Page 129 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 129
Scrimshaw Western Maryland College Thursday, May 14, 1981 Volume XIII Number 11 Fidy Kuo a certain appeal for upperclassmen Rouzer Hal" formally an all-mens' to retmain in Rouzer Hall. These male dorm, will be turning cooed next fall upperclassmen would be able to While the idea of cooed living is not integrate and associate with the new at WMC, with ecence Hall, freshmen, as well as fraternize with Chandler House and the like, the new the women in the same hall arrangement for women to move to The moving of women into Rouzer Rouzer signals two new things. First, also indicates the growing trend of is the desire, on the WMC administra- female applicants, qualified to come tion's part, to make Rouzer more to WMC, outnumbering the male the happening, appealing Second, with Rouzer's presence co- 01 applicants. housing Since must this be is sought else- turning women. more Rouzer ed qualified high the school female appli- of where, then dorms, just such traditional all- Whiteford 1!j11J~ -nurnber the growing indicates as womens' cants thai outnumber their male or Blanche. For now, increased hous- counterparts, for a place in this ing for women is being sought after in .... ~~::~~!lgIii.._.....;;;...; goes school traditional for most male Rouzer incoming be 18 spaces on the aside It is usually set There -will students, after their freshmen year in women right for the Rouzer', to seek housing elsewhere. wing of the first floor. For privacy, for locking up at night will belong to When the ex-freshmen migrate to the doors will be added onto the rest- -- Ihe women themselves coed Quad, year, or elsewhere, only for space their is left usually for rooms. the and shower room, will For be security, who This appeal elect also extends to women, The cooed living planning arrangements fresh- placed a curtain the men to live in Rouzer. over may housing request male freshmen incoming living anyone, Rouzer, and with most of the upper- locks lead will inlo be the added section, onto and all doors cooed interesting arrangements to may living prove in live short, in Rouzer will who not doesn't I an alternative a wall that have classmen gone, the new freshmen with a door, will be placed before the all-women dorms, or campus houses: will be plenty of volunteers miss the opportunity to integrate and hall that is accesible by the elevator as Connor also pointed out. Current head resident of aesccrate with their male upperclass- As like in all wornens' dorms, the The cooed living arrangements are Kevin Brown said that if men classmates Rouzer womens' section will be expected to work out. The 18 spaces Caryl Connor, Student Housing sealed off at night. However, as Dean were open to selection, during room Representative, stated that the pres- Laioraw. Dean of Student Housing, drawing, and some women were ence of women in Rouzer might add pointed out, the main responsibility already enthusiastically in favor of it A four year let down? "The birds Graduation uncertcdn ty and Bill Byrne uation criteria found in the college can mean disappointment for hopeful. up) and a C letter grade minimum in the bees" A tew unhappy seniors learn every handbooks, failure to meet just one ot graduates. 30 credit hours worth of courses in a spring that there is more than one the various Basic Liberal Arts Re- Two crucial requirements are an student's major According to WMC way not to graduate Irom Western quirements (BLAR), major, credit hour overall G.P.A, of 2.0 or better (for thrs Registrar l:i!d9h Dawkins, these de- Beth Williams Maryland College. According to grad- or grade point average requirements requirement. 1.999 ... is not rounded mands are non-negotiable Speaking on the topic of the birds Potential graduates also lace a and the bees last Tuesday was 01 multitude of BLAR, major and transfer John Barth, the popular author and lecturer from The Johns Hopkins credit requirements. Dawkins ex- University. Actually, the topic of the plained that when students come up talk was thinly veiled and disguised, short in these areas, a case by case depicling the union 01 a sperm and approach is adopted and special an egg, respectively named Fred and arrangements can sometimes be Mimi The lecture was a reading from made depending on individual Cir- a forthcoming book of Barth's which cumstances he read in an abridged form In an effort to help seniors avoid Barth, a native eastern shore Mary- overlooking BLAR requirements, lander, has received much acclaim Dawkins instituted the Registrar Of- for his intellectual and wifty books, fice's junior appointment program which include Lost In e Funhou5e, some five or six years ago Assistant Chimers, The Sot-Weed Factor, and Registrar at that time, Dawkins felt The End of the Road, The topics of that spring of the junior year was an his novels range from the marshes of ideal time to consult with students the Eastern Shore to adaptations and concerning their graduation status revisions of older works The appointment program was de- Barth attended The Johns Hopkins signed to offer students an opportun- University and is presently teaching ity to double check what writing seminars there. He has been requirements they still needed to with Hopkins since 1979 when he meet in order to graduate was asked to come back to his alma Dawkins stated thai if a student was mater and teach ever ecveeo incorrectly concerning This is not the first time Barth has his graduation status at one of these spoke at Western Maryland Barth appointments (ie he was given cred- delivered the commencement ad- itsin certain areas that he had not yet dress to 1973 WMC graduates in earned), this misdirection would not what Dr. Keith Richwine called the best of the addresses in recent !pr~~:n~t;~e g~a~~~t~~~blems with the memory. Dr Richwine, head of the English Department, introduced Barth -~I ~;~~~f:,~~!~~ntt~e~. t~~~;~i~9st~~ last Tuesday night. Citing Barth's leeter Lester (Max Dixon) faced the task of holding his -povertv stricken family Dawkins, some 20 percent of this many honors and accomplishments in together in the wake of the Great Depression in last weekend's WMC production year's Junior class has yet to take the academic and literary worlds of "Tobacco Road." advantage of this program continued to page 2
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