Page 92 - Scrimshaw1978-79
P. 92
page & Scrimshaw Thursday,-April19,1979 Candidates from Class of 1982 Vice-President Treasurer Steve Gersh Randee Ron Antlitz Corjie Simmons To the class of 'S2: W-h.desheim When Lbegan to consider the ~:I~C~!h~e~~a:ii~ ~hyiC~U~~ii~~s~~~ As our final semester as With the ending of our first full election of officers for the year of college, it comes time to Fellow Freshpersons. sophomore class of '82 several office freshmen draws to a close many of are start to think about our year The time has come again to questions came to mind: L What I am choosing the office of us sophomore thinking ahead to our year. A year that could, ahead. As a class we have had a carefully select the officers of the are the issues facing the officers of treasurer for two reasons: I. I with organization and par- very successful year, Hopefully Class of 1982. I won't give a long the class of 'S2? 2. What should the have served as: treasurer of my our second year of college will run list of my credentials, nor will I qualifications be for. the people chapter of the Order of DeMolay. ticipation, be fantastic. Jt-is my iust as smooth as, or even better give any shallow promises who will deal with these issues? 3 many leadership positions in- opinion that this class has that 'han our first However, I feel that I can sue- How can I best work to effect the cluding S.P.L. of my scout troop, potential In running for As a vice- presidential candidate cessfully face the responsibilities way in which these issues will be and I was a member of my .jr. and s.2pho~ore class treasurer,. I there is only one promise that I of the office of Vice President. dell with? Sf. class steering committees. would like to help get that potential could .make to the class of 1982. Please consider me. Randee In an attempt to answer the first Secondly, ,and I feel more im- .working for the benefit of all of us. That IS that I will work hard to Windesheim. when voting on April question r considered our class portantly, as treasurer I would I am looking forward to seeing this make the class of 19112the best it 24th. officers from this year, what have have an imput in the meetings of class working together on many can possibly be. Thank You they been able to accomplish, and the class officers and I will be able fun and successful projects. Are you? Thank You what haven't they been able to to work toward greater. class Steve Gersh accomplish. This years freshman participation. CorjieSimmons Vice-presidential candidate class officers have been able to As your treasurer ~y .plan to TJ''h TJ' Class of 1982 . 1R oom schedule one fundraiser. pub namely a increase' two parts: participation will in- Class of 1981 class , L I would consist freshman-sophomore event, ~ j e ~rauma 0 which will bring some money into stitute a policy of class meetings to Treasurer our class. be held twice a 'month. These Drawing Approaches no~~~;;h:~c~~':lii~~~i~7h:~~~~~~ meetings will have-a regular day a time. and 2. I would institute annexes are coed - 127 PA House. class participation seems to come system where most of the work Russell continued from page 1 163 PA House, Chandler and up. Since taking over our officers done by the class will be done in exception of the apartments Elderdice. For-lines, 185 PA House haven't been able to hold even one committees. Johnson Monday night, Seniors will pick and 195 PA House are reserved for general class meeting. And there So on April 24, when you v?te, I their rooms by lot numbers. Next women. The remaining annexes" has been no means for the average ask you to consider my candidacy come Junior squatters and then 169 PA House and 193 PA House, fre~h~an to _participate III ~he and my ideas. But more im Do you have the audacity to Juniors by numbers. are reserved for all men deCISIOn making process which portantly I encourage you to speak Tuesday, floor plans for all You donot need a roommate in will~ffecthis.c!ass: with your class officers ~nd w.ork ~~~It ::Uli~~er~~~ti~~:~ !~~n~a~~ residences will be posted in Decker order to draw a room, but you must With participation being the toward greater class participation deviate the discussion at issue? College .center. Those rooms designate one' by the end of the issue, I decided that I can best Ron AntIitz Russel Johnson already drawn, will be crossed out semester. If you fail to do so, you is reserved + Wednesday night the remaining risk forfeiting your right to that students, next year's Sophomore room, claims Jeff Palkovitz. If you class, will be able to squat and then fail to select one, you may choose those who chose by numbers will from a list of others who need be last. roommates. If you still can', find Certain rooms on each floor are someone, you will be given a reserved for fraternities and roommate at random. Resident Assistants prior to room Anyone with a medical problem draw. A certain number of rooms may apply for a single. If you are aI\otted on every floor for the qualify, your room freshmen incoming ., The floors will remain are left FAC's The before room drawing procedure of the and Committee open until The Housing of eight people who the allotted SGA consists number floor will then be closed and all concern themselves with the 243-1456 I Ir.::;;:-;:;;-;u\;;:;;- __ l ~::~~~~gcl~~ilS will go to the rp:::,:oc:::,,:::,:of:::m:::om~d':::'w"'. Visit our Center The annexes on campus are open • FISH AND TESTPlI'IUnOIl to all classes. No applications are S'IClllIST$ $',"E 1'31 necessary. All annexes are on :./\~,' FEATHER 3121 St. ' ... 1, Baltimore, Maryland 21218 PET SHOP Center5 in Mlior U5 Cities Toronto, Puerto Rico and tUiano, Switzerl,nlf ~:y~~~i;';;o:sxe~ei~~th~~S~~~ _ reserved to women. The following (l[ocktp'S' llrabtrn 27 Westminster Shopping Center .~,~ 216E,MainSt Westminster. Md. 21157 10% discount to all students .-!'i» 848·4202 REC.RD II. Lee Cambas Phone 876-7047 ~'. . .. in olde Westminster College lD required GALLERY ':==~~~~~:====J OS & GINNY'S \ Happy HOlJrMonday thrOlJgh Friday 4·6 pm (301) fDiseount~ "THE PIT" Wa5hington 848·1441 Batte. Phone: 876-6868 Rd. at Green St., We5tminster, Md. 21157 Beeord .. '" Presents 2 New Additions to The Menu! TACOS AND Breakfast Bob Welch Lunch Three Hearts $5.99 BREADED MUSHROOMS Dinner Eddie Money 452 E. Main St. Open for Lunch 11 :00 AM - 1:00 AM Life for the Taking $4.97 Sob & Pizza Specialists Super Tramp Breakfast in America $4.99. Daily Specials Soft Ice Cream Bad Company Desolation Angels $4.99 , FAIRGROUND VILLAGE CENTER Sundaes 330 ONE FORTY VILLAGE ROAD A short walk 848.3939 Warm Ups by: Puma Tiger, Etonic, Spa-But, Adidas. from campus Banana Splits WESTMINSTE·R, 21157 MARYLAND 876.6700 ~========'~~~-------------- Open 6 AM til 12 Brooks Converse, New Balance Rt. 140 Westminster 140 Village Shopp;ng Centl!r 10% Discount with ID 857-4878 Saturday and Sunday 848-9110
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