistic vein needed for Fall-fest Andi Yob Terry Dom Beginning Saturday, September 9, pus together in a week of good times How does science interact with yet each is a part of the humanist not the center of the Universe His 1981 through Sunday, September 27, and profit sharing. The merchants of other disciplines? All of Ihe sciences, system. proposition was considered blasphe- 1981 the Westminster Fall Fest will Westminster encourage all WMC stu- any organizatioo of knowledge and Philosopher Julian Huxley supports mous and heretical by the Church, take place on Main Street. Students cents to come out and participate in learning, have shared connotations, this humanist system policy. He sees hence his condemnation. of WMC will return in September to their own fund raisers that week by and yet. a degree of separation of man as living in two worlds at Investigators will be trying to Show the music and merriment of the third organizing a booth, displaying some - ""eltlSI'OCCurs between them. Some- diHerent levels of meaning-the world that there never was a conflict be- annual festival which will bring the talent. or just come out and enjoy college community out amongst Ihe Organizations are already contribut- times, science is viewed almost like a of matter and mechanical operations. culture apart from the culture which and that of mind and psychological tween the science of Galileo and the merchants and consumers of West- ing 10 the cause by adding booths, religion of the Church. The question we live in. This marginal position and operations-the level of materiat needs still remains, is there or can there be minster, Maryland balloon ascensions, and perform- appreciation of science should be- and that of mental satisfaction a science-religion conflict even Attractions highlighted in this week ances to the festivities. Persons and come more central. The ultimate human quest, there- today? There has been much furor of frolic parallel the activities featured organizations interested in participat- Science molds modern thought. Its fore, should involve both goals of over the investigation. and that, in at the recent May Day festivities held ing are urged to contact Veronica role is acquired because of science's success and those of value and itself, indicates the difficulty of an- on the WMC campus. Bands, con- Destito as soon as possible so that closeness to the realties 01 the meaning. Some people, however, feel swering that question tests. races, auctions, singers, scav- arrangements may be made present and also to the problems of that there exists an interest crisis of Such separation of interests must enger hunts, weight lifting Pleasure seekers of all types will be the future. Science clarifies man's convergence of the different disci- end, and meaningful communication competition, treasurer hunts, rides, sure to find something to suit their relationship to the universe, and this plines because of conflicting ideas between all disciplines begin. Cross- booths and a host of other activities taste since the range of entertainment must be resolved before human na- and values. The most anmant exists purposes could be dangerous to will be the thing to look for is so broad, Whether you be a ture can be framed in the metaphysi- between science and religion civilization. says C. P. Snow, a sci- The Merchants Association of West- passerby, or actively envolved. a cal terms of philosophical, religious An example of this omnipresent ence-minded writer, "In a time when minster have sought to make the good time is guaranteed to all at Fall and political stances duel is evident in the Catholic science is determining much of our September festival a yearly extravi- Fest '81 Science can not be fully appre- Church's current re-examination of destiny, that is whether we live or die, ganza. bringing the town and cam-, hended unless it is intersticed in the the case of Galilee, a 16th to 17th it is dangerous not to communicate" framework of modern culture, thereby century ltalien mathematician, astron- Ideas and values must be recon- being a part and not apart. There omer and physicist, and his condem- ciled in some renascent philosophical Cadets leap for should exist a collective action be- nation by the Inquisition in 1633 approach and integrated into some tween the arts, the sciences and Galileo believed and taught that the new humanist system. The health of • religion. All are distinct disciplines. Earthrevolves around the Sun and is our culture depends upon this unity Armed Forces Andi Yob A proud celebration Western Maryland ROTC airborne -ucec in wars since the Civil War. Its On Saturday, May 16 at 11:00 am. soldiers who have served and seen- cadets, Betsy Malkus, Dan Meyers. Carl Neely. Sherie Bullard and Scott prime objective is to reflect on the loss of those who have served as well Martin, trained through the Army as to rekindle support and patriotism Airborne course in Fort Benning, Ga. The Senior PRIDE Campaign fin- celebration on the Pride of Baltimore, the Publicity Office. Guests of honor will be executing parachute jumps lost since the raging war in View ished on a successful note as 203 docked in the Inner Harber, on expected to be present include Dr from an elevation of 1500 feet in Nam seniors pledged a total of $3.925.42, Tuesday, May 12. Baltimore Mayor and Mrs. John, James Ridenour. Vice celebration of Armed Forces Day The jumps will be executed at the with pledge cards still coming in WilliamDonald Schaefer wi~ proclaim President for Development. members Included in the festivities of the day road junction of Lemmon Road and Approximately B4 percent of those May 12 "Western Maryland College of the Board of Trustees, along with will be airborne cadets from Loyola old Bachman's Valley Road, Westmin- seniors contacted participated in Senior PRIDE Day" in honor of the WMAR-TV's Susan White-Bowden College, GettySburg College and the ster. The officer in charge will be celebration. All Ihe PRI~E workers whose daughter graduated from University of Delaware. The cadets Captain Donald Schenk, the Drop ~;~~~, P:i~hE t~~ed~:~r~;ng~2a{;~~ are to be in attendance, including WMC last year, and two alumnae. will be twenty in number and will Zone Safety officer will be Captain $19.81 or more. When questioned Dudley Keller, the chairpersons, cap- WMAA-TV Director of Public Affairs engage in such daring feats as group Mike Mauldin and the Primary Jump- about her response to the results. ttens. agents, Dudley's secretary, Janel Covington, and one of Mayor jumps or "multiple passes" master will be SFC Gary Baura The Dudley Keller. Development coordina- Betsy O'Brien, as well as people from Schaefer's top aides, Joan Bereska Arms Forces Day pays tribute to the event is open to the public in com- tor of the campaign, stated ''I'm memoration of all war heroes ecstatic. I'm so proud of the class of Freshman reflections 1981, that I'm gOing to pledge $19.81." In comparing 1981's contribution 1980-81 at WMC: a review with Alumni giving in fiscal t980, one has to go back to the class of '59 to Andi Yob find a class that contributed more It all started when I waved I quickly linked up with a band of than '81 will in fiscal 1982, as a result good-bye to my father after unload- girls on my hall--also freshmen, and dulging in "binges at Baughers" ....ref- lunch with me . when I believed of Senior PRIDE. More pledges could ing my belongings lor my first year at we proceeded to fill all the cliche using to drink milk the first three showers were used 'only 10 cleanse potentially come in from 28 Decem- Western Maryland College when stereotypic roles as the upper class- months of school because you one's body, but soon realized their ber or January graduates, who have someone asked me if I had matrfcu- men sat back and gloated in their couldn't figure out .how to milk the multi-facited used of storing kegs and been contacted by mail and from 20- lated yet. Here I was, ten minutes into know-how machine in the cafe....frantic all-nigh- grain punch ....trying to get the Greek on-campus seniors who could not be my college career and someone was When I entered my first forum party, ters before exams....crying over read- labels right and inventing the new ing assignments that extended over 'fraternity of Phi Delta Mu...waiting for contacted personally harassing me. I was depressed and purse in hand. amazed at beer being five pages ....experiencing sudden the surf on Blanche Beach... attend- Dudley attributes the success of the alone. I retorted with a "No, I'm not offered up at 25 cents a chug, as downpurs from third floor section ing section parties promptl", at campaign to the advance orqaniza- into drugs--thanks anyway," and pro- opposed to Hooligan's $t .25 charge, windows....thinking backgammon was 9:00....clique dining. gOing to a sec- tion. She, furthermore, expressed her ceeoeo to become engrossed in my I experienced a sudden rush of just a board game....not attending the ton party dressed in Sunday best thanks to Joyce Muller, Director of unpacking event in I had adulthood for beating the sys- famed freshman/sophomore for- and unlocking your door at 3:00 am Public Information. and Cindy Keefer, forgotten little things like a refrigerator tem....freshmen, the campus 'wide under the delusion that doused in beer....thinking a bong was Assistant Director, for their help in and curtains and my room looked like were starving because class conflicts dancing was to be done on floors a Chinese instrument played in the compiling materials for the campaign a penitentiary compared to the posh caused face the prospect of only" ..expecting Ihe Preachers to be Peking Symphony Or c he s- She also noted that the program ran rooms of my junior/senior .neighbors eating alone each day .. believing the clothed in monestary robes-prayer- tra crushed by the C in 'big smoothly because the senior chair- They hugged each other "hello" and racking was a method of hanging books in hand-chanting spiritual mes- Bioi watching the sun rise trom a person, captains and agents all per- "welcome back" as I held.a bag of your clothes to dry....thinking BWI sages as they roamed the room in the Quad or the golf formed their duties efficiently linens and gol in everyone's way was just an airport....making a table campus...wondering why one day 30 course....laughing now....ready and Despite the campaign's success I entered the year full force, ready reservation at East End revern.. in- guys named ArT sat down to eat primed for the rank of sophomore Dudley pointed out that several as- for the challenge it had to offer. I was ~:tts y~a;R~; ~:I~p~; i~~:OV:x~ ~:;~:~: ~~~an~~~a~~i~~ati:, ~; r----------, • " ~~g:hu~l; ~~:~~~V:I~ Xerox Copies 10, ~~~:~e~int~~~ ~~~~in!~I~e a~~;P~~~~ :~~-t~e~~:;.I~ time to contact all seniors personalv of .the foreign film classics for the New Day HOUSE OF LIQUORS Dudley considers the personal con- cultural aspects of my education Ca't'l.otl 9taza, tact extremely important to the cam- which all the manuals boasted of. I CW£:l.tmln~t£t Copy Center Special :Iii~~~~ t~~~~~:s~e~:rr~~s:r,c~u~~ ~~~in;t:~:h ~~r~~eHf:~~;'~a~~; be divIded in a less random fashion, of the SGA and somewhere along the enabliAg agents to solicit pledges from line I gave into peer pressure and GOY,W. Main St. Stroh. 12 pk. $4.29 classmates that they know fairly well matriculated to be counted as one of As we went to press, the PRIDE the WMC elite Westminster workers wer9 "'ltir.ip3ting their victory expires 5114/81 876-7732 ... ~~
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